Today two bibles arrived that I had ordered earlier this week. George Lamsa's translation from the Aramaic Peshitta is the one which I have only just breezed through, but found something remarkable in it.
Gog is translated as CHINA. Yes, you heard it correctly. Magog is MONGOLIA. Does that blow your mind yet???
Every occurrence of Gog found in Ezekiel (KJV and other flavors) is translated as CHINA in this Aramaic transliteration.
What is astonishing is seeing this as plugging in CHINA, which has a huge enough army to meet the criteria of this biblical invasion outlined in Ezekiel.
We know this now, in these days in which we live.
I don't know how I'm going to find the time to read this through and I wish I had this version in e-Sword and I'm not even sure it's available but will check because searching for certain names without a software tool to do it for you, is exhaustive to say the least.
But I offer this up.....a huge WHAT IF.....that what if this Aramaic is more correct??? WHAT IF the name we know as Gog is actually China????
We find Gog to appear mostly in Ezekiel chapter 38 so go ahead, whoever reads this blog and plug in CHINA where you find GOG and pray asking for discernment.
Let me know what you feel or come up with.