PJ 24Jan2017
This morning, I sit at the kitchen table, my bibles off to the left and I am in Jeremiah these days still. Chapter 6.
The first verses speak of trouble in the land of Benjamin and clues of an event happening perhaps during FOTs. Shepherds in their tents with their flocks.
Immediately what came to mind was how many Xian pastors take groups of people from their churches and come to Israel for FOT.
I am reading to my family the Targum Isaiah and it is much more insightful than our Common English Translations (CETs). So much so that many verses we find in Targum have much more to them, than the CETs. Also in many cases the wording is much clearer for the meaning of the message.
There is a verse, for which as I am typing this, I cannot recall which chapter or verse in Targum Isaiah, but the verse spoke of a gathering for a feast and YHWH was declaring that “they think this gathering, this feast is for them, for celebration, but it is for their destruction.”
I am a nobody. So much so, I am invisible to most who I find myself around. But a long time ago, I prayed and asked for the heart of Jesus. To see with His eyes, to hear with His ears, to feel with His heart. It comes with a price. And while God is all encompassing and what He feels, if one human being were to feel it all, it would most likely make them implode and shatter into pieces as the sheer weight of what He must feel for all people all over the world, it is more than a human could bear; even to feel a small token is grievous and heavy to my spirit.
So I am reading chapter 6 in Jeremiah and I begin to cry because His people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. I feel His grief and agony in me because this is what I asked for, and I am in spiritual agony over this blindness of the masses, and if that were not enough to be blind, even when presented with truth, they reject it and argue and speak arrogant and hateful words against it.
YHWH uses my physical being, my health to give me messages too. If we, if I am lazy to read scripture to my family each night, for whatever reason, my health begins to backslide. It is true. There are times also, when I should have prayed with a stranger about some physical ailment and when I have not done that, I will manifest pain or discomfort in that same part of my body.
This morning I awoke with a stiff neck. Pain turning to either side and going right up the middle of my neck into the back of my skull. Stiffneck.
STIFF NECK. The stubbornness of Your people to IGNORE the words of Your prophets!!!! Those who lack knowledge of You, all puffed up as they have heard what some man on the pulpit has said and they believe them rather than You!
Yesterday someone posted on Facebook that pastors, teachers and scholars are to be listened to and that the Holy Spirit was to supplement them. I sunk in my spirit when I read those words. I grieved for mankind. To denigrate the Holy Spirit to place man above the Holy Spirit, this is where we are, this is where we are.
I keep on praying for YHWH to open the eyes of His children, to unstop their ears, to give them hearts to understand and bless them with discernment, but it does not come. It does not come. And with each subsequent posting like this one (and there are so many) my heart gets heavier with His grief, not mine. His grief I feel for this is what I have asked for and I am paying the price. I am not in regret about it. No. I know this is what I am supposed to do.
Father, I thank you for those whose eyes have opened, blessings to You as your Word is true and faithful!!! But there are still so many that remain in darkness and I pray, supplicate to You Heavenly Father that You will have mercy, hear my words oh Living God!!! By the precious Blood of Jesus Christ, EHYEHshua ha Meschiach, the Great I AM!!! Amen and Amen.