Been seeing quite a few in recent weeks, warriors of Christ giving their messages on various platforms. Even if we think we can't do anything, we can. Don't bother writing your congressman/woman to get something changed. There is only ONE PLACE to go, to plead your case and make sure you cut through all the red tape. Take your offerings to YHWH and offer them up in the name of Jesus Christ, EHYEHshua ha Meschiach, the Great IAM.
What does it mean when our own brethren come against us??? This one's frankly got me so confused, hurt and dumbstruck. How do we pray for them???? How can someone you've known years ago, another sister in Christ who shared all sorts of things with each can they years later just come against you without cause???? What does that say about them?
Regardless or maybe not....this all boils down to praying fervently for EVERYONE. Not just lost souls who have never known Jesus, but EVERYONE.
Jesus hep us to pray for these who have gone down a path of false teachings and doctrine.