For years now and it still rages, the debate about the Rapture. While scripture doesn't actually tell us there will be a pie-in-the-sky event, many verses even in the Tanach speak of Israel being gathered in the last days.
There are 3 schools of thought: Pre, Mid and Post Trib theories and these mostly based loosely on the Scriptures themselves.
Since studying deeper, I find myself on the fence about the whole thing. While YHWH God can indeed catch us up as He did Enoch and Elijah, These were singular individuals living in a time when any rapture of folks would not have had an impact on others.
These days we have people flying airplanes and driving cars and trucks and trains, etc. If we consider these things, we must look further into the Scriptures to see how this might be possible. There are verses in Ecclesiastes and in Isaiah that point to losing power. If that were the case, a rapture event would be more possible.
But there is another thing we must consider and that is the Feast Days. While any supernatural Divine event will most likely coincide with the Biblical Feast Days of YHWH, we have many different groups who keep those days according to what they believe is the correct calendar. Then add to that, Christians who don't even keep the Biblical Days. But our focus is on the folks who keep these Feast Days.
There is at this time, a certain prophetic teacher who is declaring that the rapture is hidden in the Day of Atonement. He presents an excellent argument as we know that YHWH does indeed keep things within the pattern of His Feast Days.
So, this begs the question of who is right? Which group has gotten it right and will they be the only group raptured? Will there be several raptures on each of these several different days of Atonement?
Then too is even if we get the day right, what about the year? Most definitely it will be in a Jubilee year, in fact most likely, just as it was for Moses and Israel, it will be in a Jubilee of Jubilees, meaning a 50 year cycle that is the 50th cycle.
So, lots to consider, lots to think on. If anyone has anything to add, your thoughts and ideas are welcome.