Hos 4:4 Yet let no man strive, nor reprove another

Mandela Effect and Orwell's "1984" 2 March, 2017

Much ado about this thing called "Mandela Effect" and below are my thoughts. Just finished reading  Orwell's "1984" and it was an awful book. I mean awful in that it mirrors EXACTLY what we are seeing in our culture and across the globe with how evil has manipulated mankind and how we are in it's grip even if we think we're not. For many years (when I was still just an ordinary Christian who continued to sin in ignorance daily) I didn't really know what it meant to "COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE". Then in 2006, God showed me about His Sabbath, His feast days and began teaching us about CLEAN and UNCLEAN. For a long time after, we learned more about what it meant to COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE. God showed us that we were His people, by obeying and hearing His voice and keeping His Ways and most especially His Sabbath. This added new dimension to COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE and we thought we had it covered as far as we have come out of the Babylonian system of religion. after reading 1984, a horrific depressing realization that we have been entrapped and there is no way out as this prison of controlling our thoughts and what we get exposed to is everywhere in everything and we truly cannot escape it in the physical or even mental world. Never more than in these days we find ourselves existing, is it crucial to be in the Word as much as possible. A major fundamental SHIFT must happen within the family core unit. Instead of soccer games, bible reading and family time spent together in prayer must take place. Self examination aligned with studying and prayer must take place. While this might not change the world and its efforts to brainwash us, it is defeated within the family unit or at the very least a chance to make that happen, a way is paved to preserve us. FAMILY is key and is the first step toward COMING OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE.

Here is a WHAT IF.....I had said that when this first became known, I was contemplating it in thought to the Father and that is when He said :"It is of Me". Many are saying it is CERN, Quantum computing, etc. And yes, I do believe that these play a part through mankind being ALLOWED by God, those who are being influenced by darkness and evil. God is ALLOWING them to do these things. So...in essence, it is of Him. While it might astonish us, and frighten us, we should be in study and prayer always, even if the words are changing. Sometime a while back, someone mentioned about an alternative dimension or reality a parallel world that has sort of phased into ours. This latest round of word changes made me ponder this more this morning and it raised another question: IF ---- this might be a parallel timeline with altered reality (to us), then clearly their history and events have been different from ours and IF this is like radio station "bleedover" we are possibly "seeing" into this other place. It is causing a shaking of faith for many of those who are seeing it. I hope and pray we are not shaken by it, but instead we are emboldened, but sometimes God chooses to allow shaking to wake us up. One thing positive that should come out of this --- is making people really dig into the Word, perhaps even really READING for the first time ever. I am a believer in dimensions and that the realm of demonic behavior is a spirit realm which is very close by and they (by reason of their nature or essence) are able to pass between and enter in, especially when a person or group of people exhibit signs and behavior which is negative (7 deadly sins, etc). Unclean spirits CLING to people who walk in realms of unclean (i.e. lying, backbiting, murder, robbery, cheating, etc) all the things Paul warned about. Our family has experienced this firsthand with certain places and even relatives. This IS on the increase. I knew some people years ago who, one was an alcoholic and the other attested to seeing that person's face change into a demon like face with horns. Drugs and alcohol (my theory) cause a PHASE SHIFT in brainwaves (frequency). We are on one radio station broadcasting but when we SHIFT the frequency, we have BLEEDOVER. Never more than now, should people seriously consider the Commandments of God found in Torah and seek to understand them and obey them. Much has been hidden form the world regarding HOW to keep CLEAN vs. UNCLEAN.

Where am I going with this thought....Those of us who are waking up to these things, have a duty and responsibility to be in prayer DAILY and unceasing as Paul insists, with regard to the evil that is pervading the world. We must pray for our Christian and Jewish brethren, but also for the Gentile nations of the world and YES< even the wicked that they would turn from their ways if it is at all possible. CONSIDER THIS: Jews have been persecuted terribly from time to time in history. Christians are now finding themselves in this place also. WHAT IS IT they have in common? While Jews KNOW who they are and where they come from...Christians do not. But here is a mystery revealed (which now.... in these days, they are waking up) that Jesus said He came for the LOST SHEEP of the HOUSE OF ISRAEL> Then He said: My sheep hear My voice". WE, as Israel are given a MANDATE to be that light unto the nations, but we have not been schooled properly in this. Perhaps..... GOD is allowing the word changes to take place to GET HIS PEOPLE BACK, by making a situation whereby we must read and study to KNOW the Word. We cannot deny that this Mandela Effect is making people take a second look and it is making them dig. Perhaps we should look at it in this way.

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