Salvation and Obedience
Saturday, 8 July, 2017
Sabbath, 21stD, 4thM
I received Jesus Christ as my Saviour in 1981. I was twenty four years of age and prior to that event, had led a very secular life. While my mother claimed us as Episcopalian, we certainly never practiced it and to the best of my recollection, there was no bible in our home that I ever saw. In short, I came to Christ with a clean slate. Did this give me a certain edge over my indoctrinated brethren? I have to say yes.
From 1981 onward until summer of 2006, I claimed myself as Christian in the mainstream sense but only attended church on sparse and random occasions. I found there to be stuffiness (I was an outsider) and hypocrisy. I did however, read as much of the bible as I could, whenever I could.
Along the way, there were many other resources I read that brought me to an eventual realization in 2006, that we must keep the Sabbath to honor God if we were to truly obey Him. While the other things He has commanded us to do came later, this basic simple thing came first and I truly believe it is the crux of everything.
My youngest son immediately understood this without any explanation from me. When he was young, before puberty set in, he was very close to God and had an innate sense of what was truth.
As time went on, searching for like minded followers, the bulk of what I found on the net were arguments and debates amongst others, especially about the keeping of commandments. Two sides became readily apparent in the famous “Law has been done away with” to what was affectionately known as “Torah terrorists”. The latter were typically Christians who were led to keep Sabbath, the Feast Days of YHWH, etc.
Just as many debate that science and religion are completely separate concepts that have nothing to do with each other, so too keeping the “Law” and being saved by Grace through Jesus Christ were. Sadly, both situations are in gross error.
God is good. Without going into great detail or explanation, I was forced to quit work and this allowed me to pursue more study time which is what eventually led to the stunning discovery of the Sabbath. Contrary to what others might think, this did not deter from my belief or love of Jesus. In fact if anything, it solidified it in a way I don’t think I can describe.
My husband was raised Baptist and when I first told him about all of this, he was on travel and gone for several months, so for him it was a very abstract concept and one in which he was willing to “humour” me. The kicking and screaming came later after he came home and would get to work on Saturdays and I would not participate to help. If it would have been life threatening or an urgent matter such as the roof collapsed, that is different. However, to cut the grass, do yardwork, etc (for me) was out of the question. During our bible reading evenings he began to argue and debate and call into question these things which were clearly laid out in the Word. It took years of reading, explaining and praying before he was able to let go of his indoctrination. I dug my heels in and remained convicted that what I was doing was right, not in my own mind, but by the Word of God, making the effort to walk in obedience, not to be saved (Jesus did that for me) but to be blessed.
I have to credit all of our experience as a family (the debating, the hair pulling, etc) through all of this, that led me to realize that while there is a difference between being obedient and being saved, they should not be separated, but instead should be joined. I truly believe that about God and science also, but will save that discussion for another day.
While myself and my family completely understand all of this now, many on the net and many in the churches do not. The indoctrination of false beliefs is so heavily ingrained in them, that the veil that Paul inferred in Romans 11:25 will not be lifted for the masses unless by a divine act.
In my travels on the net, I have only found a handful that believe that both salvation and obedience should be joined and understanding the difference between them. There are a few but not many.
It is also my belief that those who are of the 144k have both and are indeed the first of many and probably being the first fruits who are being raised up in the Law (more properly TEACHING and INSTRUCTION) and that at some point will teach the nations these things, so that at least then, all can make an informed decision, instead of being fed lies and deception which is bondage in itself in that no other choice can be made as anything outside of what is taught is considered heresy by the majority.
Salvation is by the Blood of Jesus Christ and thank God we have it. Being obedient to His Instructions for our lives is virtually impossible in this flesh and worldly system, but that doesn’t mean we should not walk in it daily. It just means, even if we fail, we stop and repent and ask forgiveness knowing in full what Jesus has done for us, that by His Blood, we are covered in our sins (falling away, breaking of commandments) that we should continue the race as Paul does.
For those who might read this who do not agree, that’s okay. It’s just not time to know yet. We must all put our trust in the One and Only who has His plan for each of us in the time He has prepared.