Hos 4:4 Yet let no man strive, nor reprove another

Intro to Gulf War Syndrome

15 August, 2017

I have Gulf War Syndrome as a result of an experimental vaccine given to me on August 5th, 1990. I’m not going to call it tainted. That would mean a contaminant accidentally got into the batch.

Suffice it to say it was a life altering moment for which I have had to deal with since. It has destroyed the quality of my life and robbed me of an honorable military retirement and most of, robbed me of being a great mom and wife.

I learned a lot along the way because doctors were absurdly useless and ignorant and I carried a lot of anger and resentment toward them for years until I understood completely WHY they acted the way they did. They just plain had not been informed about the condition. Doctors today are just glorified bandaid technicians. They are not trained (this is deliberate) to pinpoint the source of any given disease. They are only trained in treating the symptoms.

The following information is centered around my own experiences and is not a declaration of what any one person should do. I know that my experience on that day in August 1990, was a very severe reaction to whatever it was that was in that batch. It is by the Grace of God that He carried me through some very dark and dangerous days and months following and every day since.

Among other various CNS issues throughout my body, raging tinnitus has been my constant companion for over 26 years and has gotten progressively worse. According to a recent article I stumbled across, the listed nutrients and vitamins are what is lacking:

B3 – Niacin


B9 – Folic Acid



Phytonutrients from fruits, vegetables, nuts and various plants.


Sadly, phytonutrients are being farmed out of these natural foods by over drugged soil (pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, etc). Add to that GMO products which are NOT natural.


Any vaccine survivor, military vet or otherwise, will end up with digestive issues which create an inability to fully process what we eat. When this happens, our bodies become deficient in the nutrients we need to maintain an optimum healthy life.

So, getting the above nutrients will do no good unless the digestion is addressed first.

One way to do that is take digestive enzyme supplements with meals. If a person has not been doing this for a long time, it may take a therapeutic dosage to get started (I had to double my intake for a few months).


I also have neurological anomalies such as random sharp pains or muscle twitching just about anywhere on my body and muscle seizures typically during the night but have also had them during the day if I stretch a part of my body.


I was deficient in Vitamin D and have corrected that. I have been unable to take B complex vitamins for years which clearly could be a factor in the increase of severity in my Tinnitus. However, since taking digestive enzymes, I am now able to tolerate them, but still have to cut them in half.


I exercise. I drink at least 6-8 8oz glasses of water a day. I juice. I eat most days a healthy diet yet my cholesterol had been creeping up and I also have a severe case of Osteoporosis seen in women in their late 70s. I was 57 when it manifested, but was not told about it so did not get treated until I was 59.

Later a friend sent me some information about boron deficiency in Osteoporosis patients. The links led to other articles which also connected boron deficiency with those who suffer with GWS. I began this therapy in late October 2016 and my cholesterol is finally going down. I don’t think I can credit the boron completely as I do believe to combat this condition, it takes a multi targeted approach and each person is different and must find what works for them. I do believe however, that the science behind it makes the most sense of anything have come across in my 27 years of living with GWS. At some point I will put together what I believe and why and my own testimony and the reader can make up their own mind.


I do know this. That there is a direct connection between what God said about LIFE in the Blood and the DEATH brought in by vaccines. That the enemy is hard at work these days trying to destroy lives and it is my hope that vets will find this website at some point. I attempted to promote it on Facebook and subsequently got kicked off. Gee, I wonder why.

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