While many are taught that the reason Lot's wife turned to salt was she looked back with regret of losing her lifestyle, there is another message, another lesson to be learned.
That is the lesson of what holds us in bondage. When events happen to us directly they can have a powerful hold on us, they can wrap us up in the emotion that accompanies it and we seem to have a natural tendency to carry these things and they become what is known as "baggage" or a "chip on our shoulder".
These burdens not only weight the soul down, but they are written invitations on our souls for the enemy to enter in and take up residence and wreak havoc.
Some call them sin wounds, others call them soul wounds, by whatever name they are called, they weigh us down, narrow our minds and blind our eyes.
Lot's wife looked behind her, back at her past. It was her past though and as bad as that was and is for anyone, looking back and carrying the past of ancestors and taking that up and keeping it close to one's chest is even worse. The sheer weight can drag one down and suffocate them. Some call it history, others call it heritage. Heritage should be something positive, but history can be something that might need to be left behind.
Sadly there are many that harbor anger over their ancestors that could be two or three or more generations removed. but these same people nurture it and nourish it with negative ideas and this then molds who thy become. There is no way to seek the truth of YHWH, I don't care how much one sits down and studies the Word, if they carry this baggage, they will not be able to see the truth. That baggage crowds Jesus off His throne (in your heart) and the baggage gets dumped right on that throne and there is no room for the Saviour.
Harboring anger and hate toward something that happened generations ago, will only fester and stunt one's spiritual growth. There is no room in the Kingdom of God for baggage.