Years ago, this newsletter (PNW) had cutting edge news, way ahead of others and it was reliable in that much later, months perhaps even a year later, reality and confirmation established them as an incredibly reliable source for what was going on in the world.
Then....a couple of years ago, a subtle shift was made. Something changed and it was a shift to the left, IMHO. Felt in the spirit moreso than anything else and this morning, today a confirmation of this shift to the left.
An article about the Congressional "spring break", chicken little warnings of parallels to WW1, and Trump bashing.
That is the final nail in the coffin.
No longer a reliable source of real news. They have joined the ranks of fake news media. Newspapers, radio and tv news, all of them are trash mongers now.
Warnings of a government shutdown, by PNW blatantly shows ignorance of how our government works. I can claim to know as I was once an employee of said org and so is my husband. This "problem" comes around periodically and it is nothing. Why? Because the fiscal year's budget was put in place at the end of September of the previous year as is the norm. People's ignorance of how things work and their ultimate PANIC in reporting erroneous news is frankly, getting quite old. It is now a Peter and the wolf thing. They cry fake news so much now, that when something real and true breaks, no one will pay attention.
I can no longer endorse PNW and be true to those I communicate with.