Being Solitary vs. Hypocritical
18 August, 2017
In recent days it has become increasingly apparent regarding how easily so many can slip into being critical or judgmental of either brethren or teachers. We do know that most pastors get things wrong just by virtue of what they are taught in seminary and colleges. Just like most in the medical community, they bow to those who teach them in their universities and these days an alarming disease is on the increase; the inability to think for one’s self, to think outside the box, to ask questions. I got my first dose of that in tech school for the Air Force. I asked questions and got lambasted by the instructor to just accept what I was being taught. I never stopped asking the questions though.
Our society and culture is built upon men being the dominant gender. They can be whatever they want to be, but women are not. This is not just my opinion, history backs this up! Just yesterday watching a show about a particular woman back in either the 1700s or 1800s (sorry, I came in on the middle of it). She was married to an abusive husband and came home one day, after a visit to relatives only to find she had been locked out of her house. Back then, a woman had no rights to her children and the husband would have custody if he decided he wanted a divorce. She drafted up a document and mailed and petitioned but got nowhere. She then decided to do the same thing under a male pseudonym. Success! She got Parliament to enact a law to protect the rights of mothers in these cases.
I have told my husband over the years, countless times when this gender bias has affected me, in every aspect of life. He just doesn’t get it and I tell him it’s not his fault, he couldn’t possibly understand being of the male persuasion he is not and never has been subject to it.
While men do this to women, women do this also to their peers and sometimes can be even more harsh. Many times throughout the years posting comments on social networks, I am mistaken for being a man. I’ll confess, I am not a typical female in that I have served in the military a total of 18 years. I’ve crawled in mud, shot weapons, driven 2 ½ ton trucks and a host of other things. Maybe this is why I seem to be the only female in my neighborhood who cuts the grass.
When this epiphany finally sunk in, I would deliberately mention my gender at times in order to perform my own personal study on this behavior. There is a definite bias out there and both men and women are guilty of coming against women.
Okay, so if you are reading this, you must be wondering where I am going with my point and what does this have to do with the title.
I certainly cannot speak for others when I say, this journey that Abba Father has me on, has been incredibly lonely. Even within my own family I feel, at times, alone.
I drew comfort from this when I stumbled across it a couple of years ago:
Psa 68:6 God setteth the solitary in families: he bringeth out those which are bound with chains: but the rebellious dwell in a dry land.
I think most would agree, even when we study and read for years, some verses we don’t SEE until we can relate to them.
Just lately, I have witnessed a person who is on YT who promoted a certain person’s teachings (a man), then turns right around and declares another’s teachings to be “just the words of a man”.
When I first met this person online I thought they had insight. Actually I still do believe that. But this is a perfect example of how we are all so imperfect. How we all stumble in things, how each of us have blind spots. Some are wise enough when called on the carpet, to humbly seek forgiveness understanding that they have been gently admonished and they see their error. Others sadly, just roll right through as if nothing happened, a complete ignoring of the reproval message.
How many caught the hypocritical remark? How can you say out of one side of your mouth, that one man’s word we should listen to is wise, then in the next breath admonish others, and NOT SEE this when it is brought to their attention?
We are quickly approaching the fall Appointed Times and some are saying the Spring and Fall Feasts have merged and we should consider this as being very possible. There is no need to publically declare that someone might be wrong about certain things UNLESS… actually goes against the Written Word of God. Even then, reprove with the Scripture verses only! Leave opinion out of it and pray for wisdom on both sides!
There is something to be said for being solitary and alone with God when studying His Word. While others can offer up insights we might not see, increasing our understanding, we should not allow others (mankind) to be the “be all, end all” of our learning. This is a path that leads to destruction (Hosea 6). Seek FIRST the Word of God, study to show yourself approved. Hear what others have to say but consider it and shelve it and pray asking for wisdom and discernment.
We have irrefutable proof of errors when we have listened to mankind. All we have to do is COMPARE what God says, to the doctrinal pillars of Christianity (the words of Paul instead of the words of Jesus Himself; Sunday Sabbath, etc) and even some doctrinal pillars of Judaism (Lunar Calendar, certain traditions that have been added which Jesus Himself declared a burden).
If none of us had internet, TV or other forms of media, if each of us were in a solitary place, we would have only ourselves and God and His word. Each of us has a distinct and separate path to Him based upon our relationship to Him. We are His Children and any parent knows full well, that each child is a distinct and separate person with their own ideas, their own way of thinking, their own way of seeing things and understanding them. You cannot raise two children the same way. Yes, there are certain principles which apply to each, but one can be easy going, will wear anything you buy for them, the other will have established their likes and dislikes for clothing and you have to let them pick out their clothes.
So in the end, we have to examine our motives, we have to ask ourselves why are we so judgmental of others even in the Body of Christ????
In so many cases, I don’t see brethren coming against atheists for their views or agnostics for theirs. I don’t see them judge anyone except those in the Body of Christ! Would you tell your big toe to behave like your left index finger?
Each of us have gifts, each of us have insights and each of us get offended when someone offers up things which the other does not have understanding in.
The things of God are so deep and so much has been ripped away from us in truth. Kept hidden, destroyed and YES, even changed in the very Word we call the authoritative Bible.
Flat earth vs. round earth; rapture vs. no rapture; pre trib, vs. mid trib, vs, post trib; Dreams and visions and messages.
Just because we don’t understand someone else’s message or experience in a dream or vision, doesn’t mean it is of the devil. Yes, it might be, but pray about these things in SILENCE and PRIVACY.
If we are so puffed up as to JUDGE another on an open forum, we STAND in DANGER of Judgment ourselves!!! Jesus’ words, not mine!