What God do we really worship?
Saturday, 30 March, 2019
Sabbath (Passover – NewJerusalem Calendar)
Apologetics/Undoing False Teachings
Over the years it has been said that Christians and Jews worship the same God. Over recent years with the rise of Islam it has been said we all worship the same God.
We’re going to look briefly at all three.
Judaism is based upon the teachings of Moses (which really are not the words of Moses perse’, but that Moses was given the words by YHWH and commissioned to write them down for the children of Israel).
Out of the three major religions, Judaism has the closest walk in obedience as far as we can tell. They keep God’s Sabbath and His feast days and observe His dietary laws along with many other statutes.
Questions however, should arise in one aspect and that is their lunar calendar (Babylonian by origin, brought back to Jerusalem from the captivity) by which the Feast days are observed. We know that just as in the case of Christianity, traditions are hard and fast and over the generations passed, no one questions them.
Christianity sprung from the loins of Israel. While many might dispute this, Scripture offers up solid proof that when the nation of Israel split into the southern and northern tribes, the northern ten tribes became known as the house of Israel under the leadership of Ephraim through an Ephraimite named Jeroboam. This is the origin of many of the profane customs that are still in practice today. After the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, these same lost sheep of the House of Israel scattered even further away from their land, migrating into many other nations of peoples assimilating into their cultures and picking up more bad traditions and practices along the way. With the formation of the church in Rome, even more paganism gained traction and from this mother church sprung all the denominations we see today that fall under the umbrella of Christianity.
Most in the Christian culture, adhere to a solar based calendar, again of pagan origin.
Islam has its roots in Ishmael, the firstborn (but not the seed of promise) son of Abraham. Ishmael was conceived (with the bondwoman Hagar) outside of the agreement with YHWH and His word to Abram. In fact, Ishmael was conceived before God had sealed the covenant with Abram, before God changed his name to Abraham. Isaac (through whom the promise was made) was conceived AFTER God established His word with Abraham.
We find that Ishmael was raised under the same guidance of Abraham and yet there is clearly a disconnect and significant differences between what YHWH established with Abraham and what Islam adheres to. According to the Book of Jasher (Sepher ha Yasher) there was extreme jealousy and hatred from both Hagar and her son, so much so that Ishmael attempted to murder Isaac and THIS is why Sarah demanded they go away from them.
We know that within the tenets of Islam, their holy day is what we call Friday which by the pattern of creation is the 6th day of the week. We know they don’t eat swine and they adhere to other similar ordinances found within the Torah of God.
So, why are they so different? Why do they hate with absolute hatred anyone outside of their own, even the descendants of their own half brother, who share the same father Abraham? We submit the hatred was born of being ousted from firstborn status without the understanding that “they” had been conceived outside of the Divine Agreement and Word of God.
They keep a lunar calendar exclusively and the only difference between the Islamic and Judaic lunar calendars is that Judaism adjusts theirs by adding a month every few years (this done for the sake of the barley so that it will be in a state of readiness for harvest for offerings)**. There are more examples, but for the sake of brevity we look at the main most obvious concepts.
** Can no one see that this is an act of mankind which solely depends on what man does and there is no trust in God that He will provide for the harvest to be ready but ONLY if they walk in complete obedience to Him?? By their own acts of adjusting their calendar it is a declaration they do not have faith or trust that God will provide, nor do they walk in complete obedience).**
So we have briefly overviewed all three, very briefly, and in all three we can find similar ideas and concepts. Some truth is found in all three but errors are also found in all three. This should raise some questions in the minds of any student of Scripture that seeks truth. We know that Judaism and Christianity have more in common with each other than with their cousins in Islam. Yet we can easily find similarities that Judaism and Islam have that are not found in Christianity.
WHY, if we all worship the same God that is Creator of the universe and of mankind; WHY do we not all honor his ways?
WHY do we not all keep His Sabbath?
His Feast Days?
Let’s not begin arguing and debating the traditions of the law being done away with or all the other mistaken beliefs that have been swallowed hook, line and sinker.
Let’s examine with the exact and precise methods found in forensic science; examine the evidence. We must first and foremost consider the evidence to be the Word itself exclusively, using this as our benchmark.
Let’s consider the rule of scholars: “The Law of First Mention” to establish the guidelines by which all other mentions should be understood.
Then , even more so, the absolute truth of the Word of God, that should be embraced as ABSOLUTE, consider no other words of men, but God alone FIRST and FOREMOST and that the Sovereign King of the Universe IS the origin of all truth, the origin of all and that we cannot trust in him if He changes His Word and that His word can be proven to be steadfast in all things written in the Book He gave us!
Addressing first, those in Christianity and asking: “Do you think because you have Jesus that you can’t have the Ways of God also? Those ways being defined and commanded in Torah?
In all things, examining the whys and hows of the doctrines followed there is NO written evidence within the canon of Scripture that countermands God’s commandment about His Sabbath. Nowhere. The abolition of observing and keeping Sabbath was devised to lead us further away from God.
Also, for those who are indeed descended from Israel, they have been given by God, in His word, through the prophets, a clear and present SIGN, so that they will know WHO THEY ARE. This sign is the Sabbath. IF that day had been changed, then the Word of God is of no effect, the sign commanded by God has been removed.
Yet, many persist in trying to change that day to some other day of the week whether through devising a different theology (Sunday worship because Jesus arose on that day) or by trying to say that no one can know the true calendar or the true Sabbath day. WHERE is their proof and WHY do they not believe the absolute AUTHOR who began time and established it firmly in that first week of Creation?
