1Ki 19:11 And He said: 'Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD.' And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, an
I have done studies in the past where a pattern has been revealed with regard to destruction and evetns surrounidng the Passover Appointed Times. Just this evening reading in the Gospel of John, pl
Below is a revised version of the DYCAL which has been adjusted to align Sept 23rd as the 14th day of the 7th month. The Gregorian calendar we all go by is underneath the counting of the DYCAL.
Due to the different format it won't work to post it
I think I might have found a workaround, but the image will be small. I am still working with Ning to find a solution. I will also attach the entire file for you to view if you have Microsoft Excel Office 2007 or higher.
I have been remiss in this, but now will do my best to post articles which PROVE the words of Scripture. If anyone else finds something that lines up, please post it here. Thanks and here's the first one:
For all of us who began our walk of faith as Christians, we have been taught that "Jesus" nailed the law to the cross and we are no longer obligated to keep the Commandments. Much o
There are so many calendar systems out there that folks are following and using to count days, months and biblical feast days. We even have different flavors of the Bab
I have been thinking about this one for a few days now, but this morning in prayer realized another aspect of it. In this month, we are to reflect upon and release unforgiveness
In travels on the net over the years, I have come across a few who insist that the devil is not real because he’s not mentioned in the Old Testament. Well, just this morning, while loo
Many Christians are taught, as part of “the law is done away with”, that Jesus has nothing to do with the Levite priesthood. That because there is a new testament which “does