Hos 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge

The Adversary in Scripture

The Adversary in Scripture


2 September, 2017



In travels on the net over the years, I have come across a few who insist that the devil is not real because he’s not mentioned in the Old Testament. Well,  just this morning, while looking for something else (as is the case most often) I stumbled upon the Hebrew word Strong’s H7854 and it occurs in 23 verses and mentioned 27 times, ALL in the Old Testament and two of those mentions are found in the Book of Numbers which is of the Torah.So:


Numbers (2)

1, 2 Sam (2) 1 each

1 Kings (4)

1 Chron (1)

Job (11)

Psalms (1)

Zech (2)


H7853 from which the above word is derived, is also found five times in Psalms and one occurrence in Zechariah.


So, that’s a total of 33 mentions found in the Tanach, two of which are in Torah.


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