Hos 4:4 Yet let no man strive, nor reprove another

The Downside of Social Networks

I've had my share of being kicked off other sites, not for violating their rules so much as just either voicing my opinion or sharing teachings and studies that clearly align with Scripture, but fall outside of the man made traditions that the masses seem to prefer to cling to. Or, being attacked because of it by another. I'd say fine, except there is no such thing as having a voice. One cannot be an individual with individual thoughts and "get along". Most people don't seem to be able to "play nice". Don't get me wrong, there are some reasonable mature people who are able to respect others views, even go so far as to mull them over, perhaps do a little research and make a mature decision as to whether they receive it or not.  Sadly, these are few and far between and if you happen across them, do what you can to keep them as friends.

Since this latest election a term has been coined for those who cannot get along, those who won't play nice and throw tantrums. SNOWFLAKES.

Up until that came about, I was at a loss as to how to define these people who are so easily offended, but you will find them everywhere like weeds among the grass.

On one popular site, I knew someone who was kicked off because they stood up to a bully and one who had a reputation for being outright nasty. The mature person was kicked off, the bully allowed to stay. I've seen people get kicked off for having views (which were scripturally accurate) but they went against that particular website owners beliefs.

We now have censorship on FB, YT and who knows what else will come down the pike. Censorship of views politically and in faith. This is NOT free speech folks. We have become censored by those in control and even the peons who decide to create their own websites become power hungry and cut off people who disagree.

Then, if just plain ornery people are not bad enough, the paid shills whose sole purpose is to sew seeds of dissent among others, causing anger, division and arguments. Or the ones who get paid to silence those whose voice is true, by filing a complaint with the social network in question and getting them blocked.

Now, in cases of clear unjustified threats or hateful words, sure. I see the need to police that. But for just speaking plainly and truthfully, it is abundantly clear what is going on. 

God will use man to accomplish His will. Many are lacking in discernment to grasp these things sadly. What if God is allowing "men" to silence or block the truth for the sake of the person who has been victimized??? Is this a time of being prudent because it is an evil time?

Either way, all is in His hands.

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