Hos 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge




8 June, 2013

Day 17, Month 3


Many of us are frustrated these days. We can't vote since it appears polls are either rigged, or we are subject to voter fraud in other ways. So many in power are corrupt, lying cheating stealing thugs. Laws are being passed under our noses that will eventually further oppress us. People are losing homes, jobs, families.

We're not finding any solace in the churches these days as either people are just not interested, their church leaders are not passionate, or we want to know more but even this gets suppressed within the church either by other members or sadly the pastors themselves.

We see affronts on every horizon of our lives. People with other loose beliefs and lifestyles, pushing their way into our homes, our organizations, our churches, our military and I could list so much more. They do it on the premise of their rights being violated, yet aren't the rights of those they invade also being violated??? Yet that doesn't matter.


So then, what are we to do? We can't vote, we can't utter one word about our faith or even voice those things that offend us.


So then, what are we to do?


In recent months, a pressing need and desire to pray more has come upon my heart. I try to do this in the mornings and each time I pray, I pray big ladies and gentlemen. I ask for big ticket items and in recent weeks have begun to see the fruits of the labor of those prayers.

If you think YHWH's not listening, He IS.


I cannot speak for others, but for me, YHWH shows me things in books. Little nuggets of truth that have been scattered amongst the most obscure places. Little treasures of puzzle pieces that fit together. These precious gems mined out of the most unlikely places, yet they have shined their light and illuminated scripture, circumstances and other aspects of my life.


In recent years as my walk has strengthened, at times I have felt barriers in prayer. They made me fearful. So fearful that I had possibly done something to offend Abba Father that He turned His back to me and would not listen to my prayers. It was my fault I surmised. The only way to describe this is like static interference, like being between radio bands trying desperately to tune back in the station you were listening to but some other signal drowned out the reception and it is lost. Frantically tuning the dial to find it again, but to no avail.


As I stated, YHWH helps me find answers in the most innocuous books and such has been the case in recent months. I read a book whereby the author recounts his experiences and explains that the enemy will cause barriers to our prayers, not allowing them to reach YHWH's ears, or if they do, then causing barriers to the angels He dispatches to answer them. CIP: Daniel's fasting for 21 days only to find out that Michael had been trying to get to him, but was delayed by the prince of Persia.


Suddenly the light bulb popped on in my head. Suddenly the words of Paul came into greater understanding:


Eph_6:12  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


This author went on to say that this was an ancient belief that between the first heaven (the place of air, clouds and birds) and the third heaven (where God's throne is) that the "second" heaven (not really a heaven so much) was a realm where the spirits of darkness operate (the prince of the power of the air) . That this was where they staged spiritual warfare of the type spoken of. Barriers they put up in attempts to stop our prayers from getting through and to stop YHWH's answers also. From this high place.


When I read this, and understood it, I knew I had been given a very powerful piece of information, a crucial piece of military intelligence that would arm me with the necessary strategy to overcome these barriers. It is now GAME ON!


No more will the enemy thwart my prayers. I can say it has changed my prayer life completely.


Perhaps at this point, you might be asking yourselves "What does this have to do with me?"

Getting back to the opening paragraph regarding the feeling of helplessness about the things going on around us.


The one place we can NOW GO (!) to vote, to make a change, to protest without fear of arrest, is in prayer!!! Armed now with this crucial intel, we can preface every single prayer, with words that fight back the enemy's walls and barriers.

EHYEHshua said that anything we ask, if we believe, the Father will do it asking in His name!!! We can REBUKE the enemy and make him flee from our presence, cause YES folks (!) he has to be in close proximity to us to cause this interference. He is not omnipresent, he is not omnipotent, so he does not see all and know all from everywhere like Abba Father does. MAKE HIM FLEE FIRST, BEFORE praying.

Then offer up praise and thanks and bless the Father, His Holy Name and His Kingdom before offering up your prayer.


Now, having said all that, what to do about the things going on that cause us offense and oppress us at every turn???

We can ask Father to turn around every single cause of offense and turn it into a blessing. Here is a perfect example:

Reading ever increasing articles about Christian churches embracing Islam.


What would happen if we prayed, that in every single church where this is happening, that we ask Abba Father (in HIS NAME) to pour out His Holy Spirit, His Ruach HaKodesh into each of these places and overwhelm the visitors and allow them to see how real HE IS and that they all become converts to Christianity.

What would happen if we prayed and asked for the corrupters in all levels of govt to be exposed for their lying, cheating and whatever else they do in the dark that they think no one sees?


What would happen if we prayed for ALL those who have the smallest spark of LIGHT in them, for YHWH to make it burn like a bright flame and that they rise up and be bold and courageous to help flush out these corrupters?


If we see, or hear, or read about something that causes offense to our beliefs, let's go to our heavenly "ACLU" where our petition of complaint will be heard. That the red tape of the barriers, we can break down through the words we ask first before presenting our petition. That the enemy must leave and we can protest this offense and plead with YHWH to turn it around into a great blessing that will glorify and magnify our Most High.


If we all, who read this, were to apply this form of spiritual warfare, can you imagine the impact? If we all, were to forward this to family and friends, asking them to do the same and to also then forward on further. Can you just imagine the power we will have in prayers???


Just think of anything, anything you have read lately that is happening in the world, that causes offense. Just anything. Any youth organizations that have kowtowed to the enemy causing good people to leave. Why should we just keep our mouths shut? The one place we can make a difference is in our prayer life.


Wouldn't it be better to petition to the ONE TRUE POWER in the universe WHO CAN DO ALL THINGS, than vote in a rigged election, or send a complaint which would fall upon the deaf ears of those being paid to look the other way??

Everyone's complaint is listened to, heard, recorded and acted upon if we rebuke the enemy from getting in the way FIRST before petitioning.


We have power to make a difference and even more power if we were to all do the same thing in our prayers. WE CAN MAKE a difference.

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