Unless We Know
9 November, 2013
Many events came together to bring in this understanding. Nothing is by chance. In the space of one year, this year of 2013 several things occurred: First, a certain book that had startling information about military vaccine experiments. Then my son begins to tell me what he learned in Science about viruses and how they are not motile (basically dead). I looked up the word "virus" and it is Latin for "poison". While getting ready to retire for the evening later, I was thinking about what my son had said about viruses not being motile and it came to me about what is written of in Scripture regarding LIFE and DEATH; Blessing and Curse, Good and Evil. Even more so about the blood:
Lev 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.
That putting something directly into the bloodstream was not natural and that putting something that was essentially dead (a virus) into our blood could damage us. I put together a quick topic and posted it on a social website I had belonged to.
I received an email from a certain person on the forum who had read it and he shared with me a video about the vaccine experiments. Then receiving an issue of VFW Magazine which had an article about Gulf War Symptoms. Through watching the video, I began searching for more information and found a book and purchased it. This was the final piece of the puzzle. documented proof along with so many other victims who have mirrored my own symptoms.
While my experience is not isolated, it is being ignored by the very organization who is directly responsible. While my experience might be considered somewhat recent, this has been going on for millennia and only serious word studies in scripture can reveal how these things are all tied together. Below is what I initially put together. I am torn between cleaning it up some, or leaving it the way it is. The raw emotion is in this. Somehow, I think taking it out would remove something from it. So please bear with it and I hope the message is made clear.
Rev_9:21 NeitherG2532 G3756 repentedG3340 they ofG1537 theirG848 murders,G5408 norG3777 ofG1537 theirG848 sorceries,G5331 norG3777 ofG1537 theirG848 fornication,G4202 norG3777 ofG1537 theirG848 thefts.G2809
Rev_18:23 AndG2532 the lightG5457 of a candleG3088 shall shineG5316 no more at allG2089 G3364 inG1722 thee;G4671 andG2532 the voiceG5456 of the bridegroomG3566 andG2532 of the brideG3565 shall be heardG191 no more at allG2089 G3364 inG1722 thee:G4671 forG3754 thyG4675 merchantsG1713 wereG2258 theG3588 great menG3175 of theG3588 earth;G1093 forG3754 byG1722 thyG4675 sorceriesG5331 were allG3956 nationsG1484 deceived.G4105
G5331 "sorceries"
From G5332; medication (“pharmacy”), that is, (by extension) magic (literal or figurative): - sorcery, witchcraft.
From φάρμακον pharmakon (a drug, that is, spell giving potion); a druggist (“pharmacist”) or poisoner, that is, (by extension) a magician: - sorcerer.
Below is what I found as the definition of VIRUS:
The word is from the Latin virus referring to poison and other noxious substances, first used in English in 1392.[10] Virulent, from Latin virulentus (poisonous), dates to 1400.[11] A meaning of "agent that causes infectious disease" is first recorded in 1728,[10] before the discovery of viruses by Dmitri Ivanovsky in 1892. The plural is viruses. The adjective viral dates to 1948.[12] The term virion (plural virions), which dates from 1959,[13] is also used to refer to a single, stable infective viral particle that is released from the cell and is fully capable of infecting other cells of the same type.[14] >>End of Definition
Further conversation with my son reveals that viruses can be "programmed" in that they carry their own DNA. When they "float" like a buoy in the water (in the blood once injected into), they can "bump" into healthy cells and attach themselves and then breach the cell wall and "change" the DNA structure of said cell. Also, then this now infected cell gets instruction from the virus and begins to replicate. This is one definition of disease at the cellular level.
In 1990, I had already been serving in one branch of the armed services for 9 years. That summer, on August 5th, I received a certain immunization to which within 30 minutes of receiving I was rushed to the ER on base. It's not necessary to describe what happened or the details, just suffice it to say, it was severe. So severe in fact, I was unable to recover enough to drive my own vehicle home that day. I was in that ER for over 4 hours. I have no memory of that amount of time. Two weeks later, I succumbed to several severe symptoms or maladies over the course of about 6 months. I cannot even begin to describe what pain and suffering I went through, agony, near death, yet no doctor was able to determine what was wrong. I lost weight and went down to skin and bones literally at 92lbs. A mere shadow of my former self. I ate almost nothing during the time of severe vertigo, constant 102 deg fever, extremely agonizing headaches, extremely agonizing chest pains, and a fatigue beyond anything you can imagine.
