So many things are going on in the world today. Bad things. We hear about it all the time through the various networking (social media, news media, etc).
Just this morning, seeing an article about "Ice T" and his band and the prophetic title of a song done long ago.
There are a few of us out there, who have come to realize the seriously detrimental effects of negative language and what it can do to a person. Words have power. They can destroy or create. Anyone who study's scripture knows this about our Creator. He told us this, He warned us and He suggested a choice between LIFE and DEATH in Deuteronomy.
Another book about water and memory has proved out some astounding experiments with speaking clean good words vs. hateful words over a pitcher of water, then looking at it under a microscope. In short, water has memory and it retains the energy of voice spoken in to it.
The human body is 75% water, so imagine if you will, a verbally abusive parent who assaults their child with words of: "you're no good, you'll never amount to anything, why can't you be like your brother?" I think you get the point.
We have allowed "freedom of expression" to allow DEATH into our daily lives through hate filled songs, movies, books,etc. It's no wonder we are in the state we are.
Whatever we speak, it needs to be understood, that our words have power and they can be prophetic, planting seeds in us that might lie dormant for a while, maybe years, but at some point they spring up and take strong root in those who are not grounded in truth.
Rap songs filled with hateful racist violent lyrics are only one example, but these are what are young people listen to and their minds are being filled with violent ideas and thoughts.
If we are going to make positive changes in this world, we need to realize these things. Parents need to pay attention to their children all throughout their dependent years and even those beyond. I am just as guilty as the next person in that I have not done this. In fact, it has only been made aware to me since learning Torah and keeping God's commandments and His Sabbath that my eyes have been opened to all of this.
The enemy truly has done a number on us by steering us away from the Truth. It will only be by the HEARING of the Word, and the DOING (from our hearts) of The Word, that positive change will come about.