I Googled this subject and many links came up. I suggest anyone reading this, should do the same. There's just too much out there to copy over but the main consistent definition is this:
The "law of first-mention" is the principle in the interpretati
Lev_11:44 For I am the LORD your God: ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy; for I am holy: Lev_11:45 For I am the LORD that bringeth you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy.
The swirling debate about new moons and months. Just as it is almost impossible to explain to a Christian about WHY we keep Sabbath, since they hang to the lie about the LAW being do
I love Shabbat with my YHWH. He shows me things in His Word , He leads me to His truth. This morning, I am on my exercise bike (for health reasons, cannot avoid this) and while I peddle I read. On Shabbat and even my daily morning exercise, I typical
3 different works will be posted here in sequence and all have relevance to each other. The Flood message, I believe, has more to do with the context of oppression and invasion rather than water. But I don't dismiss the water either as many have had
This testimony is mine, but I do not publish it to bring attention to myself but to show others how YHWH works in our lives; to show how learning and understanding how to
1Ki 6:7 For the house, when it was in building, was built of stone made ready at the quarry; and there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house, while it
This morning, in my kitchen listening to praise and worship songs and raising up my hands to the Most High in thanks for all He does for me and my family.
Yesterday I put together the first part, not realizing there would be more to this. Just this morning reading at the table during breakfast, I have a KJV and an Hebrai
Silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. A mystery for which up until the other day, I had fiddled with it without any success. Then, viewing someone’s message on
The house was built by my parents. It was okay I guess, they did the best they could. It was no mansion and most who passed by it never even noticed it or visited. As time went on it bec