I Want It!!! NOW!!
(The societal breakdown of our culture – a house divided)
Wednesday, 8 March, 2017
4thDotW, 21stD, 12thM
In recent months since the election of 2016, we have seen in the news so many colleges and marches taking place that end up in violence. The carnage of these events will have everlasting impact on the generation that has chosen to partake in anarchy. Let’s face it. That IS what it is.
People of any political view, whether Democrat or Republican or Libertarian, if they are mature sensible people, are shaking their heads and in some cases outright fear is struck in their hearts as they see the hatred and anger of the generation that comes after them. These are the ones who will rule and run the world when we are long gone.
So, how did it get this far gone? Many point their finger at early 1960s and while the roots of this poisonous plant go as far back as Cain in Genesis, we will, for the sake of this article, look at what happened to the this nation of America, (known biblically as Ephraim) beginning in the 1960s. God chose to bless this nation as long as He was in it. We have in essence removed Him and so He has in turn removed Himself and when righteousness leaves, unrighteousness comes in, evil wicked things will take over. We see this in nature all the time. When a disease invades a tree it dies. The rot begins and eventually it is utterly destroyed.
Many experts in social studies, who are also persons of faith, have found that the delineating factor for the steady downfall of morals, began around the time prayer and the Bible were taken out of Public schools. While that was definitely a starting point, we must look at the structure of the Public School System (PSS) as a whole. The Powers That Be (TPTB) who decide what the curriculum should be are held to blame.
In George Orwell’s book “1984” we find there is a place within Big Brother (BB) that their sole purpose is to change words and their definitions, and to rewrite history. This is done slowly enough, in subtle changes that most people would not even notice and if by chance they did, they would write it off as just a memory glitch.
Never before reading this book, did I truly become aware about this. Before reading 1984, I had placed most of the changes of words in a category of cultural evolution. One uneducated idiot decides they are too lazy to pronounce a certain word the correct way and from there it catches on like wildfire, even to the point of public speakers (who are supposed to be intelligent educated people with degrees) using these slang words. Two of the worst offending examples which should make one’s skin crawl:
“Irregardless”; “Anyways”
The PSS has indoctrinated our kids, trained them in an environment that reflects a mirror image of the prison system we have in place for criminals. Even more grievous is when this environment is coupled with rewritten history, changed words and definitions, the end result is the exact opposite of making one more educated. They are by definition, ignorant. When we add to that, learning about things which have nothing to do with the 3 Rs; the ultimate disaster in waiting are a flock of children who have a skewed view of the world. The PSS, has taken away the role and responsibility of the parents to teach about subjects better left out of the schools, such as sex education, alternative lifestyles, forced involvement in other religious beliefs.
America was founded on biblical principles and morals of the Christian faith. The churches are as much to blame for this mess as the PSS. The women’s movement of the 1960s is also to blame. While we should understand that because of the breakdown of traditional families, many women are forced to seek work to keep their families fed, the whole of society has contributed to the overall mess we are in today. The role of women in the world has been skewed by the overreaching need of males to dominate. One opinion of this is that men realized early on, how much more attuned women were in just about every aspect of life. They do run their households, they are the ones who keep it going and make it successful and women as CEOs have been able to turn huge corporations around who were ready to go out of business.
Allowing for women’s “liberation” was a major step in families losing their grip on their children. Women going out to work, placing their children in daycare, letting the PSS influence their children to have certain views that both parents perhaps never held, yet the parents are now too busy to engage with their children, and instead the heavy schedules of play dates, soccer, baseball, etc promote an environment of disengagement. In short, there is no quality time in families anymore.
We have implemented the “No child left behind” policies in the PSS. This is where no matter who wins or loses, all get a blue ribbon for “excellence”. We have in essence, robbed our children of the skill of motivation and drive to excel and given them false expectations of “I am entitled, even if I don’t merit it”. It firmly entrenches in the mind of a child, the mentality of “I deserve to be given that toy, even if it’s not mine.” This catapults the child directly into their adulthood with that same mindset of entitlement without achievement. In short, they are trained up believing they are not accountable for their actions.
Taking it further, let’s look at higher education. The very first colleges in America, were places of religious learning. Harvard being a prime example. Based upon biblical principles and morals, the Bible was used as a prime source of education.
Today one would be hard pressed to find a bible on any campus grounds other than Christian colleges. The end result is a socialist and/or communist view of sharing everything. And while making sure no one goes hungry or without shelter and clothing is a good thing, a society based upon socialist or communist principles robs people of any motivation and of having a mind of their own to be creative and excel and succeed. Why should they? They have all the necessary elements of survival provided to them by their government.
Eventually this creates a culture which, if the hierarchy of the government breaks down or is destroyed, the people are left without any skills to survive. Their government has done that for them. Without the government that coddles them, they will die, disappear or be assimilated into the next PTB.
In the last eight years, this socialistic framework has rapidly increased and taken over. To put into simple terms, the child has been spoiled, spoiled, spoiled and allowed to do whatever they want, based upon the very influence of the PSS and higher education environments.
Now, this brings us back to the first paragraph of this viewpoint. Let’s look at what is happening at campuses across this nation. Outright violence, hatred and anger. Why is it that the universities are not doing something about this? Destruction of property and bodily injuries. Why are there no lawsuits against those who have inflicted hurt on other human beings? WHY are colleges not upset about all of this? This is not free speech having its way. This is, plain and simple rioting out of control. Temper tantrums of spoiled children that are not getting their way. Hot Cocoa and coloring books? What?
