False Teachings. I titled this blog entry that because there are false prophets AND false teachings and while I have read alot of work from many over the years, there are some things they are stating that are truth, but that others on the net debunk them. The below link will take you to a place that is doing just that and specifically, I am pointing out the part about what Tim McHyde says about the 144k. Even though I disagree with alot of what Mr. McHyde declares, I do have to stand by his side in the matter of the 144k. They will be called out of Christians. They are not all Jewish male virgins, literally. Sorry, they're just not.
while it is the mission of this site to present viewpoints not considered in the mainstream, it is not the intent to shove things down one's throat and decalre all is truth but on the matter of the 144k I do have to take this stand with him. I know what God has shwon me, I know what He has confirmed through the orignal languages and I know from way more than two or three witnesses to establish truth given to me over the course of about 2 years from 2006 to 2008.
PLEASE TAKE WITH A GRAIN OF SALT this site and many others like them.
I want to offer up this:
Pray first and always for discernment whenever the things about God and His Word and those who profess to know present concepts. Myself and this site are included in that.
Many who get some things wrong, also get osme things right and we must chew on all of it and spit out the bones.
As informational as the net is, I find myself these days often wondering whether we would all be better off without it, getting back into spending more time alone with God and His word.
The anger, the arrogance of those who profess to know more than the rest of us just drives me nuts and I try so hard to rein it in and keep silent but here, in this blog, I can rant if I want without fear of being kicked off for having my say. We're all entitled to our opnions and I'm most likley shouting all of this at a brcik wall, becasue most of themembers here on this site are propbably not even visitng or reading these htings. That's fine, only if led by God should they be here anyway.
I just don't get people anymore.......humanity has gone nuts.....and if there is anyone out there who could say otherwise, let me just say that in my experiences I have met more who reject truth than not, both on the net and off the net.
And I apologize if some words are mispelled...NING has once again, changed the formatting without any warning and there is now no spellcheck. If they keep this up, I will close down the site, I've had just about my fill of madness.