During this time, my neighbors became increasingly concerned. So much so, they arranged for me to see their doctor. The only thing he could determine was that my cholesterol was high. It had never been high before this event.
Eventually, after those several months past, I began a slow recovery, but from that time on, I have been plagued with all sorts of odd and strange conditions -again- for which no doctor could find anything through conventional testing.
In 1999, my enlistment expired and I did not stay in even when so close to retirement. Life just threw some curveballs during that same time that just made it impossible for me to stay in or even try to go back in later. I now believe YHWH was protecting me.
Now, fast forward somewhat to 2008. Still ill and finding no answers with conventional medicine, I sought out a naturopathic doctor. She administered a controversial diagnostic procedure which yielded information about my health.
Since almost ten years had passed since I left the military, I never made mention of that history to her prior to the administering of that procedure. Yet, she called me when the results were ready and she had to break up the consultation into two visits because of how extensive the reported results were.
Imagine my shock, surprise and deep hurt and feeling of betrayal by my own "guvurnmint" when it showed up that I had been given "buyo-whepp-on-eyzed" products. That the very type of "inoc" I received was the very one that caused that severe reaction 18 years before. Biological Warfare Variations of Yellow Fever and Typhoid.
Later, that same year, I was diagnosed with an auto-immune thyroid disorder.
A year later, so was my husband. We met at that same base where we both served the same organization, with the same requirements for "vax-seens".
Where we live, I am what is called a "transplant". I was not born and raised here, but since 1987 have resided here. I grew up in the Midwest, half a continent away. Different environment, different diet. I grew up half a continent away, but came from another place in the world entirely, so we shared nothing in common except where we served in the military. So....how did we both end up with the same condition?
Until yesterday, I never knew what a virus was except a rudimentary understanding of it as most of us are told. My son has been home sick, you guessed it...with some form of virus and so his homework and class work has been faxed to our home so he could keep working. One of his subjects is Biology and as a result, he enlightened me to what a virus actually is. I was FLOORED, to say the least, but the light popped on and things I didn't understand up to that point, were now made strikingly clear.
He told me that viruses are not living organisms . They are essentially quite dead and not motile. So...when those kind "dawktoors" or "nuurrsis" tell you it's only a dead virus you're getting, they are in fact telling you the truth. Oh. But not the whole truth.
Viruses, even though dead, replicated through bumping into a host cell within a body.
They carry their own RNA or DNA depending on what type of virus they are. They then breach the cell wall and "infect" the good cell with their "poison". Oh...yeah, see above about the actual definition of the English word Virus.
Propaganda would have you believe that viruses are a naturally occurring "organism", but they can't be. If in their natural state they are dead, then they had to be lab made, created by something other than the Creator. Is there anything dead made by YHWH? I think not. He is a Living God and all His Creation is a living breathing viable organism.
Mat_22:32 I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.
Mar_12:27 He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err.
Luk_20:38 For he is not a God of the dead, but of the living: for all live unto him.
This level of farmakeia (pharmaceuticals, drugs known in scripture as "sorcery")) I now believe, has been going on possibly even before the flood and that is why we have viruses that have been around for what "they" would say is forever and so they also "evolve". Rubbish.
My husband is a good man and loves me to no end. Faithfully taking me to the ERs in the middle of the night to get me help to get through another mysterious "bout" of whatever was ailing me. When, in 2008 I came home and shared those test results with him, the light dawned on his face for the first time. Then a year later when he was diagnosed with the same thyroid problem as myself, that was the second slap in the face. Auto-immune disease brought to you by courtesy of "unkel-saam".
It's time to pray folks. Just like Jim Staley's Nehemia challenge, but this time for ourselves who have been so physically offended and betrayed.
To come together in prayer and in agreement just as EHYEHshua said:
Mat_18:19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
Mat_18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
We must pray and ask for YHWH to render harmless in us this defilement, this "poy-zun" that has changed us inside.
It matters not to try and pursue restitution as the damage is done and YHWH knows them by name, rank and serial number and their time is coming and so is YHWH's revenge. There are those who did this deed who had no idea what they were doing to us when they administered. Plausible Deniability I believe they call it.
Another recent revelation about this experience. The year that all that happened to me, 1990, in August, was a few short days before troops were deployed. The Gulf war for which so many vets have "Gulf War Syndrome". My husband gets the VFW magazine and in it was an article about GWS. It listed the various symptoms and some of the experiences of vets who complained and how doctors could not find anything wrong. The list of symptoms was ALL of what I went through and continue to suffer with and my doctor experiences have also been the same.
