Did Jesus keep the Law here too?
Friday, 22 July, 2017
6thDotW, 4thD, 5thM
Watching a YT video of Dr. Kent Hovind’s time he spent with Ron Wyatt talking about his discovery of what he believed was the Ark of the Covenant.
Ron Wyatt stated that the place was not the traditional one all tourists and Christians know of, but he stated it was under a garbage heap. He found recesses in the ground that would have held the vertical beams or poles of wood for this type of execution. Apparently, there were three of them.
He went on to say that this area was one mentioned in the bible as being a place where Jeremiah might have been instrumental in the hiding of Temple artifacts.
This is the place where he found what he believed was the hiding place of the Ark of the Covenant, even though he did not dig all the way through (through the utmost respect for God’s Holiness and his reverent fear based upon what happened to Uzziah). He did however see what look liked dried ancient blood which was apparently black in color, seeing it on what appeared to be the Mercy Seat and also on the ceiling of that cave directly above the Mercy Seat. Ron Wyatt stated that he scraped some of this off and took this sample for testing. I recall this from years ago that he submitted it without saying exactly where he got it from, so that the technician/s would not be biased with any sort of opinion but would perform the testing with a purely scientific forensic outcome.
Over the last twenty two years or so of my life, I have studied intensely the Scriptures and other esoteric books such as Jasher, Enoch and Jubilees. Since 2006, I have studied in depth the Torah. As a result, the most amazing things lined up and I was able to see that Jesus kept the Torah flawlessly. These things are not readily apparent to Christians because they are told and taught that the Old Testament is for the Jews and the Law has been done away with. They cling to this without even investigating it for themselves and if one is seeking answers, they keep it to themselves for fear of being ostracized by their own. This is tragic.
It has been my experience during my studies, that the truth of things is consistently being suppressed, changed or hidden or flat out called false. Isaiah said that this would happen that evil would be called good and good would be called evil. When will people wake up?
Offering up just one small example is an event that took place with the tribe of Ephraim. This event was described in detail in the Book of Jasher which is mentioned TWICE in Scripture (meeting God’s edict that two witnesses are required to establish a truth). The rabbinics (and everyone they have influenced) declare this book to be a false work, yet in a certain Jewish bible, the rabbinic commentary goes on to give detail about this event which is only found in Jasher, not in Scripture.
Jesus taught from the Book of Enoch which was considered Jewish canon and only after Jesus died and rose, then they banned it as heresy. You won’t find what Jesus said to the Pharisees in any part of the modern day bibles, but you will find it in the book of Enoch.
Mat 22:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.
Mat_22:30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
51.4 And in those days the mountains will leap like rams, and the hills will
skip like lambs satisfied with milk, and all will become Angels in Heaven.
These are just a few examples of hiding of truth, suppression of truth,etc. Given that the enemy is working so hard at this, it seems to me, that to find this discovery under a trash heap is in keeping with evil’s attempts to keep the truth away from God’s children. Even more so, to keep the world from knowing that the Son of God as the Lamb of God fulfilled the Law, by shedding His blood on the very Mercy Seat (propitiation for our sins) that the High Priest (Jesus also carried Aaronite blood from His mother) was instructed to do for all of Israel to atone for their sins, both known sins and those committed unknowingly, (ATTENTION ALL CHRISTIANS!!! Who have no idea they are of the lost tribes of Israel sinning [that is breaking God’s Instructions – see, no…. READ Leviticus chapters 4 and 5]).
If the Word of God is to be fully believed, and the ways of the enemy is to hide truth, then for the possibility to exist, that the true place of the crucifixion has been covered over by garbage and the truly fantastic idea that the black substance is indeed proof of the Blood of the Lamb (the results came back showing only 23 chromosomes instead of 24 as all earthly humans have), then this is just one more in a string of things which show and prove that Jesus kept the Instructions of His Father, being fully and completely obedient unto death and was perfected through this fulfillment.