Friday, 3 March, 2017
6thDotW, 16thD, 12thM
- The first and most common is that this is the work of the enemy, making changes through CERN and/or other means.
- WHAT IF…… it is possible that the words in question, are actually going back to what they were originally? We just don’t know it because we live in a generation that has no clue to the changes made each year as publishers make decisions to change words form an older form of the language.
I don’t think I would have ever considered this had I not read George Orwell’s “1984”. In it is this THING called NEWSPEAK. An entire office of people whose purpose it is to change words in anything ever written that has a particular word in it.
Last year when the Mandela Effect was first in full swing on forums, panic was widespread and I had my own “moment” about it all. Yes, it rattled my cage but I prayed and pondered it and I don’t care what others accuse me of. I heard that still small voice and it said: “It is of Me”.
That can mean one of two things:
- That God is ALLOWING this to take place (men using their technologies)
- Or, God Himself is doing it.
I seem to recall the first round last summer, when I checked all my Bible versions (I study from many), each one had the change in it.
This time, appears somewhat different. It only seems to be affecting various flavors of the KJV.
Being born British my father was a stickler for proper English. I began reading at a very early age and was voracious. I can recall being very little and my father taking me to the library. My vocabulary as time went on became quite extensive. This is not to brag, this is to establish this thought.
Since coming into knowledge of God’s truth (keeping Sabbath, Feast Days and Torah) He has shown me HOW to find the true words which are meant in certain verses which cause confusion. I have tried in vain to share how to do this, but it has fallen on deaf ears. There is nothing I can do about that, as everything is in His hands as He has also told me that.
In this latest round of changes many have found the word “draught” in places where it was “catch”(KJV flavors) or “eliminated” (NASB). Clearly these are two different uses, two separate meanings yet the word DRAUGHT is now in both places.
DRAUGHT is an Olde English word which would indeed have been used in the context of fishing as it had to do with water or liquid being drawn up. A better example is the word DRAUGHT being used for taverns that serve beer or meade or any other beverage. We now spell it as DRAFT. The beverage is HAULED UP from a keg or poured out through a spigot.
If we consider LOGIC for a moment. We must realize that vocabulary at the time of the first mass produced bibles, was much less than it is today. Many words (as is widely known) in the English language are used for various meanings and we glean what is meant by the context of the use in the sentence spoken to us. Perhaps DRAUGHT is no exception and perhaps it is exactly the word that was originally there first. It appears that Orwell’s 1984 written in 1948 was SPOT ON with the fact that the “world” has made changes which we have blindly accepted and have been blindly guided as sheep herded into a chute for slaughter. The proverbial frog in the boiling pot.
The point I am trying to make is that, we must accept that innumerable changes have been made over the centuries of publishing books and dictionaries. Each generation has come to accept the changes because they were made mostly before they were even able to read or were first exposed to dictionaries. One would not ever know, one would just accept it blindly. Most of us go about our daily lives having no idea of what is being done around us. What is in the skies today is a prime example, but that is a topic for another day.
In short, we are LEMMINGS following the Pied Piper. Before anyone thinks I am accusing, let it be known, I have had to lump myself into this group too. I will say this though, that the beginning of keeping the LORD’s Sabbath, was the beginning of awareness to these things. In fact, my whole family sees things now as a result. We see what is happening in ways the masses do not who are yet to discover what it means and how it changes your life to keep the commandments.
I thought for sure, I had documented everything that happened with this last summer, so I went looking in my notes. Sadly, I did not document what ifeel for certain I did. That is I checked ALL of my different translations and ALL appeared to be affected by this strange phenomena. The word PRESIDENTS was in ALL flavors. Yet this latest event, they have changed again to what I believe they were originally. This go-round seems to be affecting only the KJV translations (as far as I can tell). I am including what I did write down tho:
Yesterday discovered more about this mandela effect. Hmm…I typed this out all in lowercase and when I looked up at what I typed, the PC had made it a proper name. I don’t want to give it a proper name. Anyway, I changed it back and now spell check is giving me the whatfors….then, I added it to the dictionary and it still wanted me to correct it. DREBs.
Anyway, it got me so rattled for the rest of the day. With all the madness going on in the world, I thought the one thing I had to keep me sane was my Bible and being able to study the Hebrew and Greek. Now…don’t even have that, thinking I can’t trust even that now…right?
I love you YHWH, I love you Jesus. I just plain love You so much.
This morning, feeling really edgy and anxious…wondering about reality and what is truth now.
So….getting back to this morning’s prayers…..praying about this “st don’t know.mannie effect”
Feeling very abandoned by Abba Father (if I don’t have soundness in His Word anymore, what’s left??), some thoughts come to me, after the words:
All the YT comments, some say:
Only a few are seeing these things (the word changes). Well, let’s face it, 99% of believing Christians don’t even read their bibles, so only a few sound about right. Only a few really read and study their bibles.
Since I have been studying about the 144k and putting together criteria that would define them from scripture, I began to ponder whether these word changes are of a Divine act, in order to accomplish a task….to train us up in praying, because I have no doubt that those who are feeling great despair over this, are now feeling lost and betrayed. Could that mean even the Word could be an idol in our hearts?? I certainly don’t want to believe that, so I choose to believe it is yet another step in our training. We now must put our WHOLE TRUST in YHWH Elohim. Then, of course recalling the declaration of changing word will be a curse. Then realizing that even YHWH will use the enemy to accomplish His purpose. There is usually always a dual purpose in anything evil.
I think it means what it says……scrip. I know the Greek word for “scrip” is pouch for food…..this doesn’t seem to make much sense in that it should just be called a pouch. SCRIP, Scripture, scribe……see?
So…..moving on……..the next thing that came to mind was the rapture that everyone is dreaming about or having visions or messages….. I have gone back and forth about this in my head over and over again. I want to believe that YHWH will take us out of this filthy world… but the scriptures have always seemed to point to the wicked being taken out…and the remnant inheriting the earth. Now, having said that…..other things are also rolling around in my head….more than one rapture…..trying to rationalize or make sense of Revelation and the order in which things are presented.
In many instances the season of Passover is when destruction comes. The Exodus, Lots’ escape from Sodom……there would be 5 months from the 7th month to the 1st month…thinking about the 7th month, Yom Teruah the Day of Trumpets, then the 10 days of awe leading up to Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), then the Feast of Tabernacles, Wedding feast of 7 days [Lev_8:33 And ye shall not go out of the door of the tabernacle of the congregation in seven days, until the days of your consecration be at an end: for seven days shall he consecrate you. ]
But even this Lev 8:33 implies a Passover thing if one reads the entire chapter.
Many believe we are already in a jubilee year, but what if we are not? What if it begins this fall…and then the next Passover will be in that time Appointed as Jubilee?
So…Jesus comes for His Bride during the Passover as it would be destruction at the same time the catching away…..but He returns with His Bride during the Fall Appointed times….my head is spinning with trying to understand these things, running all the scenarios…why??? Because many out there believe it is any day now, not knowing the Feast days.. and in 09 He said to me “Very soon”, that was 7 years ago. VERY SOON on His timetable (as He has none) has a different meaning to us here.
Anyway, that’s it for now……for this morning, maybe the whole day….