Reservists made up the largest portion of those who served in that conflict. Who better than them, to test out "things" of that nature on? People who would go back to their civilian lives, serving only part time, so then, no great loss to the military, right?
I am now certain that I was indeed a test subject. My records for all my Reserve time from 1988 to 1999 have vanished from the Records Center where all service members records are kept archived. But in 1997 I did manage to get copies of all my medical records.
But the main point of this study, is to show that things are not always what we look for.
IOWs...the bite of a serpent, might not be a literal snake on the ground that takes you by surprise. Instead it might be through the seemingly innocuous doings of man made poy-zuns made from snake venom.
UPDATE - 9 November 2013
An update:
A few weeks back, I received a VFW magazine and in it was an article about GWS. It listed the symptoms. I had not known this beforehand, but it mirrored -EXACTLY_ what I had suffered with and still do.
Then today, watching a video that was suggested , for which BTW, THANK YOU Kres! Altho it was very difficult to watch since the people in the documentary were echoing my own words about betrayal, loving this nation, serving with honor and "raped" as one person said. Yeah...I said that same thing, that it was worse than rape or like rape since it was a violation of the body.
But these symptoms they are either associating with GWS, or the Anthrax shot? These things along with those VERY SAME SYMPTOMS have been happening BEFORE all of this. My own experience was months before our activation in the Gulf War, but I was serving (as many in the video from that same branch of service); I was serving very close to the one military facility that is the center hub for developing these poisons......my records are gone, poof, vanished. All my service time during that assignment, gone, poof, vanished.
I served in the Reserve, at a base in close locality, that day I received the shot that changed my life as I knew it, I was on active duty orders. I was the only one that day (to the best of my knowledge that is) that received a shot. What better opportunity to "try it out"
30 minutes later, I am driven to the ER on base and the whole time, none of the medical staff had said a word. They were all SILENT, keeping their mouths shut, not saying anything to me at all. WHY?? I look back on that now, after getting educated about the history behind all of this, and everything comes into a much sharper focus and understanding.
Even in the documentary...even more symptoms that these folks have suffered, I too suffer from to this day. I sit here typing this out and the ringing in my ears is SO LOUD for someone who is annoyed by odd sounds, they would shoot themselves to be put out of misery. I have learned to live with it by the GRACE of YHWH ONLY. By the GRACE of YHWH ONLY, I escaped death those first months after receiving that poison.
Fever, headaches, vertigo, among other things. Unable to eat for months and wasting away. Left with severe memory retention which causes daily, much stress as not even a microsecond can go by and I have lost my thought. Went from a healthy 120lbs down to 92lbs. I KNOW EXACTLY what that young girl went through. She had someone video tape it...wish I would have had that foresight.
UPDATE: 24 December, 2013
In the Complete Jewish Bible, (CJB version) one verse I read just this morning, in Haggai 2:15 uses the word "venom". I then did a search in that version for other verses using that word. Here's what I found including their (KJV) equivalents:
(Deu 32:24) The wasting of hunger, and the devouring of the fiery bolt, and bitter destruction; and the teeth of beasts will I send upon them, with the venom of crawling things of the dust.
Deu 32:24 They shall be burnt with hunger, and devoured with burning heat, and with bitter destruction: I will also send the teeth of beasts upon them, with the poison of serpents of the dust.
H2534 "poison"
חמא חמה
chêmâh chêmâ'
khay-maw', khay-maw'
From H3179; heat; figuratively anger, poison (from its fever): - anger, bottles, hot displeasure, furious (-ly, -ry), heat, indignation, poison, rage, wrath (-ful). See H2529.
(Deu 32:33) Their wine is the venom of serpents, and the cruel poison of asps.
Deu 32:33 Their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps. (See H2534)
(Psa 58:4) (58:5) Their venom is like the venom of a serpent; they are like the deaf asp that stoppeth her ear;
(Psa 140:3) (140:4) They have sharpened their tongue like a serpent; vipers' venom is under their lips. Selah
(Hab 2:15) Woe unto him that giveth his neighbour drink, that puttest thy venom thereto, and makest him drunken also, that thou mayest look on their nakedness!
Hab 2:15 Woe unto him that giveth his neighbour drink, that puttest thy bottle to him, and makest him drunken also, that thou mayest look on their nakedness!
H2573 "bottle"
From the same as H2346; a skin bottle (as tied up): - bottle.
