Black Spots on Our Hearts
Thursday, 1 September, 2016
15thD, 6thM
Sometime last week, watching a message from a certain kindred soul. She has many dreams that YHWH gives her and she shares them with us. In this particular dream, she mentions a white scarf with black dots. At the time I didn’t know what it might mean.
For these recent years now, understanding through deep study, how crucial it is for our souls to be clean in order to draw close to Abba Father. My own personal journey working through my faults and such. Facing hidden angers and coming to terms with them, releasing them, recognizing them for what they were. Facing unforgiveness in my heart and releasing it, making peace with those who have offended me, even if unable to do so face to face. I did feel somewhat of a release, but not complete, but sort of ignored it as perhaps just a remnant which would go away by itself.
In recent days, being faced with this again, in the form of anger toward the implication in a certain news article about the atrocities of certain medical practices and how it being dismissed as a mental problem and not connected to a certain medical practice of which I and many like me have been victims. In fact, the number of victims is countless. Another incident has to do with being harassed by a billing agency about a bill for which it had been paid in full back in March and they keep sending the bill and claiming it is unpaid. A myriad of thoughts about what to say to them, only this morning was seen in the Word in Zechariah 7:10:
Zec 7:10 And oppress not the widow, nor the fatherless, the stranger, nor the poor; and let none of you imagine evil against his brother in your heart.
Then also, Jesus’ words to the same affect:
Mat_5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
This “bill” situation has had me thinking all sorts of things to say in our defense as we do have proof of it being paid, have sent the proof yet it is being ignored. So all thoughts are in my head about it, how to get back at them. Then also thinking more on that article and how angry I was about it, wrestling with wondering if it means I have not forgiven those involved; how do I differentiate between anger and unforgiveness and can they even be separated or are they one and the same?
So, last night after our scripture reading in James, then reading Perry Stone’s book “The Meal that Heals”, and the subject was indeed unforgiveness and how it is a barrier to prayers of healing and healing itself. I know my husband has prayed for me, I know some things have healed, but some have not. I then, being concerned that this would shake his faith, and always wondered why complete healing has not come. But knowing in my heart, I still have some things which need cleaning up which I thought resolved and asked the question, posed the problem to him last night. Then, this morning reading this verse from Zechariah and convicted in the heart that it is my thoughts about these things, plotting what to say in ways that are not nice. I praise You and thank You YHWH, my Elohim!!! Thank You for teaching me these things an helping me to clean up my act!!! My heart Surgeon!!
During prayer, He made me to understand that even thinking on these things when some adversity comes to us, is a black spot on our hearts and renders us “spotted” rather than “spotless”. This is VITAL NOW. WE cannot go to Him with any spot.
When this revelation hit me, I immediately recalled this person’s dream about the white scarf with black spots.
While this message has been centered around my own personal experience, it is meant to help others who might be struggling with the same things. I pray that anyone reading this, will SEE the message for what it is and if they have struggled with the same issues, that this will bring clarity to them. By the Blood of Jesus Christ, may this message be heard, in His Name!!!