Isa 1:13 Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even t
Many churches of different denominations insist upon their members using one translation of the bible exclusively. While this is good for the purpose of foll
There is a hidden Bible Code that I became aware of in the opening chapters of Genesis, which is visible only in the Hebrew text, and even in the Hebrew it escapes the vast majority of readers.
I am quite interested in Bible codes and hints and patte
A growing “thing” among believers and followers of Jesus Christ in all flavors of the faith. There are several divisions over the calendar, the earth (flat or spherical), eating
Below is an excerpt from an unknown author. As far as I know the original work was 65 pages long and this is just a small part. I received it years ago form someone else and if there's more to this, I don't have it available as I am no longer in cont
Over the course of time spent in studying the Word, it has become apparent that many dots have been eradicated. If dots cannot be connected, concepts are missed, a
Okay, this is an intense subject but so wonderful, so revealing and I had posted it a long time ago on another Torah website that is now defunct. So...posting it here and hope that if it's not understood, that anyone who reads it will first and alway