No Choice No Voice
Tuesday, 10 January, 2017
3rdD, 24thD, 10thM
Many Christian denominations teach and preach to stay away from television and the internet and other things that can pollute a mind. While I couldn’t agree more with how these things can desensitize us, for some whose faith is strong and steadfast, we will find it necessary to do so. Why, one might ask. First, these mediums are the devil’s playground and also his newsstand. We can find out what he is doing in the world and we can glean nuggets of wisdom which help to round out prophecy being fulfilled. And while I would never deem to promote certain shows such as dark and evil fictional works (vampires, werewolves, dark arts, etc) sometimes we just never know where we will find something the LORD desires us to intercede on.
Such was the case for me yesterday. My husband seems to be drawn into true crime shows for which I usually get up and walk out of the room or I complain until he changes the channel or surrenders the remote to me. You might wonder why I watch TV at all. When you have back and hip problems, you find ways to get certain chores done sitting down, like prepping for meals. So, yesterday, somehow I found myself watching one of these shows.
We live in an increasingly dark and evil world. Something positive can come out of these stories about what others have endured. We can think about how we would protect ourselves if faced with a similar situation. There is the good that can be found. Certainly the first account made me think about something. Then the next story about a young girl in Ireland who had disappeared and they showed her picture and I felt so drawn to her and the sadness and heaviness that emanated from her face. She was smiling, but pain …she was hiding pain. You could tell she struggled with her weight. I just immediately felt such a tug in my heart for her.
As her story progressed we find out that she was in to some very dark things, involved with a married man. Her family had absolutely no idea about her double life. While the things that led to her death were so vile and so dark, this man made her feel special. Clearly she had no sense of self worth that she felt this was the only place she could get attention. So, she is dead. Gone.
Where did she go? Truly we are given knowledge of where the righteous souls go and where the wicked souls go. But this morning, she filled my heart and soul again with her sad story and in the past I have had it laid on my heart about some in my own family who fit this profile. Souls who desire to do good for others, yet make wrong choices and end up dead. A certain urgency is felt to pray for them and so I do. You might ask why and I would tell you that they made bad choices and now, they have no voice of their own. Where they might be, is a place where they have no voice. Some part of me refuses to believe they would be placed into the same place as the wicked. I can’t accept that and anyone reading this might argue and debate this with me. For now, until God says to me otherwise or shows me something else, I have to believe they are in some form of limbo, awaiting that final judgment. Until then who speaks for them? Are we supposed to? I believe we are supposed to speak for them, to intercede on their behalf, to be a voice.
Over the years God has placed certain urgencies in the spirit for me to pray about. Today was the first one in a long time and that leads me to believe there is hope for departed loved ones if their families will pray for them even after they are gone.
I prayed for this girl and my plea was heard. I offered it up to HIM and He heard me. I felt peace as it was released and had reached its destination. His throne room, His court.
This is an important tasking for us. If something is laid on your heart to pray about, DO IT! No questions asked, do not delay! We have a duty and obligation to intercede on behalf of those who no longer have a voice, who no longer have a choice.
I think God is very conscientious of each individual's circumstances when He judges.
If we look at the spiritual family tree which we see in use in Scripture, we see that we are to actively seek to be sons of Abraham, and some might fall short of that goal (Matthew 3, and John 8).
Now it is true that Abraham is said to have come from Aramea, a land of idolators (Josh 24:2). So a son of his, spiritually speaking might be one who comes from a spiritually deficient family, coming to faith of his own inititive or of God's initiative.
Now Isaac had the luxury to be born of Abraham, a righteous man. He would have had every good teaching and the positive force of a good example to illuminate his path.
My point in stating these facts from the Scripture is that we all were born into a certain situation with a spiritual situation which one cannot choose. But God surely can take such circumstances into consideration when judging all of humanity.
The danger is that if one lives badly, it might be that one falls away from the accounting list of the righteous, the sons of Abraham.
The proof of this? In the books of Kings and Chronicles we see that certain kings of Judah and Israel were righteous and others not righteous. They all were gathered to their fathers. It stands to reason therefore that the wicked will not be put into the book of life, being grouped with the lists of the wicked.
Reiterating though, I think those born into meager spiritual circumstances, I believe God will certainly take that into account when judging.