Hos 4:4 Yet let no man strive, nor reprove another

Generational Blessings


Thursday, 14 April, 2016


In this morning's devotions and prayers, speaking to YHWH about generational curses. In myself I have many flaws as most of us do, right? But one flaw has stood out and no matter how I pray to be rid of it, it sticks with me. It has been a frustrating "thing" in me to get rid of as it clings to me like the smoke of a fire, or that horrible smell of cigarette smoke if you are in a bar. A dirty filthy rag that clings, clings, clings! And OH how I wish to be rid of the stink!.


So, about now reader, if you are wondering what this might be, I will share it. All my life I have been the subject of gossip, backbiting and as known in Hebrew: LASHON HARA. My biggest fault is that I can be complainer about people, things, circumstances, systems, etc. So...what does that really have to do with anything?


The one monkey on my back is that I immediately think the worst of people, even though I really try very hard not to. I slip into it so easily as if a comfortable old shoe. But here's the thing.....unless wildly provoked, I don't complain directly to the face of the one who I am judging or being judged by unjustly (shall we say). Nope. The target might be the idiot driver who cut me off, driving fast past me. Who am I to judge? While this person might be an idiot putting lives in jeopardy, they also might be rushing home to an emergency. TRULY, I have done the same thing myself.


I have been reading scripture to my family most nights of the week now for years. Lately, we have been in the Book of Numbers. I read one chapter a night. Last night was Chapter 26. 26. Hm. You know this is the number of the Holy Name, YHWH. Then....look at today's date according to Enoch as recorded above in the title of this message. In Hebrew, there are NO coincidences. Chapter 26 is about Miriam and Aaron's gossiping and backbiting against Moses.


I also am currently reading Rabbi Jonathan Sacks series "Covenant and Conversation" in Leviticus. I try to read one section a night if possible. Last night's was all about this very same thing. Who knew? I didn't plan it that way, it just worked out, but it was not coincidence, since I don't believe in that anymore. While I didn't share my thoughts or epiphanies with my family as I read about how it applied to me personally, I did pray about it before I closed my eyes last night and then it was the main thrust of my morning prayers. It was during my conversation with YHWH that I mentioned about being released from generational curses. Why? Well, just about everyone gossips. We can't help ourselves, right? ISRAEL complained most of the  time, not only in the wilderness, but even after they entered the promised land. In the above book, it brought to attention that Miriam and Aaron complained about Moses behind his back. But I am guessing that Miriam was the only one who was cursed with Tzaraat as she most likely instigated it and Aaron went along. But Aaron sort of exonerated himself when later he admitted his wrong. Anyway. my thoughts about my inability to get rid of my own curse of immediate judging of others was in my face. So....I prayed for it as a generational curse to be removed and to no longer have a hold on me. If we are of Israel, then these generational curse apply with the full force until we learn about how all this works and remove them.


Complain, backbite, gossip, you name it. Since YHWH has made provision in His commandments AGAINST this very thing, if we break the commandment, we then come under a curse and that curse will follow us through the generations of our ancestors. It has to because YHWH is a God that DOES NOT CHANGE. His WORD STANDS FOREVER.


Then it occurred to me that along with curses put in place if we are not obedient, are also blessings if we are. But first let me mention that in the book by Rabbi Sacks, there was mention of a rabbinic commentary on what happened to Moses on the mount when YHWH made his hand turn "leprous" (Tzaraat). It was done to him AFTER he had said to YHWH that "the people will not believe". In essence, Moses committed Lashon Hara. So many concepts came together in last night's reading that it all made so much sense.


Tzaraat IS the leaven within us. As Paul said, a little leaven, leavens the whole lump (1Cor 5:6). Tzaraat can spoil the house, the garments and us. Think about it. When we carry around with us the spirit of backbiting, gossip mongering, lying, manipulating and such, our clothes will get spoiled as that "air" clings to the garments just like that awful smoke from the bar. In essence, we become like "Peanuts" "Pigpen". Our house will also ABSORB that same dark energy.


So, if we work and let go of these curses; if we obey the Word of YHWH as He commanded us, we then will be blessed. So that brings me back to what  Moses said and YHWH making his hand Tzaraat. With that in mind, I then prayed asking for Israel (lost, scattered Israel who still don't know yet, who they really are) to reap the blessings, for YHWH to turn their hearts toward understanding and show them His truth and begin the process of turning the curses into blessings. Israel back then in Moses time, knew the Truth, but Moses had no faith in them because they still chose to disobey. We must change our attitude and HAVE FAITH that His lost people WILL come back to His Truth. We must pray for it, every single day.


We live in an increasingly hostile world. Not just hostile with physical violence to our bodies, but there is another type of violence against the spirit in us.

We suffer it when we purchase items that are cheaply made and fall apart and customer service won't help. We suffer it with inferior services in car repair, endless fees tacked on for services. It makes it very easy for us to become discouraged and when we are exposed long enough to being scammed, the enemy will pounce and we become engulfed in Tzaraat. We want to "get back" at the world. Could this be what Jesus meant when He said "Turn the other cheek?" I think so. We must do our best to NOT be pulled into Satan's arena and become a player in his game. WE must rise above it, fight every day against it if necessary. In fact, in these days where it is increasingly more dark, we must be ever vigilant to guard ourselves against this.


Keeping An Open Mind Through the Narrow Gate (Mat 7:14)

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