Just today an interchange with someone who has their own website, even published works. I'm seeing increasingly that these folks have their own ideas and if anyone isn't completley onboard with THEM, they are dirt, plain and simple.
I shared an incredible article, sent it out to several and this was the first response back, but not the first time this has happened. A few over the years of traveling the net trying to find, fellowship and share with like minded believers, the pompous puffed up mindset that they are right and everyone else is wrong and top that off with putting words out there that were not mine, I didn't say it which is also an increasingly disturbing trend seen.
I think the bottom line is the narrow minded views of these folks which truly is a hindrance to psiritual growth.
What I post on this site is outsdie the boxes found everywhere else. It doesn't mean this is the be all, end all and you MUST go this way. It just means "Consider this and pray on it".
What's wrong with that, why do so many go against that and how is it that the masses follow those with closed minds????
Why do people come back with words not spoken by others then others believe you said that and they don't ask the person accused????
This world truly has gone mad.
Okay, have to add this. God is SO GOOD!!! I just received the NT bible called the PURE WORD. This version is a more correctly translated Greek to English and it is somewhat fractured to read it, but also seems to be more clear. Anyway, I began reading it last night beginning with Matthew and in chapter 5:11,12 and 44 verses which Jesus tells us about evil words spoken against us, lies and persecution and to count it all joy for our reward will be great. I really needed that. I know I have to change my mindset when encountering hostil people which truly, they are hostile for no rational reason and I should know that if there is no rational reason then there is only one asnwer: It Is the devil, demonic possesion in those who respond with vitriol with no sound basis for doing so. Unclean spirits influence and we can each fall prey, it doesn't matter how righteous we might think we are.
I can't say WHY reading this version is the one which helped me to finally SEE those verses, but I am so glad they did becasue after this latest attack I was feeling so heavy inside and the sheer weight of being attacked when there is no justifiable reason is one of the worst ever feelings. I let the enemy do that to me! Come on! Can I get a witness??
Not bragging, just fact, been reading and studying Scripture since 1985 and isn't it amazing how we can read the same things over and over and over and not see something we need until we need it?? We truly do serve an amazing Father and Son!