Hos 4:4 Yet let no man strive, nor reprove another

The Power of Prayers in Schools

What happened to us?


Sunday, 11 March, 2018

1st DotW

Reading the below book, I was struck by what this man was saying. While I already had knowledge of these things, the way his words were phrased, brought new insight to me. Perhaps others already knew this and I just had limited blinders on which kept me from a fuller understanding.

 Supernatural Worldview by Chris Putnam


The author states that since prayer was taken out of school, there has been a steady rise and increase of paranormal activities and beliefs. Even Christians have increasingly embraced the idea and concepts of ghosts, paranormal activity, etc.

 While we can say that taking prayer out of school was yet another step in removing ourselves further from God, the other aspect of that is that by taking prayer out of the schools, prayer became diminished and the prayers of innocent children have so much more power than adults. By taking that away, we remove the protection of prayers and this makes the enemy’s playground much larger.

 This is the twofold danger we have created by removing prayer from schools. We believe more in paranormal activity because we allowed the portal of such to be made larger and allow more activity in.

 Add to this, events which wound the soul of this nation such as September 11th, 2001, these too open portals through which the enemy enters in. We are warned by YHWH Himself in the writings of Deuteronomy. Seven mightier nations that occupy the land (body/nation) that must be evicted!! Jesus warned us that if we don’t make sure the house (temple/body) gets cleansed properly and we shore up our defenses (walking in obedience and righteousness) then the cleansing work we do will not be enough and the enemy will bring his friends with him and the last condition will be worse than the first. What applies to body and soul, applies to nations as a whole.


9/11 was an event that allowed an enemy to enter in and paved the way for more to set up camp illegally, unlawfully in land that is not theirs.

 Speaking with a person on a random day she shared her thoughts. She feels that 9/11 caused a shift and that darkness entered into America. Darkness was already creeping in since 1962, but I do agree with her that something tangible in the air, did change and not for the good.

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  • Now study this along with the Sower and the Seed.....and the kingdom is like this...

    Note, a seed does not determine the amounts of apples the apple tree produces, the soil does. The soil is the main source that determines if the seed survives, dies or trhives. Now note the thigns Jesus taught on the subject, how many times and how indepth He went into that teaching over the others, and then note the last things HE taught as He was heading the Cross.... Communion is not like the churhces today teach it eihter......also He warns against hindering a child from coming to Him. Note the Power of the phrase, The Lord rebuke you......When JEsus rebuked Peter hwo did He do it....and the power, ON earth as it is in Heaven, Jesus defeated on the cross. He states ebfore He even goes to the cross He has defeated and taken authority over the ruler of this world, satan.....Now note..... who is it that has the most influence over chidlren...their security and bonding, self confidence, today most mothers are taught to reject their child, even "let themscream it out", breastfeeding is bad, and that co sleeping is the cause of SIDS. when it is sicnetifically proven that infants that co sleep are more secure, more confident and firmly founded, knwoing they are loved, not feelign rejection and negative emotions.... 

  • Chris, was a freind of mine. He has gone home to be with the Lord, but he was a true man of God. 

    This can also be found in the foundation of America, warned repeatedly of removing God from the education system. Our education system use to be fully based on the bible. As the bible was the main text and all other text sprouted from it. Gramamr, math, especailly history, and the approach was a Hebrew educational model appraoch instead of a greek educational model. 

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