You know, I don't ever want to make this all about me, but since I have no one to converse with about it, let me just say this:
What the H - E - double hockey sticks is going on??
I just read a newsletter from an organization who promotes teaching about the Lost Ten Tribes and where they might be found and the founder shared in it some YouTube comments which were not only inflammatory but outright spewing hate. So, why am I even addressing this?
Well, it comes on the heels of a more personal experience that has just sort of surfaced:
Many years ago, my last job was working for a local bank in the area. There was a coworker with whom I shared many things about scripture. I considered her a real spiritual friend. She is black. I am white. I left that place to stay home and attempt to regain my health. That was in 2002 and it wasn't until 2013 that I found out -EXACTLY - what was the cause of my illness. But in 2006 a growing conviction about the true sabbath came to fruition and I lead our family into keeping it. Almost immediately YHWH began to show me who I was in Israel and He opened up the Scriptures in ways I never thought possible. I understood that before that, I didn't know anything at all, even after reading the bible from front to back since 1984 (I became a Christian in 1981).
We kept in touch through email and occasional phone calls. Then in February of 2008, YHWH gave me a vision showing me something about my friend, but did it in such a way that confirmation from her was needed to validate it. It did indeed and it showed that BOTH of us are from the same tribe. Recall, I said: She's black. I'm white. Later, she even told me that she had told her brother about all of this and he had said to her that she should talk more to me. That's pretty much the last. At some point after that, I was no longer able to email her. I just wrote it off to, she left that provider and went with some other company and we just lost contact. Turns out I was wrong about that.
I knew getting on to FB was a bad idea for a host of reasons, but when I finally got up the nerve to create this site, I knew I needed to promote it. So, after I created the account (it was supposed to be an application account but something went wrong and it pushed me into a personal account...did I mentioned how much I hate FB yet??) I went in search of this same friend.
Well, sometimes you just need to let sleeping dogs lie.
After putting out a general question about what was on my mind, I get a response from her about Israel being all African American. I was so shocked that she had strayed off the path of truth in the years that we had not been in touch, but then had an epiphany that this is most likely why she severed ties with me. Well reader, if you didn't think racism was alive and well in these Untied States, I am here to say it has been made a little more personal today.
I was going to copy the entire thread of our conversation here to prove my words were not what she was saying...but to what end? Why bother. It won't serve any other purpose and I would be just stooping to the same level as all that feel the same way my former friend does. It does not accomplish anything for the Kingdom.
Suffice it to say, I feel in the spirit that we will be seeing an increasing amount of this kind of inflammatory remarks and twisting of words in all sorts of venues.
I hope and pray that this site will remain a safe place for anyone who seeks to just want to learn about the Scriptures and to fully understand our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, EHYEHshua ha Meschiach or what other name He is called by, that is the ONE TRUE SON of the Father, who gave His blood and life a ransom for many.
And just so we are all on the same page, understand this:
In the eyes of God, the Almighty Creator of the Universe, there is no such thing as color of skin that defines His knowing of each of us. There are only TWO flavors of people out there:
Those who HATE and those who LOVE. One either has a heart FOR Him or AGAINST Him. And guess what...they can come in any color, ethnicity or religious background. It's all about the heart folks and anyone who tells you different is of their father the devil.
I should find better ways to spend my time right now, since it is Sabbath, but let me just say, I have been viewing some YT vids about the 144k and perusing the comments and it is so distressing to see so many "way out there" theories and opnions. Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but when it comes to the Word, shouldn't we be getting it right and be on the same page??? Things have gone SO wild in these last few days, or maybe it's longer than that as I have not watched these sort of vids (ethnic Israel vids) at all really. Only this past week after a very unsettling anger from someone I thought was an old friend.....I'm now interested in what she has been believing and being taught and I will say that I am alarmed at the level of hate and the amount of these teachings that are out there.
As far as I can tell, none of it is biblically sound and all of it has twisted the Word and wrung it so dry it can't be untwisted. so sad. But a good thing has come out of this for me....I have been more in the Word this week and praying than I have in along time...Thank you old friend from CCB.