Sabbath Notes
30 September, 2017
Saturday, Shabbat
By reason of the Sept 23rd Rev12 sign, if it is what I believe it to be, this day would be the 21st day of the 7th month. Sunday, or at sundown this even, is the MORROW AFTER THE SABBATH, that also being the 22nd dayof the 7th month, the 8th day Great Feast of FOT.
I believe Deuteronomy is the guidebook for Israel, a more brief and concise Torah.
This past year’s Passover for our family was a disaster and I was at a loss to understand why. But since the REV12 sign, if I have understood it correctly (and YHWH has been faithful to provide confirmation) then, the timing was off.
The other thing I was searching for, was whether any trumpet was used to usher in Passover. I was unable to find anything in Torah. But as is typically the case, while looking for one thing I find a treasure trove of other things.
In both Numbers and Deuteronomy, we find these verses:
Num 9:10 Speak unto the sons of Israel, saying, If any man of you or of your generations should be unclean by reason of a dead body or be on a journey afar off, yet he shall keep the passover unto the LORD.
Num 9:11 The fourteenth day of the second month, between the two evenings they shall keep it, and eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.
Deu 16:5 Thou mayest not sacrifice the passover within any of thy gates, which the LORD thy God giveth thee:
Deu 16:6 But at the place which the LORD thy God shall choose to place his name in, there thou shalt sacrifice the passover at even, at the going down of the sun, at the season that thou camest forth out of Egypt.
So, we have two things going on here. One tells us, if we are in a journey (or place?) that is NOT Jerusalem, we are to keep Passover in the second month, fourteenth day. Second is not to sacrifice the Passover unless we are in the place where YHWH has put His name. (Could this just mean we are not to ritually slaughter a lamb for the feast?)
So, what might this mean? Before this year, the keeping of the Moedim of YHWH was done so on various days depending on which calendar system people were using. Our family was keeping what we believe to be the correct calendar SYSTEM, but if the REV12 sign points us to the correct TIMING, we were and have been off by an entire 7 days.
I see a few things in play here. Correct timing, being in a far away place and not being in the Holy City. That being said, where do we go from here? I have to be completely honest and say I have no idea, but I do have complete faith and trust in YHWH that He will provide the answer when the time is right.
The other thing that I wanted to search on was the word COMMANDMENTS because in my studies this morning, I kept seeing this word in conjunction with God’s clear message to Israel about keeping His Word. Many shout out and say the Law is for the Jews, or the Law is for Israel and while this is true, it is not a whole truth. Here in Genesis, we see Abraham kept Torah LONG before Israel became a nation, LONG before Judah and others of Israel from the Babylonian captivity became collectively known as “Jews”.
Gen 26:5 Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.
Even in Genesis we find evidence of Torah in the sanctification of the seventh day!
God’s Teaching and Instruction had already been in effect in Heaven and was given to both Adam and Eve and even the serpent knew of it. Torah was for ALL mankind but not all mankind cared to know it. So….. God watched and He waited until certain righteous ones were found and it is through them, specifically beginning with Abraham that He established His plan for the redemption of mankind.
Just in Torah alone, the message to obey His voice, to keep charge of the commandments is found 63 times. In order to RESTORE this earth back to its original Creation state, Torah has to be taught again to Israel (so they may know it and teach it and DO IT and be living witnesses to God’s truth) and to the rest of the nations so they might be blessed by God and have rain it its season.
I want to thank all of you who have joined this site. You were called here for a reason. If your heart is truly and sincerely seeking truth, I believe, because YHWH has always confirmed things when studying certain concepts, that the teachings I have posted will assist in the process. I listen to no man, I have always sought things out on my own in the word, in studying the Hebrew and Greek words.
Yes, I have watched other teachers, yes I have listened to my fair share of others, but they have serve as a guide, mostly to some other nugget which helps to solidify something YHWH has already revealed.
The site has been up a little over a year now, well maybe 18 months. As of yet not much conversation from members on any of the studies posted. While I discourage arguing and debating (seen too much that rips apart the body of Christ) I Encourage questions. Some of this stuff is deep, some of this stuff goes directly against what is taught in most circles of teaching and preaching. We are breaking new ground here but God is going to break the yoke of untruth, the yoke of profaning of His Holy Days, the yoke of manmade traditions and He is going to accomplish this through His servants Israel.
Blessings to all of you, blessings to Israel who are lost among the Gentile nations but being called out in these last days.
I've attached a file, it's long about 36 pages but well worth the read.