In recent weeks, I have watched as fellow believers verbally tear each other apart on social forums. I Know when I was on FB months ago, it was there also, but just in recent weeks it has intensified on platforms such as YouTube. And the things what end? Do people even stop to give themselves a moment to pause and take in a breath before they being spewing evil at their fellow brethren? It doesn't seem so.
I KNOW all too well as many of you also do, that we tend to think of this in terms of defending the faith, but in the end I don't think this is what happens. no one gets edified by any of this.
And guess what? The following subjects clearly are the hottest topics and they are not deal breakers when it comes to Salvation so maybe we ought to just let sleeping dogs lie because how would you feel, if Jesus came back and you were in the middle of a shouting match or ripping apart another's views using hateful language? Do you think , do any of us think we would be worthy of being His Bride???
It certainly has given me pause when I have wanted to respond in kind even when the other person is blatantly wrong (not in opinion , but erring in the scriptures). Of course even opinions are considered fair game and then you have "trolls and shills" to deal with.
I can't tell anyone what to do in these cases, but if anyone is willing to hear this, I would suggest pausing and counting to ten and then asking yourself, what would Jesus think of me?
1. Debates about the name. Guess what? NOBODY knows the true name....YET. It will be God Himself who reveals it to each of us if we are worthy.
2. Debates about the tribulation, pre, mid or post rapture. Really? Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. ALL believers should at least prepare for a possible post trib scenario EVEN if they fully believe in pre trib.
3. Trinity vs. one God. This concept of Three Yet One is difficult for some to grasp and it is better to just let it go if someone's viewpoint differs.
4. WHO makes up the 12 Tribes of Israel. As anyone knows who is a member of this site, I posted a work titled "The Amazing Color of Israel".
This racial hair splitting has got to stop. Obedience and a HEART for Him and His Torah and Sabbath are what determines WHO Israel is.
Talk about a Rainbow tribe...truly Israel will be made up of many coats of colors through the sons of Joseph.
5. The calendar. While the real calendar is out there, only the Father knows it and those who are in Heaven and when the time is right, He will reveal it.
Now, these are only five things and there are more, but it seems it is time to back away some from contentious debates, go off in quiet and study the Scriptures, pray on these things and have peace about it.
Some of us are walking side by side on the path, others are ahead and even others are further behind.
Jesus said we are to be like little children:
Mat_18:3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
In fact, there are about 80 verses where He talks about children. I don't think He meant for us to throw temper tantrums if we don't get our way with others thinking. We are not to be bullies to each other.
But if you find you just cannot leave without saying something, then just find the exact scripture verses which support you point and post those. I have found that works and is very reliable in squelching fiery words. I'm not saying it's perfect but it works most of the time, then just leave it alone and let God do the rest of the work through your prayers about it.
I love all who are here and this opinion is not directed at all to anyone here who is a member. I felt like saying something here rather than trying to on YT.
The enemy is working overtime these days and why should we walk right into his traps and that is exactly how I see all of this.
So, I hope whoever reads this, that they take it in the spirit it is intended. Blessings.......