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Countless calendars being kept by countless peoples, one has to be correct, right? Wheel of the Stars is the latest one I am reading and I had an epiphany just today, that the one common thread in all the works out there is the missing God Factor. Ev
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Searching For the True Name
Saturday, 22 October, 2016
Shabbat, 5thD,8thM
Below is something I began working on a few years back. Just recently, thoughts about the name and how it ties Jesus and His Bride together began to form and a deep
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Dying for the CURSE of Sin
10 February, 2014
(updated 4 August, 2018 Sabbath)
Christian teaching has mistaken the meaning of the word "sin". Not their fault, but the fault of wayward shepherds who have not ta
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Here are excerpts from the Book of Jasher. This book has suffered much debate and scoffing and declared a false work.
But is it false? If the Bible mentions it TWICE, then that meets God's requirement for two or more witness to establish truth.
To sa
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Torah and the Sabbath of Jesus
(Hebrew word study)
Saturday, 23 June, 2018
The word “Torah” is found 219 times in the TaNaCH (Old Testament). In English it is most commonly translated as “law” and relegated to a lower meaning by vi
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Will the 144k Die?
Saturday, 9 June, 2018
Rev 6:11 (The Scriptures 1998+) And there was given to each one a white robe, and they were told that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants
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God’s Chosen
Saturday, 2 June, 2018
God just wants a family (Israel) to Himself. His inheritance.
A people who will draw close to Him.
But because He is holy, they must abide by certain rules in order to do so.
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Women's pace in Judaism
This article and video help us to know how opposite the two concepts of Judaism and Christianity are.
Women know they are more spritually connected than most men in Christianity, yet emphasis is placed on keeping them silent
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These offerings are from a member of this site. Halleluyah and may all who read these be blessed!!
Please feel free to add your own at any time in the posted comments.
We, the Church of America, united in and of Jesus Christ our Lord, command the ass
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The Seed of the Woman
Sabbath, 7th DotW
Saturday, 17 March, 2018
About God/The Role of Women
Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise
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Ezekiel 30 Russian Invasion and the East Coast
(Ephraim is America Series)
Saturday, February 10th , 2018
First a foremost, giving praise and honor and glory to Abba Father!!! ?That if my words and thought
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Abbas confesses they are squatters!!!
Read the book of Jubilees and find out exactly HOW the Canaanites ended up in Shem's inheritance.
The modern day Palestinians (Philistines) and their Canaanite cousins are squatters and have no right the land giv
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Making Sense of Jubilees and The Spring Feast Days
Saturday,27 December, 2014
Shabbat, 7thD 10thM
\Calendars\Enoch\In Jubilees
As the student progresses in Scriptural studies, patterns begin to emerge and these patterns are keys. They are
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Sore Testing for the Chosen of God
Ezekiel Chapter 21 verses 12, 13 (17,18)
Sunday, 10 December, 2017
1st DotW
It never ceases to amaze me how various translations can sometime differ so much as to (in some cases)
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