Hos 4:4 Yet let no man strive, nor reprove another

The Jesus DNA and the Last Pope

The Jesus DNA and the Last Pope

22 December, 2018


 I’ve been terribly sick these past two weeks. Unable to do anything, even think or study. So I found myself watching TV on December 18th with my dog snuggled up to me. I was channel surfing stumbling on the History Channel and these three shows in succession I watched and I felt compelled to take notes.


  1. The God Code
  2. The Jesus Strand – A Search for DNA
  3. The Last Pope

 All three are connected to what I’m going to share, but at the time of watching, I didn’t realize that.  At the time of these shows, I considered them each separate topics. Now here it is Sabbath morning and I am looking over the notes and shock of shocks to see that 2 and 3 might be very much connected and yes, even #1but saving that one for last to tie things together. Since 1985 I have read the bible over and over again but not really studied it until about the mid 90s, but even then compared to what I do now, it was light. Things began to ramp up after 9/11 during the time I was in the book of Isaiah and came across a verse which mentioned a great slaughter when the towers fall. After that, I looked at scripture with a whole new set of eyes.

 In 2006 I found myself digging really deep into the Hebrew and Greek language and from 06 to 2011, it was one crash course after the other in so many things. God worked on me with all of this during the time of my husband’s intense travel for his job.

 As studying progressed, I saw in current events things that lined up, showing that God’s word is perfect and flawless. Most of us have pondered and wondered who the antichrist might be. I personally think it is many things, a diverse beast unlike the others in that it is interwoven into just about every aspect of our lives. It is an economic system of medicine, finance, religion, politics, agriculture, big business.

The only thing missing is the one man who could fit the bill of a world leader who all would look to, to lead them to peace. Just like Jesus has His earthly heritage, His lineage through Judah And Levi, so too the a/c has his through the lineage of Cain. Over the years, many antichrists have been pegged, even in our presidents, or leaders of other nations. No one considers that they might all be blood related, but that would explain these things.

Jesus warned us of a strong delusion and I have often wondered what that might be. Would it be one thing, or a culmination of things?

 In the process of studying and considering world events, especially with regard to religions, I mentioned in casual conversation to my husband a while back that whoever this person might be, he would have to embrace all three major religions: Christianity, Judaism and Islam if there was to be any sort of “peace” between nations.

 So here goes my take on these things, working from my notes taken from each show and the culmination of years of deep study of scripture and many other ancient writings and resources. Please be patient, please consider all these things with an open mind, even if you, the reader and student have a different opinion.


  1. The Jesus Strand – A Search for DNA

 As I watched this show, my main thought was Ron Wyatt (YT has the video of Ron's testimony) and his discovery of the Ark of the Covenant. So much about his find rang true with me based upon my own studies but I know that others have scoffed at it. I thought the show was going to be based on his find but as it progressed, it took it down another path. There had been similar shows and books written in the past that focused on Jesus being married, Him having offspring and where they might be. While they did touch on this, it became clear that was not the entire direction they were going to take it. If you can find the show, please watch it for yourselves because even though I took notes, the details are fuzzy due to meds and illness. All I have are notes on the high points.

 The show started out with the Shroud of Turin and how they were going to test the DNA of blood on the cloth.

Moving along, they then focused on a discovery in Bulgaria, the possible bone remains of John the Baptist who was the cousin of Jesus. DNA testing of same.

What it boiled down to is mitochondrial DNA which pointed in the direction of a community of people who practice a little known faith called DRUZE. I had never heard of this before, but as they interviewed a father and daughter of this faith, asking them questions to learn more, it became apparent through the declaration of one of the documentarians who were interviewing, that this DRUZE sect had beliefs that encompassed all three religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The interviewer said to them: “How does it feel to be related to Jesus?”

 I have yet to do research on Druze sect, but what little they offered up on that show, it apparently originated in Ancient Egypt.


  1. The Last Pope

 I had already known about the prophecy and vision of St. Malachy and his list of popes and how their descriptions have been very accurate. Based on the integrity of that, many believe we are in the days of the last pope.

 The documents of St. Malachy had been tucked away in the basement of the Vatican library and discovered by accident by a Benedictine scholar, a one Arnold Wion.

At some point in this show, the topic of marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene comes up again. Hmmm. Why? They didn’t take it beyond a mention just as the previous show did. In fact though, it even has an official title of “Cathlicos Mysticos”.

 The show then focused on the Fatima Prophecies. God works in mysterious ways.