It appears possibly that both of these words is where we get our modern word "chemical". Growing up in England, pharmacies were known by the name of "chemist". I can specifically recall my mother saying she needed to go to the chemist shop.
5 October, 2014 - Last night reading in John Ronning's Logos Theology book, it referred to the Wisdom Book that Solomon wrote, which is one of the Apocrypha which are not included in modern day Christian Bibles. I've read these books a few times, but went back to this one last night. Amazing. See the excerpt of verses below:
Wis 16:10 But thy sons not the very teeth of venomous dragons overcame: for thy mercy was ever by them, and healed them.
Wis 16:11 For they were pricked, that they should remember thy words; and were quickly saved, that not falling into deep forgetfulness, they might be continually mindful of thy goodness.
Wis 16:12 For it was neither herb, nor mollifying plaister, that restored them to health: but thy word, O Lord, which healeth all things.
Now, perhaps a few reading this might say it is stretching the scriptural concept here, but given the two verse, side by side, mentioning venomous dragons, then being pricked. Come on. We all know we get pricked by the needle when we are given vaccines. The spiritual connotation here cannot and should not be ignored.
UPDATE - 31 January, 2015
Saw an article, actually two separate sources, that spoke of vaccines and also aerial spraying of vaccines and viruses and GMO mosquitoes to be released in Florida. To combat Dengue Fever and some other disease.
So then, if more and more people are getting educated about the dangers of vaccines, then the DREBS needed to find another way. Aerial spraying we cannot avoid. GMO mosquitoes we cannot avoid.
We live in the mid-Atlantic region and have been seeing tropical mosquitoes, not only not indigenous to this region, but as far as I know, not indigenous to any of this continent. WE noticed them about two years ago.
Then just this winter (yes, I said winter) noticed mosquitoes flying about. How is that possible?
INSERT - UPDATE 31 January, 2015
Reading in Isaiah and noting this verse which substantiates and confirms:
Isa 47:12 Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast laboured from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail.
Enchantments and sorceries wherein thou hast labored from they youth.
This is scriptural confirmation that what has been made known is truth. That viruses are man made poisons. Because they are man made (of the seed of Cain) they have no LIFE in them. They are DEAD and of DEATH.
Okay. I could go on more but I won't. Suffice it to say, if you have ever received "poy-zun" then your own DNA has been altered and any illness you suffer with is most likely a direct result of this heinous crime.
UPDATE - 6 April, 2015
Reading this morning in Revelation (NKJV) and came to this verse again:
Rev 9:21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.
According to the footnote in this translation, regarding the word "sorceries"* it states the following:
* NU-Text and M-text read "drugs".
It is clear that drugs are rampant among humanity. The TV adds alone dominate ad campaigns, we are bombarded with them, on TV, on the Radio, in magazines.
Vaccines are also included and the push to get people vaccinated is growing at an alarming rate. The suicide rate at Tulane University is at an all time high. Why??? These are young people with their whole lives ahead of them. But then so are our troops who it seems share this tragic statistic. What DO they have in common? They are mandated to be vaccinated. Any student who lives on campus, it is mandatory to get vaccinated. Troops it is a given.
Parents who understand how bad it is to vaccinate are issued veiled threats by the medical community. More and more healthcare workers are mandated to receive vaccines on the premise of outbreak control. More and more healthcare workers are manifesting auto-immune disease.
I have been reading a book by Eliyahu Ben David about Revelation and he is breaking it down in terms of the Teaching and Instruction in Torah; that EHYEHshua is functioning as our High Priest in the Heavenly Court of the Temple. He also states that everything written in Revelation is a historical chronology of times and as stated:
Rev 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
Rev 1:2 Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.
Rev 1:3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.
Time is relative only to us here on earth. A short time to YHWH might be a long time to us and most likely is.
The next verse and chapters are letters addressed to the first 7 assemblies that formed after His Ascension. They grew but fell short in places yet some overcame. This period in history has passed and so chapter 4 leads us into the next phase and again we find John being told he will hear of things which will happen after this:
Rev 4:1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.
The Scriptures are full of dual prophecy and Revelation is no exception. While there might have been past events that fulfill the words, so too they have meaning in our present and future.
So, again, looking at 9:21, I am stunned and believe that this verse is a timeline we are now experiencing:
Rev 9:21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.
While this study is regarding drugs and vaccines and how they are presented in Scripture, more could be said about the other accusations of "murders, fornication and thefts in their own separate studies.