This Website will most likely stand alone in the concepts taught. Everything shared is mostly presented how it has been revealed during many exhaustive hours of studying.
The concepts are those that are unique in that they do not follow the status quo. These teachings are not offered for the purpose of debate or argument, only to provide another view and offer up a way to see something not yet considered. However, discussion and questions in a respectful way are highly encouraged. In the end, only YHWH God can confirm whether what has been presented is truth or not.
We believe in the Son of God and YHWH the Most High. We believe He was sent to be propitiation for our sins through faith in His blood. We know Him by a few names, those being Jesus Christ, EHYEHshua ha Meshiach, The Great I AM.
We teach about His blood verses the blood of animals and how the patterns of corruptible animal sacrifice laid out in the Torah, is and was the foreshadowing to help understand the difference between corruptible temporary animal blood and the Divine Eternal Sinless Blood that finally atones once and for all.
We teach about the incredible patterns shown in Torah that relate PRECISELY to the destiny of Israel and the world. That these patterns have been revealed and will be revealed in these last days. That these same patterns can be found in the Book of Jubilees and Enoch that offer a way to understand why the 1st month is laid out the way it is (why is Passover on the 14th day of the 1st month?) (What does the Feast of Unleavened Bread really mean?)
We teach about YHWH's commandments of CLEAN and UNCLEAN and show how these concepts are CRUCIAL to understanding the true and proper feast days of YHWH God.
We believe the Sabbath is the Seventh Day and the seven day cycle has NOT BEEN BROKEN since the beginning of Creation. We believe that the 7th day cycle is imperative and crucial to understanding the Divine Year Calendar found in the Qumran documents. As far as we know, this calendar is not practiced here on earth by any one specific group. While some do attempt it, they use the sun, moon and/or barley to determine the beignning which God never declared this in His Word.
We believe and encourage studying Scripture from various translations but that the King James Version (KJV1611) is and should be a primary.
We believe and strongly encourage learning the Hebrew and Greek words, the true meanings of what is presented in English. Using e-Sword has proven to be an excellent tool, you'll find the link here. We encourage digging into the levels given in each word definition going into the word trails to glean more from each word.
We believe the words of Isaiah 5:20 in that other ancient writings that are scoffed at, contain truth that can richly enhance and unlock certain mysterious verses found in Scripture.
We believe in the books of Enoch, Jubilees and Jasher, among other writings. We believe that the Apocrypha which has been removed from the mainstream Christian bibles also contain certain truths which should be studied and understood for these modern times in which we live.
We believe in the 364 day Divine Year Calendar as it is outlaid in the Book of Enoch and that it is a Sabbath Framed system which when understood, unlocks and answers clearly, confusing verses which have allowed scoffers to debunk the Bible.
We do not believe that this 364 DY calendar is lunar based, solar based or aviv based as other concepts proclaim. Perhaps once the intercalary Sabbaths might have aligned with the sun, but that also is speculation at this point.
We believe in keeping an open mind, considering all things, taking them to the Father, asking for Him to confirm through prayer in the Name of Jesus Christ.
We believe that the nation of Israel has been scattered and still exists. That to call anyone who adheres to Torah by the name of Jew (pertains to modern day Judaism and the practice thereof only) is a mistake and misleading. That the nation of Israel can be found among those of both Judaism and the Christian faith all over the world. Jesus said He came for the lost sheep of the House of Israel and then He also said that His sheep hear His voice. It is our belief that those who give themselves to Jesus Christ, believing He is the risen Son of God who atoned for our sins, are those who hear His voice.
We encourage members and others to understand and embrace that GOD is the final Word in all matters. That His Word given to us in our Bibles, should be considered above all of man's doctrinal views in which most are schooled through traditions of the mainstream church and in Judaism.
All of these things require one to think outside the box of what they have been taught. To wipe clean the slate of your mind and consider what God really has to say to His people. If you believe you are ready, then let's begin!
About This Site:
While the information provided on this site might be radically different than the majority out there, the founder believes with all their heart that they have been shown truths that others have missed. This not stated in any spirit of arrogance, but the concepts you will find here, have been tested through prayers asking over and over again for confirmation, because, so many have come against these ideas and concepts.
The ideas and concepts given are not to incite arguing. They have indeed come about through one's own personal experiences as they have studied. Whether right or wrong is for the reader to decide in their hearts, in the quiet place of their souls and asking for themselves for confirmations, from above. Healthy debate is welcome and most especially the using of scripture to support their arguments.
It is asked that those who come here must have a sincere heart to seek out truth, that they must always seek the Father for discernment both BEFORE and AFTER reading anything on this site.
It is the author's hope that all who come here will truly be blessed by the works presented.
Supports the Enoch Calendar and will show why and how it works and especially how it reveals understanding in some mysterious verses in Scripture, opening up the Word in new ways.
That keeping Torah, the loving Teaching and Instruction of YHWH for His people Israel, is not a burden but instead allows for blessings from above to pour out upon those who keep it with a sincerity and purity of heart.
That the Sabbath is an important key to understanding the Calendar, times and much more.
That the 7th day we call Saturday, is indeed the 7th day that YHWH God set apart for rest and made it Holy and how we can see it in the languages of the nations also.
Will show the relationship of patterns and parallels revealed in the Word once the torah is studied and understood.
Will teach Clean from Unclean concepts and how knowing these things allows us to know YHWH God and His Appointed Times and the relationship between clean, righteousness, sanctification and being set apart.
Will teach and show the difference between a LIVING God and what that means.
Teach how to understand the difference between LIFE and DEATH concepts, how this will help us to know the One True LIVING God.
Will show how the sounds of letters reveal more about the Name. That these sounds and clues can be found in the languages of the nations.
Will show how EHYEHshua kept the Torah in ways not taught or readily apparent and that the Divine Calendar and knowing the Torah patterns will make these concepts easier to identify.
That the KJV is a very special Bible (not the modern versions we have today).
That studying from many versions is better than one.
Will teach the Hebrew Alephbet.
Will show that Jesus/EHYEHshua is all over the Torah, the Tanach and even in the New Testament in places we cannot see. (Aleph Tau).
Will teach to show who the 144k are. What is meant by the word "saint".
Will teach Torah using the "Law of first mention" rule.
Will show that the lunar calendar used by Judaism belongs to other religions, not Israel.
Will teach and show who Israel is today and how that is relevant and important to both Jew and Christian.
Will teach that race or color of skin is used by the enemy to divide and cause hate, anger and hostility. That there are only two races on this earth: Good and Evil. The children of Light and the children of Dark and that they come in all colors, races, ethnicities, creeds, genders, etc.
Will teach and show that America is indeed in prophecy. That Christians are of the lost House of Israel and these are the sheep that EHYEHshua/Jesus was referring to.
Will attempt to provide answers to some of the most debated verses found in scripture.
Welcome! THe site will undergo some changes as we go along. Hopefully fine tuning to get it just right.