Back in 1992, I found myself reading about the Fatima Prophecies, then moved on, so I was familiar with them. There were three children, but only one was given a heart to receive the visions and messages and respond to them. Lucia who later became a nun and the RCC kept her isolated for the most part. The pope heard her words and the book I read focused on the first two prophecies, but the third one was kept secret, was supposed to be released in 1960. Up until watching this show, I had not known what that third prophecy was. I only knew it was supposed to be quite horrible, a vision of the end of days.

 According to Lucia, she had in her vision, seen a man dressed in white (the pope wears white garb), he was being led up a hill along with cardinals and bishops. Rome was in ruins, on fire, complete destruction was in the background with smoke and rubble strewn all around. The sky was black with it. When the pope reached the top, he was shot and killed.

At this point one person interviewed, speculated and wondered if something might not happen in Vatican City at Christmas when thousands of people are gathered to hear the pope’s Xmas message. I had never considered this place as being the epicenter of destruction whenever I read the verses from Ezekiel (see the work titled “Christmas the Time of the Heathen).

 In September of 2017, apparently two clay pots were discovered with what is to be believed, the bones of St. Peter.

Nostrodamus prophesied that when the bones of St. Peter were discovered, the end of the world would come. They cited the quatrain but I didn’t catch it.

In Quatrain 66 he also wrote that the earth trembles in April and there will be the founding a new sect.

 The founding of a new sect. The DRUZE???


  1. The God Code

 Christianity, Judaism and Islam. All are at conflict with each other, each one is struggling for control over Jerusalem, over the Temple mount. What would have to happen to bring peace, harmony and unity to the world today? The Roman Catholic Church has tried to take over Jerusalem throughout history. It’s interesting to me, that the Swiss Guard (the official security personnel of the Pope) is who they are. Switzerland, a neutral country whose national flag shows a white background a red cross. Who else in history had that? Oh yes,….the Knights Templar who vanished into obscurity in the annuls of history. Who better than the RCC to have taken them in? They had much to gain, including all the riches the Temples had been rumored to have gained. Moving on…..

 I suppose if we are to believe how this all might play out, there is going to have to be a major shift of power. Islam will have to be diminished or completely and utterly destroyed, their Al Aqsa mosque removed to make way for the third temple. Their utter removal and destruction would have to take place for this scenario to work. In fact it might have to be a destruction of global proportion. Not really feasible, but perhaps possible.

 The God Almighty of the Jews will not tolerate profanation much longer of His Temple Mount.

 Ron Wyatt discovered the Ark and what appears to be remnants of the Blood of Christ. He had it tested without telling anyone anything about the blood, specifically, his own suspicions or the origin. An Angel of God told him to seek under the trash heap outside the city. In my mind, this made so much sense because we know the enemy wants to pollute and corrupt and profane and cover up as much as possible with filthy and unclean things. What better way than to pile trash on it? Don’t believe that’s possible? We have been fed so much crap about so many things, even the history B.C. system of dating prior to Christ is bogus and full of holes.

We have been told for millennia that the place of the crucifixion was Golgotha and I can’t say one way or the other, since I know nothing of the geography of the area or the layout of the city, or the trash heap and where it might be in respect to Golgotha. But I am going to get back into the scriptures and search out Millo which is the place fin David’s day. Moving on…..

 In the show the focus was on the Aleppo Codex which is supposed to be the oldest the most uncorrupted Word written (according to their statements). Recall in the 90s all the hype about Bible codes? Well, if you don’t have all the words accurately, you can’t get an accurate result. The Aleppo codex offered up the missing pieces and revealed the supposed, true and accurate placement of the Temple and it’s not what we have been told.

In fact, this new information is so startling, but in light of temple practices and requirements it actually makes more sense.

 The new bible codes formulated with a more complete biblical text, offers up that the true location of the Ark of the Covenant is under a spring. Biblically, this makes sense it would be hidden under fresh running water. The spring in question is the Gihon Spring. The Gihon is a name given to one of four rivers which spring from the Garden of Eden.

QUESTION: Where is Gihon Springs with respect to the rubble and trash heap that Ron Wyatt was led to?

 The City of David is located outside the city walls of Jerusalem. While this show stated that, last night a certain minister spoke of it and said the same thing. Confirmation.

 Apparently, we still don’t have all the pieces as the Aleppo Codex is missing critical pages, apparently “stolen” during a smuggle out of Syria in of all things, a washing machine!

 Then if things didn’t get stranger, did you know there are Jewish Freemasons???

