Hos 4:4 Yet let no man strive, nor reprove another

12May2016 morning Messages

In morning prayers today, YHWH impressed upon me a few things I feel compelled to share:

The veil that separates us from the Holy of Holies. While Jesus may have rent it in two giving us a way into intimate relationship with Him, we are the ones standing in the outer courts and we have to be worthy of entering in. If we continue to walk in realms of unclean, we will not be allowed to enter in.

We continue then, to have a sort of veil still in the way. preventing us from this gift that Jesus gave us as our high priest.

What is this veil? It comes in many forms but all come under the umbrella of: "ANYTHING that is UNCLEAN":

Believing that the Sabbath is Sunday, rather than what YHWH declared.

Disregarding the ENTIRE WORD of God.

Believing and accepting that the "Law" was done away with.

Celebrating the pagan festivals (Xmas, Easter, Halloween, etc)

Keeping feast days by the lunar calendar or solar calendar or barley sighting.

These things VEIL our insight, discernment and understanding of the TRUTH.

Many Xians (of which I was once and still am a follower of Jesus Christ) who come into understanding of the Sabbath and Torah, leave behind their old religion and enter in to yet another one that is not fully in truth. They desire to join with Judaism and the Jewish faith. They follow and keep the feast days according to the lunar calendar and just like Xians refuse to hear about the Sabbath, so too do our brethren Judah, refuse to hear about the lunar calendar. Both are in error and so both walk in a partial veil of blindness which keeps them from fully entering in. This is what Paul was referring to when he said "Israel in part is blinded".

Truly, it is the SOUL purpose of this website to remove that veil. I love you all very much.

The second part of what came to me in prayer is this:

Demons and unclean spirits LOVE "guilt, anger, hate, racism, unforgiveness (others and self). and if a person harbors these things it is OPEN invitation for them to enter in to the door of your soul (the mind) and set up camp and make a stink. The following verse applies top our bodies also, not just the land:

Deu 7:2 And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them:

In the 1917 JPS the second half of this verse reads somewhat differently:

"you shall grant them no terms and give them no quarter".

In short, you can evict them from you.

They are "squatting" illegally in your camp, (that is the body).

It wasn't until I read the JPS wording, that the understanding of this applying to our bodies was made clear.

At some point I'll post more studies on this subject to help clarify and teach how e can battle the enemy within and evict them once and for all.

Blessings to all who read this.

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