Why are we so Divided?
Monday, 16 January, 2017
30thD, 10thM
A growing “thing” among believers and followers of Jesus Christ in all flavors of the faith. There are several divisions over the calendar, the earth (flat or spherical), eating kosher, YHWH”s feast days over pagan traditions, the Name of God, the name of Jesus, the Sabbath and the list goes on.
Up until moments ago, I was at a loss to understand why, but I think it has come together. No doubt, many are going to be offended by what I am about to say. They will no doubt accuse me of being arrogant, haughty or something else. It’s really simple as it comes down to the difference between being “clean” or “unclean” in the sense of the walk and what we believe.
Paul said Israel in part is blind and Jesus told the Jews they would be blind as they rejected Him. If one rejects Jesus in any way, one will be blind. Jesus said this:
Mat 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Mat 5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven:…..
“Least in the kingdom”.
Walking in the Way of YHWH means hearing His voice, obeying His Word, His decrees and statutes, His Torah. If we fail in any one aspect of what that means, we then still have a veil and walk in partial blindness.
Thank heaven we have His abundant Grace and Mercy and He still carries us even in our ignorance.
So then, the burning questions that arise are these:
Just what might cause one to still be blinded in part?
Keeping any other day as Sabbath than the one which God Himself sanctified.
- Keeping holidays and feasts that are not His.
- Keeping His feast days on “unclean”(not sanctified) days.
- Keeping His Calendar using the sun, moon or both.
- Changing His Sabbath day.
- Eating unclean foods. **
** Rabbinic commentaries on kashrut explain that eating kosher is good for the soul and will create a state of holiness within that draws God closer to us as we obey Him.
When we think we know it all because of how we see the Word or who we have listened to that we think makes sense.
A spirit of offense rises up in us when others either debate us or criticize our views.
A spirit of offense can rise up in us even if what is presented to us is true and that spirit of offense gets agitated.
When a person walks in a realm of unclean, then unclean spirits enter in and take up residence or they hover around us and whisper in our ear. It is their territory, the unholy world and if we walk in it with unclean things, we tend to be influenced by it. This is the battle Paul talked about a battle not of flesh but of spirit.
If we walk in a partial blindness, we cannot fully have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit which as Jesus said, would guide us into remembrance.
There is also the taking away of the Holy Spirit. Many believe that once you have received Jesus Christ into your heart that you get the Holy Spirit and you get to keep it. Even the Psalms tell us otherwise:
Psa 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
Psa 51:11 Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.
Here again, we find it is the condition of being “clean” that allows the Holy Spirit to reside in us.
There is a great chasm in the church today, the people have not been taught clean from unclean, because the doctrine of Christianity doesn’t recognize God’s Torah, calling it the law that has been done away with. Jesus never said it had been done away with. The heaven and the earth are still here and His Word is still in effect.