If this was not staged for the show, if they are real…I have to do more research but according to the show, when those doing this show went underground to explore, they encountered this group and asked them questions. They were told by the JFMs to go away and that the answer to their questions was that they knew nothing of what was being asked. As the group walked away from the Freemasons, their camera and audio crew who were still taping, caught snippets of comments by the Freemasons which actually confirmed that they did indeed know about the Ark and the Gihon Springs. Truly, you can’t make this stuff up, but please find the shows and watch for yourself. Why is it….HOW is it, that on that day I was sick I could do nothing else but veg in front of the TV, that these three shows were on consecutively and that they each have tied in to something which appear to be connected to the coming of the a/c. If I had not been so sick, I would not have been watching TV.

 Also during the show it was revealed that a private group known as “The City of David Foundation” has been quietly buying up all the land that is purported to be the City of David. Another hmm……

 So, maybe now you are wondering how these all tie in and if they tie in at all?

 Here in

2Sa 5:9  So David dwelt in the fort, and called it the city of David. And David built round about from Millo and inward.

 H4407 – Millo. While not stating explicitly “trash heap” it does define it as “filled in”. A rampart had to be built and most likely they took any rubble or refuse to accomplish that task in a quick time.

 (Jdg 9:6 KJV)  And all the men of Shechem gathered together, and all the house of Millo, and went, and made Abimelech king, by the plain of the pillar that was in Shechem.

 (Jdg 9:20 KJV)  But if not, let fire come out from Abimelech, and devour the men of Shechem, and the house of Millo; and let fire come out from the men of Shechem, and from the house of Millo, and devour Abimelech.

 (2Sa 5:9 KJV)  So David dwelt in the fort, and called it the city of David. And David built round about from Millo and inward.

 (1Ki 9:15 KJV)  And this is the reason of the levy which king Solomon raised; for to build the house of the LORD, and his own house, and Millo, and the wall of Jerusalem, and Hazor, and Megiddo, and Gezer.

 (1Ki 9:24 KJV)  But Pharaoh's daughter came up out of the city of David unto her house which Solomon had built for her: then did he build Millo.

 (1Ki 11:27 KJV)  And this was the cause that he lifted up his hand against the king: Solomon built Millo, and repaired the breaches of the city of David his father.

 (2Ki 12:20 KJV)  And his servants arose, and made a conspiracy, and slew Joash in the house of Millo, which goeth down to Silla.

 (1Ch 11:8 KJV)  And he built the city round about, even from Millo round about: and Joab repaired the rest of the city.

 (2Ch 32:5 KJV)  Also he strengthened himself, and built up all the wall that was broken, and raised it up to the towers, and another wall without, and repaired Millo in the city of David, and made darts and shields in abundance.

 So now, let’s consider all these things.

 For an antichrist to satisfy the requirements of the three major religions of the world and bring about global peace, he would have to embrace all three. Enter…..a Druze.

Some have said the antichrist will be of Jewish descent. The show was leading in that direction showing a lineal heritage pointing to Jesus Christ, that He was most likely a Druze and not Jewish. This exclusively private sect (no one can join, you must be born into it) is almost unheard of and if brought to light might qualify as the “new sect” written of in Nostradamus’ Quatrain 66. After all, they apparently hail from Isfiya, Israel (Nazareth was mentioned also) and would be considered Jewish based on location and nativity.

 Further peace keeping would require that nothing be disturbed on the so called “Temple Mount”. If the Muslims believe they have the right to be there and the Jews don’t, they would go along quite nicely with the Jews building the third temple OUTSIDE the Temple Mount.

 The Jewish Global Elite are in bed with the Roman Catholic Church (more on that if  you inquire directly or you can purchase the book titled “The Messiah Conspiracy” by Philip Moore and read about it for yourself.)

 Understand, these words are not meant to inflame or infer anti Semitism. Everything is supported by the Scriptures themselves. All of the bible is full everywhere with clues telling of interlopers, posers, etc. Even Jesus Himself called them vipers! If you point the finger at me, then point also at Jesus! Are you willing to do that?

So many claim they read the bible all the time, but I argue that if they did, there would be no debate, no scoffing, no division among believers and followers.

I won’t say, I will not declare that anything I have offered up here will turn out the way I have presented it. It’s been my experience that a narrow mind puts blinders on the eyes and stops up the ears and causes a stiff neck. It’s time NOW before it’s too late, we must consider all things because if we don’t we might miss something very crucial, very important that would give us the more accurate timeline, so we might know where we are in time as it is laid out in the Book of Revelation.

 Anyone who has read this all the way through is welcome to just leave it behind after they are done. I only ask that if anyone has questions raised by this work, that they take it in prayer to the ONLY ONE who counts in all matters.

Blessings to all.



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