Chemtrail Effects on the Environment
They are destroying the earth and us
15 March 2020
Aerial spraying has been going on for a very long time. In fact experiments were done using aerial spraying over the city of St. Louis back in the 50s.
The first time I noticed it, was directly after 9-11. When I had looked up and saw tic tac toe patterns throughout the sky. Beyond a silent “HMMM” I gave it no other thought. Only after just doing recent research on something else, did I come across material that offered an explanation for the blackish sooty, oily residue that was on the outside of all my windows back during the 90s. I never made the connection then, had no clue what it was. I just recall how hard it was to clean up.
Fast forward to 2007, attending a local church. One of the members mentioned how sick he got whenever the chemtrails were in the air. I asked him what he meant and he showed me. From that point on I became more aware. In fact I saw them everywhere and also noticed how this once sunny state where the sun shined for 8 out of every 10 days, the weather and sky now resembled upstate New York, always overcast reversing it to 8 out of 10 days as cloudy.
As time went on I would come across articles, not looking for them, just fell into my lap (so to speak) while searching for some other topic. Some people were awake and doing their best to inform people but immediately labeled conspiracy theorists. Some people had their soil tested and the chemical composition included other than naturally occurring elements. Others shared pictures of strange looking rainbow like reflections in the clouds. Most people viewing acted like the little squeaky toys in the vending machine in Toy Story. OOOHHHH shineeee…..
At other times sharing about chemtrails with random people I’d meet, they had no clue about anything and looked at me like I was nuts. In 2008 after the elections the CTs got worse. Very heavy. We used to be able to keep our house siding clean for a few years before it needed power washing but all that changed. It became a twice a season thing. Blackish sooty sticky goo that picked up any and all particulate in the air and as this accumulated, it stayed moist thus creating a perfect environment for green, yellow and black mold. Mold forming on surfaces that were in direct sunlight for most of the day. Surfaces that never formed mold before. At one point, some other strange particulate of little (brick red in colour) dots of hard substance that clearly had come from somewhere were on the siding and all over our vehicles. It did not come off with light washing. It took scrubbing and even then not enough, had to use popsicle sticks so as not to mar the painted surface of our vehicles.
The CTs were heaviest in the winter months and some days you could not even go outside and breath the air. It was acrid, chemical and took your breath away. The only close comparison for what it smelled like was rubbing alcohol.
I had learned about “earthing” as a form of wellbeing to heal the body. This meant walking barefoot on the grass. The first year I did this the grass felt fine. In fact it felt just as it did when I was just a kid walking barefoot in our yard growing up.
The next year however, all that changed. The grass felt sticky underfoot, almost as a gelatinous texture.
As time went on, a crusty from of light green mold was forming on the trunks and branches of bushes and trees in our area and it wasn’t just on the north side. It was all over. When it would rain it made that mold look almost like a neon green. It got very bright and very noticeable.
Around 2011 we lost several of our trees to a systemic fungus. In the years that followed the other trees that had survived began showing signs of some form of black spots on the leaves. As time progressed you could see bare dead branches up high.
About three years ago these branches began to break off and fall to the ground, or they would get hung up on the lower but unreachable branches that still had life in them. Each successive year since, the branch breakage has gotten worse with this year of 2020 being the worst. Even if there is a light breeze, so many branches fall and it is constant cleaning up of the yard. Also this year I noticed it all over the woods on our neighbor’s property. On the rare sunny days you can’t notice it, but on gray cloudy days the whitish pulp shows up clearly.
This is what can be observed in the environment. This has direct impact on human beings.
Have you noticed how tired you get on those “cloudy” days? Actually it’s more like a drug induced fatigue and can also cause confusion and fuzzy thinking.
Imagine my surprise when researching a word study from the bible, I found in a dictionary the definition for the word family of “chloros”. I looked at all the words which had any form of CHLOR in them and here are some of things they described:
Chlor or Chloro- Greenish yellow; chlorine, chlorosis,chloroprene<containing chlorine>
Chloral (chloral hydrate), Chloralose- used as a hypnotic.
Even more disturbing in this definition of Chloral:
A pungent colorless oily aldehyde CCI3CHO obtained by the action on ethyl alcohol.
The other damming evidence found in this definition “ETHYL ALCOHOL”. From this same year of 2008, on certain heavy CT days, the air was almost unbreathable. It had an acrid smell at the time I was unable to pinpoint a good description of it but some form of alcohol, like possibly rubbing alcohol is what came to mind. Looking up ETHYL ALCOHOL commonly known as Ethanol. Made from corn. We get our common Rubbing Alcohol from this and that is exactly what the air smells like on those days.
The amount of words stemming from “chloro” fill up half the column of words found on a dictionary page. Another one that caught my eye:
Chloro-Benzene. Some people that had their soil tested found levels of Benzene in it.
There are some who have had tested their soil which has been ravaged by chemtrails. A few poisonous chemicals have been found. It should also be considered that through aerial spraying the population could be exposed to all sorts of nasty things.
We are breathing this in.
Then also let’s look at how trees keep us alive. We breathe in air made up of oxygen. When we exhale we give back Carbon Dioxide. Trees love carbon dioxide and through photosynthesis in their leaves (activated by UV) they manufacture oxygen for us to breathe. But now, the trees are dying.
The powers that be will say that cloud seeding is necessary to keep the earth “cool” because of “global warming”. But let’s look at this logically:
When the colder seasons arrive, nights that are clear are colder than nights when we have clouds. The clouds act as a blanket of sorts that on sunny days the sun heats up the earth and at night on clear nights that heat radiates upward and dissipates causing drops to form and we have then dew or frost on the ground in the morning. When the night sky is filled with clouds however, no dew or frost forms because the heat is kept trapped between the earth and the sky. This is an observable fact that anyone can prove.
In the book of Isaiah it is written that good will be called evil and evil will be called good.
We are told UV is bad for us. If one believes in the God who created us, then HOW can something He made be bad for us?
Clouds BLOCK UV. Trees need UV to survive and process our waste gas of carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen. The higher the CO2 levels, the sleepier we get.
CO2 levels rise on those CT days because the air is TRAPPED and no UV gets through so the trees cannot photosynthesize the CO2 and turn it into oxygen. Essentially they starve and so do we.
Mold grows in this environment. The trees and bushes are confused and the mold grows on ALL sides of a trunk. It used to be that finding the north side of trees in the woods, if you were lost, would let you know where north is, to give you direction.
There is a health epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency. You can take all the fish oil you want, but the Vit D conversion that takes place from sun exposure is somewhat different than taking a supplement. It is crucial, vital to our health but it has been stolen away from us and we are sick because of it.
Now, trees are dying from lack of UV. Trees are the lungs of the earth and they give us precious oxygen to sustain us. Add to that the chemicals which are being dumped on us that we are also breathing in.
Is it any wonder why bees are dying? Birds are dying? They want to blame cell towers for the bees dying and while that might be a contributing factor, CT spraying is also definitely a player in this fatal game.