LASHON HARA - The Evil Tongue
There's alot to say about this subject. I think it is something that all of us are guilty of. What is called gossiping, backbiting, lies, etc. But there is more as I have been convicted in the spirit about this. I have always been honest to a fault my whole life. Sometimes, actually most times very blunt and straightforward. People don't like to hear the truth. They prefer lies. Okay, right there. Blunt, very blunt but it's true!!
In our family reading nights, along with Scripture, if there is a noteworthy book I also read from that. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks has done exposes' on the first 3 books of Torah. We are learning from the Covenant and Conversation Series about Leviticus.
We got into the section about Tzaraat (known to us by the misnomer "Leprosy"). It is what Miriam suffered as a result of speaking against Moses. The Scriptures tell us that Aaron was there too but he didn't suffer the plague. That has always bugged me yet nowhere was I able to find an answer. Rabbi Sacks expands on it and the scriptures themselves also tell us that Aaron repented and went to Moses. I'm thinking now that it was only because he did this that he escaped the plague of Tzaraat.
We are told that Tzaraat can also contaminate clothing and a house. Basically it takes the form of mildew. Mildew is in the yeast and fungus family. While mainstream medicine does not concede this, there is research that suggests most cancers if not all, are caused by some form of fungus or Candida. Either way, the blood is more acidic and is the breeding ground for this. While this is an exhaustive topic on its own, I won't get into it here. Suffice it to say there is a connection between Lashon Hara and conditions associated with mold, mildew and fungus. Taking it to the next level beyond the physical, disease can manifest in someone as illness. Again, without going into detail I have my own testimony, my own personal experience with this. I know it to be true.
LASHON HARA. It's not just about lying about others or gossiping or backbiting. Rabbi Sacks tells us in his book, that the sages consider this a very serious matter to the point that even if one tells the truth, however true it may be, if it is bad truth we are committing LASHON HARA, the evil tongue.
If there's one thing I've learned, it is that words have power. I mean REAL POWER. The mouth contains the power of Death and Life:
Pro_18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
Anyone who has ever lived in a dysfunctional family knows this. Words have the power to harm and "program" either an environment or even worse a human being.
Creation was spoken into existence using words (by the Word Himself). Incredible experiments have been done using sand, the Hebrew language and the vibrations it produces. Other incredible experiments using water with salt dissolved into it (living salt, not processed table salt). Two ways of speaking over the water; one with negative words, one with positive words. The negative under the microscope yielded a chaotic murky mess; the positive however, yielded up crystalline structures that look just like snowflakes in their perfection and symmetry. Read the resource:
"The Hidden Messages in Water" by Masuru Emoto . The pictures are astounding.
We are, what.....made up of 3/4ths water? If water can retain memory of words spoken over it in a jar, imagine, just imagine the impact words have over each of us??
Words. They have power and power is energy and energy can change things when applied. Once said, words are put out into the universe FOREVER. I am so convicted by this. I read that book years ago. More recently this in-depth study of Lashon Hara. We must be so careful what we say and to whom we say it.
The military believes they have a technology that can disrupt our lives known as DEW. Directed Energy Weapon. Are you kidding? Every single person has this DEW and we use it every time we open our mouths.
In Hebrew there is no such thing as coincidence. As I mentioned, this Lashon Hara subject came up within the last few days. I have been battling making quick negative judgments for years and wondered why YHWH has not helped me to get over this seemingly last shred of filthy garments. I understand now that I had to carry it unaddressed because I was supposed to do something with it. First, to learn about it more. It seems I didn't really grasp the fuller understanding. I have kept committing it because of lack of knowledge. Just this morning talking to a friend on the phone, she had me look up something in e-Sword and the list of various verses popped up. I said I'd get back to her and as I was perusing the list, this showed up:
2Ti_2:16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.
Are you kidding? What are the odds? For Tzaraat to show up on our skin is an internal struggle. This is what Jesus meant when He said that even to THINK about something is to sin in our hearts. Take those thoughts captive, right?
Houses can have good energy or bad energy. I'm sure there are many out there that think that is rubbish, but some of us can feel these things. Same can be said about cars, clothes, objects. They retain or absorb the energy of those around them. Houses and other objects can absorb the energy of our word spoken in close proximity to them. When I first learned of the energy of words or persons, I immediately thought about how my car felt different when I got it back from being worked on at whatever garage I took it to. Sometimes it took the whole rest of the day to make that weirdness go away. Now I look back on it and wonder who exactly was in my car?
I have gone to great lengths to break the dysfunctional cycle of my own parents growing up, so that my own children are not subjected to negative phrases that might affect and impact their decisions in life or how they feel about themselves.
Is it Lashon Hara to even mention that my parents were not so great? Who can judge?
Regarding the power of the tongue, here is yet another reason why I also promote reading the Apocrypha books that have been removed from our modern day bibles:
Sir_6:5 Sweet language will multiply friends: and a fairspeaking tongue will increase kind greetings.