Lev 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.
When I first read this ever, I glossed over it as I'm pretty sure most of us would admit to. Seems like when we start our walk with Jesus, we are so newborn that we are unable to grasp concepts. Truly we are "born again". We take the milk of the Word while we are struggling to walk.
Even later, in the context of what the verse says I think we miss the point. Because of the other verses surrounding it, we think the message is about not eating blood. It turns out, it is so much more than that.
I am a Gulf War Syndrome Survivor (used to be a victim) since 1990. I was a babe in Christ back then too. 18 years of service to my country, making it to MSGT and had to walk away, just quit due to failing health. Had I known then what I know now, just from the biblical view, I would never have allowed myself to be vaccinated. Why? Because NOW I understand something about the blood I never did before. LIFE is in the BLOOD. If something is introduced into the blood, which by nature (being how our Creator made us) we should be exposed to by air or ingestion, the blood reacts IMMEDIATELY and creates an army of antibodies to attack the foreign invader.
Anyway, the subsequent teachings that I'll post in the FORUM will hopefully guide others. It plays out as a very personal thing for me along with the Scriptures to prove there is a solid biblical connection.
I also hope you'll be patient. I have to take up time to clean up my work in this subject as lots of emotion got put into it.