A chain of repeating weekly days which has NOT BEEN BROKEN and not only not been broken but that SEVENTH DAY was ordained by God, BLESSED by God, SANCTIFIED by God, which is to say now, that this day cannot be touched by any other, man OR the devil. To say that this day has changed to another is to give the enemy power above God, to exalt the adversary above the power of God to establish a Holy Day, a clean day, a sanctified day.
So…WHO has the power…..the devil or GOD ALMIGHTY?
IF the 7th day had not remained INTACT, in its place, occurring every week in the pattern established by God, then Israel would not (in these last days) have their sign by which they know who they are.
In fact, most believe this was only given to Israel exclusively and while yes, to a degree of truth this has been established for Israel in the Scriptures, since it goes back all the way to that first week in Creation, then isn’t it something ALL of humankind should keep?
HOW can we worship the Creator of all if we do not honor His Day and His Ways?
Judaism got it partially right in that yes, they keep the Sabbath weekly, but they keep the wrong calendar so they err in keeping the Appointed Times of YHWH on the wrong days.
Judaism keeps the dietary laws as commanded by God and other statutes as commanded.
Christianity got it partially right by honoring Jesus Christ as the Son of God, but they err in not honoring God’s Sabbath day, following calendars established by men and celebrating days which have nothing to do with God.
The shepherds who lead the flocks in churches have done a great dishonor to the ONE GOD of the universe, the Creator of All by following traditions established by those who clearly walked in realms of unclean and the adversary had their ears because they walked in his backyard and not the Garden of God Almighty.
The shepherds cannot lead the people on the correct path if they themselves are going down the wrong path. Is this what Jesus meant by “the blind leading the blind”???
Countless testimonies from those who attended Catholic schools growing up of being persecuted with a ruler across the knuckles if they asked questions that fell outside of the doctrinal beliefs they were being taught. No wonder there are so many disillusioned people.
What about other denominations within the Christian community whose doctrinal beliefs are so rigid that they exclude others who do not adhere to dress code, or might partake of a beer now and then, and God forbid, if they do not JOIN in membership to that particular church, they can in no wise do anything for said church like volunteer or teach or drive the school bus, yet they will indeed take the moneys in tuition for their children to attend school there, even though they don’t belong to that church. Yes, the church WILL take their money and allow that one infraction (of not being a full fledged member). Organizations that absolutely SMACK of hypocrisy. Is it any wonder the Christian church is suffering greatly these days? Is it any wonder that Islam is creeping into Christianity and many other abominations are being widely received and embraced ??
Then we have Christians who embrace the Torah, keep the Sabbath but follow the calendar of Judaism and continue to err in the proper and true keeping of the Appointed Times.
We have those raised in Judaism who come to know and receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour and completely abandon their roots in Torah.
While both should be commended and blessed by their brethren, they are instead castigated and condemned. This IS PROOF, forensic proof that those who scoff, those who castigate these have not understood the Word or truly SEEN it, for if they had, they would know that these are the ones prophesied of, that will be called out first for the purposes of God Almighty to use them to instruct the multitude.
These should be blessed by their brethren but instead they are isolated and cut off from others and come against with such vitriol not in private but publicly. And even so is this divinely directed in order for them to be left alone to increase in knowledge in preparation for their divine destiny?
But here is something else that also might be happening. There is scripture in the Book of Revelation that might be a foretelling of what is to come:
Rev 16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet
Rev 16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
Three major religions, all vying for the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. All three cannot have, in any form of peace, this place unless they come together of one accord.
We are seeing now the forming and melding of two of the three in Christianity and Islam and it is being called Chrislam. The Pope and Vatican City have endorsed it and it is only a matter of time before it overtakes and dissolves the organized religion of Christians unless, unless they take a stand NOW.
Islam declares it is a religion of peace, but then one must ask themselves WHY do they kill and hate as they do? Even the vengeful and wrathful God of the Old Testament did not endorse indiscriminate killing. OH, that statement will most likely get some attention for those not truly in the know about WHY God does the things He does. Yet more evidential proof of ignorance of the Scriptures.
Should we allow others of different beliefs in our churches and embrace their beliefs, incorporate their beliefs? The answer is unequivocally NO. But the one thing we as believers SHOULD ALWAYS DO, is to pray for those who are not under the Blood of Christ Jesus, witness and testify, but above all, pray for them.
THIS is the greatest blunder of all. We think, we have been told, we have been led to believe, that if we allow others in (Muslims, GLBTQ) and then let them assimilate into the churches, we can change their minds, then they receive Christ, right? But truly the opposite is happening. We are compromising our beliefs to such a degree, watering down our faith and breaking it up into so many little pieces that any small breeze of adversity or opposition will cause those fragile pieces to blow away in the wind of apostasy.
In short, the greatest most effective mandate we should embrace is prayer. Pray for those who we believe are straying or attempting to change our beliefs. I speak not of the false doctrines that have infiltrated and taken out the truth, but the CORE and that CORE is this:
God is FIRST. Believe ALL that God declares FIRST and FOREMOST above all other things, above all that mankind has tried to deceive us with.
Jesus IS the Lamb of God, the final once and for all atonement for our sins, the only begotten of the Father of Lights. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one can come to the Father except through Him, by His Blood Atonement. By any-other-way, it is a robber!