The children that attend these colleges. Are they paying their own way, or has mom and dad footed the bill? If so, WHY are they allowing their children to waste their hard earned money and instead of being in class learning something, they are out there bullying people, destroying the property of said colleges. So then, one would have to believe what is being said in certain news circles that these are outsiders, being brought in to riot and cause trouble. Otherwise we would be hearing from the parents, their outcry seen on Facebook and other social networks, right???
Taking it another step. If these children are the ones who are truly doing the rioting across the nation, in this day and age of social networking, any company seeking college graduates, are able to actually KNOW about their prospective job seeker.
What well respected prosperous professional company would hire a person who has participated in rebellious behavior as this same mentality most likely would be carried over into their workplace? If one thing went wrong, if they got passed over for promotion, they would pick up desks and shelves and throw them????
In short, these children would have no future. No job.
Parents and colleges alike should be outraged and should be DOING SOMETHING.
College campuses are being destroyed, people are being injured. WHY are they not taking a stand against this?? If the current trend continues, it becomes more and more, abundantly clear, that higher education has outlived its usefulness.
There was an interview with a west coast professor who said the reason for the political outcome in November 2016 had all to do with the forgotten middle of this nation. The BACKBONE of this nation being farmers, industry, miners, blue collar workers.
He made the statement that the east coasters and west coasters are for the most part, out of touch with reality. The so-called progressives are actually regressing.
A college degree, in the end, will not put food on the table, if there are no farms to feed them. GMO crops are failing at an alarming rate and causing disease and death among the cattle being fed these products. No vegetables, no animals, will result in absolute rioting and murder. Kill or be killed as the food source dries up.
Honey bees being decimated, not only just dying off, but being mixed bred with Africanized bees which are known as killer bees. They will attack for no reason.
If the “coasters” do not get a clue and do it real soon, if the PTB don’t get a clue and STOP trying to play God with the environment, we will all die. Do they not realize they kill themselves off with all of this too?? They are so power hungry, yet what will they do when there is no one to “control”??? Do those on the Coasts, not realize that they are supported by those in the middle of this nation? They have lost touch with reality and it is reflected in their political views and their places of higher learning. Colleges indeed are on the way out. Here is what will happen if we as a people, don’t forge ahead and make changes:
If a disaster of biblical proportion were to strike America, the infrastructure, food sources and housing would all be gone and destroyed. With a people who have no skills at farming, carpentry, electrical, or machine works, we would be left devastated and all out panic would hit. People who are not fully grounded in their God, will have no morals and they will riot and kill for whatever little food and water is left. People without any of the listed skills, would be utterly helpless. The generation of laborers and craftsmen are dying out and no one is replacing them. A college degree means absolutely NOTHING if the person who has it, cannot rebuild their home, dig a well or farm food.
Colleges (for the most part) have outlived their usefulness. Necessary for medical education and training and other related skillsets yes, but trade schools are needed. Technical schools are needed. But even if we were to get the ball rolling on this, what of the children who now would be the ones to look to? They are fat and lazy and stuck behind computers and iPhones and iPads. Video gamers. Mindless and unable to think for themselves. Out of shape physically and unskilled and even greater, unmotivated and waiting for their handout.
These are the spoiled brats which when the world goes dark electronically (and it will according to the prophecies of Scripture) they will be floundering and useless.
We have become a culture of preaching “Tolerance”. Yet can you find it? One would be hard pressed to do so. Even the tolerance movement is biased. There is no “live and let live” in it today. If there was, we would not have religious oppression (of Christianity) or religious proselytizing (of Islam) in the PSS or any other public place.
Children of conservative Christian families are now unable to consider attending the college of their choice due to violence and oppression, yet this group makes up the hugest percentage of the population. Colleges will go defunct by their own hand in discouraging the largest groups of the economically able. Perhaps colleges outliving their usefulness will take care of itself because they have shot off their own foot; cut off their nose to spite their face.
Even the evolution of political parties has gotten in the way of humanity. Politics divides in an ugly way. These have also outlived their usefulness. To what end is humanity served by this artificial diving of people? It has served to cause more division, perhaps even more so than race or ethnicity.
We need to just have a system, whereby a person is elected into office by virtue of their beliefs, their proven experience to get things done, their moral character. It shouldn’t be based upon a label of Democrat or Republican or Libertarian. If we are all American and we love this nation and we want what’s best for it that should be enough. LET THE PEOPLE CHOOSE.
Most conservatives have taken it on the chin the last eight years. No rioting took place. They huddled in en masse in their homes, hunkered down and waited to just – get – through it. Now that the tide has turned, it is absolutely shocking to see what many have and are doing in response to not getting their way. Even those of the liberal view, some who have rational minds are seeing there is a huge problem and have actually come forward speaking out against these things. Make no mistake. They will leave their own party to divorce themselves from the new label of definition of what is to be Democrat. Make no mistake. Many already did and voted for this new administration.
What it all boils down to is the words of Jesus when He said that “as in the days of Noah”… All are doing what is right in their own minds and this folks is chaos personified. Chaos will lead to destruction, it always does. What say you?
It is 12:44pm ESTand I have just seen this article: http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/article.cfm?recent_news_id=1078
I can attest that my thoughts this morning, in putting together this message, are by the divine hand of God and that the link shared in this comment is ( for the experiences I have had) a confirmation that my message is solid.
My thoughts for this subject were formed while sitting at breakfast ( 7:30am EST)pondering over statements made by a west coast college professor, the book 1984 and all the events that have happened since the 2016 election.
Thank You heavenly Father for Your blessing and confirmation of this message!!!