Hos 4:4 Yet let no man strive, nor reprove another


Saturday, 16 April, 2016

Sabbath, 28thD, 1stM (also the 2nd Sabbath of the Feast of Weeks)

Reading in Ezra something interesting to note:

As the first chapter starts out, we see that Cyrus (phonetically: KORESH) has rule over Babylon and allows Judah to go back and rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple.

Yet, in the 3rd chapter, we find "the Children of Israel", as the 7th month arrived, are settled in the cities.

Given that the nation as a whole, was split during the time of Solomon's son Rehoboam, from then one known as the House of Judah and the House of Israel; the southern tribes, the northern tribes,etc; to see them once again called as a whole nation in this 3rd chapter, AND in the 7th month; this must be a future prophetic time.

For sure, there most likely were small groups of other tribes, a remnant that got caught up in that Babylonian captivity along with mostly Judah and Benjamin, but it is clear that there is a distinction being made in the 3rd chapter.

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