Over the last several years I have watched countless videos, read countless words from many about who is a Jew, or who is a Gentile, that Christians are Gentiles, who the 144k are and such. I used to believe that too, sort of, never really sunk in to any level that would have blinded my judgment.
I don't want to say that I have all those answers neatly wrapped up as none of us can know for certain. What I do know is this:
That the Word is full of hidden mysteries just waiting to be revealed. That this site is dedicated to unraveling them. That the gems of knowledge are found in the nuggets of the Hebrew and Greek languages, that ALL languages can in fact, help us along that path to knowing the truth of what words really mean, and how letters actually sound out.
I have Gulf War Syndrome. I was poisoned on August 5th 1990 by an experimental vaccine while serving as a Master sergeant in the AFRES. This was yet another in the string of attempts of the enemy to stop me. I didn't know that then, and truly have only come to fully understand this in recent years. Only in 2013 did I finally find out what happened to me in that year 1990. It took me over a year to fully process my anger, but it also helped me to grasp how desperate the enemy is to annihilate those whom God has chosen to deliver messages of truth.
I used to consider myself a victim. Now I know I am a survivor. My entire family has been impacted by what TPTB have done to us. My husband and my two sons are also survivors.
If there is any blessing in all of this, it is that I have been put in a position to quit my job, stay at home for my family and to have time to study deeply, the Word. In 2006, after my husband was deployed for the first time overseas, I was alone for months with my young son. This afforded so much time to just sit and study and at the end of that summer, the conviction to keep the Sabbath was realized and we began our incredible journey. To say the floodgates of understanding opened up, does not do justice to what began to take place. To say we came under heavy enemy attacks is putting it mildly. YHWH put me through crash courses during this time, learning all sorts of things that have all tied in and formed a more complete picture.
This website is a place where what He has shown me can be put out there for anyone and all to read and it costs the member nothing. This is how teaching God's truth should be. Jesus didn't charge His disciples money.
If what I've been shown and share here is truth, then the reader will find that so many of the ideas or concepts out there in the universe will be shattered here. I'm not declaring any truth, only revealing the real language and what the words mean in the context of God's Word, and only asking for open minds to consider all things.
As for the 144k being Jewish male virgins, there is so much more to this that is revealed when we unmask the actual Greek words. Here is where you will find how the Hebrew and Greek is broken down and examined and reveal Light hidden under the soot of English words.
For all those women who have been shown there place in this group, who are feeling mixed up about it, this is a place for you.
Here one can take it or leave it and no one is judged. We each must be judged by the higher One who has that authority.