Just this morning, studying in Ezekiel, but alongside of that, thinking on this whole flat earth thing. So I looked up the word "corner" and found it was also the word we find for RIB in Genesis.
Wow. So much. I was speaking to my husband about how when he asks me questions about something scriptural, I (in his eyes) tend to not directly answer, but lay out other things first which irritates him. I tried to explain to him that while giving him a direct answer might appease him, it doesn't serve to help in understanding the answer given. So....where am I going with all of this?
The name "YHWH" ties in. A while back I was showing my family about the name and how the first part "YH" is the only part given to us in Exodus 3:14.
Exo 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
I AM is EHYEH as it sounds out (ay-yay). It is only the first half.
The second half "WH"is found in the name of Eve (in the Greek as "Eua")or phonetically "ee-yoo-wah).
Gen 3:20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
The Bride "WH" has yet to be reunited with her Husband "I AM" or "YH".
Woman and Man are needed to create LIFE. Does that mean that before Man was made flesh in Adam, before they were separated in the flesh, that they were ONE in Heaven and the Garden??
Gen 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Gen 5:2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.
If this sounds far fetched, I can only confess this is what I was shown a few years back.
I AM tells Moses this is His name and that by His name YHWH, He was not known to them:
Exo 6:3 And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name YHWH was I not known to them.
This past Sabbath eve of September 15th, there was a show on cable and the woman was teaching about how God changed the names of Abram and Sarai to AbraHam and SaraH.
She point out that as the "Hey" appears in the middle of Abram's name, it is the masculine form.
But that in the name of Sarai, the "Hey" is placed at the end of her name and thus is the feminine form.
I was stunned. You just never know where you get the nuggets from!
IF we look AGAIN at the Tetragrammaton "YH - WH", and we consider it in light of what I just shared , we can see it aligns with this. the Hey in the first part, as it is in the middle of His name stays with the masculine SIDE.
The Hey in the second part, is at the end and reflects the feminine SIDE.
OOH!!! Are you getting it yet?!?! SIDE!!!!
Adam's RIB (H6763) is the SIDE. This Hebrew word "tsal ah" is also used in many places where the Tabernacle is mentioned as YHWH instructed to Moses about construction.
I had put together another study about how the articles in the Tabernacle (Altar, Table of Showbread, Menorah,etc) were written and described as "HE or HIS" inferring a being. There are studies out there that show that the Tabernacle is a pattern of God Himself. Jesus tabernacle among us. Most likely Jesus was born on the first day of Feast of Tabernacles and circumcised on the 8th great day feast.
Peter mentioned about putting off his tent or tabernacle.
This is such a huge subject matter and so many concepts are tied together, linked inextricably woven into the most incredible tapestry of God's supreme majesty and mystery!
To attempt to answer any question with regard to any aspect of a given topic or subject, in a direct one answer reply, is next to impossible, yet I think this is exactly how most church pastors approach teaching. They compartmentalize and only offer up a mere fragment of the idea, and the sheep go away without fully grasping the wholeness of what God meant for us to know.
Now, adding this also to the above, the Hebrew word H6763 stems from H6760. H6760 is used "halteth" in the English. We find this word in Micah 4:6 and Zephaniah 3:19 and it is alongside a feminine phrasing:
Mic 4:6 In that day, saith the LORD, will I assemble her that halteth, and I will gather her that is driven out, and her that I have afflicted;
Mic 4:7 And I will make her that halted a remnant, and her that was cast far off a strong nation: and the LORD shall reign over them in mount Zion from henceforth, even for ever.
Zep 3:19 Behold, at that time I will undo all that afflict thee: and I will save her that halteth, and gather her that was driven out; and I will get them praise and fame in every land where they have been put to shame.
Zep 3:20 At that time will I bring you again, even in the time that I gather you: for I will make you a name and a praise among all people of the earth, when I turn back your captivity before your eyes, saith the LORD.
If that doesn't blow your mind, consider this:
Gen 32:24 And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.
Gen 32:25 And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him.
Gen 32:26 And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.
Gen 32:27 And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.
Gen 32:28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.
Gen 32:29 And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there.
Gen 32:30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.
Gen 32:31 And as he passed over Penuel the sun rose upon him, and he halted upon his thigh.
PLEASE NOTE!!!!! Jacob became ISRAEL and the phrase HALTED was not placed before this, but AFTER!! Go back to Micah and Zephaniah and KNOW that this phrase is used in conjunction with the Bride Israel.
I have only touched on this amazingly WIDE subject of God's mysteries concerning the Bride of Christ. Sadly most won't ever see this but I hope tsharing this in a somewhat sparse light will help to turn on the study lightbulbs.