I Phones
Insidious Phones
17 August, 2017
What is wrong with people these days? You can’t walk into any doctor’s office, store, restaurant or wait in a line and engage in conversation anymore with anyone. Their heads are STUCK to their phones. If you try to speak with someone who is in line with you, they begin to squirm in their skin as if this whole concept of looking at another person and actually communicating with them is an alien thing.
Increasingly technology and automobiles have isolated us more and more from each other. The most tragic is when we hear about a horrible act someone has done and their parents are clueless as to WHY their child would have done such a heinous thing.
Add to that, people butting in where they don’t belong in cases where parents need to discipline and correct their children, sometimes even in public. Now please understand, there is HUGE difference between abusing a child and discipline and we have lost the distinction. Now, when our kids act out in public, WE are afraid to correct them and the child gets sent the message it’s okay and here is a place I can get my way. Are you freaking kidding me??!!??!!
As if that’s not bad enough, increasingly we find our churches are engaging in behaviors which defiantly go against the Word of God and what do we do??? We either leave or we don’t speak up at all. The reason for this I believe, has to do with walking in realms of unclean in what is being taught and preached. As long as we walk in unclean, we invite the enemy in. Think about it. You’re out in the yard doing work and bees and gnats begin to be drawn to you. You’re sweating and dirty. Yet if you take the time to go in and shower and get clean and put clean clothes on, you get a reprieve. You can then go out in the yard and get more work done without being bothered. We can find analogies to the condition of our spirit in even the small things we go through everyday. You hang out in the wrong neighborhood or hang out with the wrong people, you WILL get into trouble.
When young people make bad decisions, parents are to blame and so is the church.
There is FAILURE everywhere, yet no one wants to take responsibility for their actions or lack thereof.
Is it wrong for me to feel no empathy? Frankly I am disgusted with where society is these days and how so-called “people of righteousness” just keep silent and “turn the other cheek”.
YES, we should love our neighbors, yes we should pray for our enemies, but NO, we should take a stand against evil and instead we have allowed it to creep into every, single aspect of our lives and we are being DESTROYED!
How the enemy is hopping up and down with delight, clapping his hands and chuckling.
I thought I had posted this, but apparently not. Note the date of creation. Today listening to a YT video about the newest product we should all take note. Who is like the beast, who cn make war against him?
Here's the link: