Repeating Patterns of God
(Revealing His hidden truths)
Monday, 23 January, 2017
2ndDoTW; 7thD, 11thM
Repeating patterns. This is the nature of our God. In His Creation, in His Word. They are like hidden pictures. Once seen, cannot be unseen.
The debates and arguments swirl like tumultuous whirlwinds among believers and scholars about a few things of God that we just don’t have enough information about to truly decide once and for all, which way is the true way. These include which day is the true Sabbath, which calendar, which way to observe feast days and what days they fall on. Many are using what man says instead of searching the Word themselves. It appears that religious scholars are really no different than scientists in that they form their own opinions about a concept, and because they have some fame attached to them, their word is taken and declared the truth.
If we have failed God in one thing, it is studying His Word for ourselves. The excuses made are “I don’t have enough time”, “It’s too confusing”, “I don’t know which bible to read”, etc. The list goes on and some are even afraid to be convicted by the Word, thinking that they will find something in it that will tell them what they are doing is bad and they must stop. What else they fail to grasp is this: The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit starts out as a seed, truly the words of Jesus require us to pay attention. This seed is planted in us when we accept and receive Jesus Christ into our hearts as our Saviour. If we don’t water it and feed it, it will die and the only food good enough for this seed is the Word. Living Water, Bread of Life.
The Old Testament. The New Testament. Just as Israel was split in two as a nation, these two parts of the Bible behave the same way. When Israel was one nation, they had incredible power and prosperity. When division came and split them, they lost it. Consider twins. They are so connected and if one dies or is separated from the other, they tend not to thrive as well as if they were together.
If a Christian studies Torah, they begin to see patterns. These patterns however, remain hidden if one has no knowledge of Torah. Seeing these patterns are essential to knowing the Living God. His ways, his truth are in these patterns.
A question formed in my mind a few years ago while attempting to understand the calendar of God. WHY (instead of beginning with the 1st day of the 1st month as patterned after Creation) do we wait until the 14th day of the 1st month for Passover? What if any, is the significance of waiting if the patterns of God’s Creation are to be found in His calendar? That if God is all about teaching us through His repeating patterns, what does this mean and how can the pattern of Creation be found in the First Month? The Book of Jubilees is where we find something that contains the very pattern of Creation which provides possible answers about what was going on leading up to the completion of that first week and the subsequent 7 days that brings us to the 14th day. For more breakout study see the following on :
Making Sense of Jubilees and The Spring Feast Days
In order to understand God’s calendar, we must first understand Him and His repeating patterns.
If God SPOKE Creation into existence, then later SPOKE to Israel in the wilderness and through His servant Moses telling them WHEN TO BEGIN, then doesn’t it stand to reason, that HE is the only one who can say WHEN to BEGIN His counting?
Were the sun and the moon there on the first day of Creation? And if so, did God use them to begin His Creation and counting from that first day forward? The answer is no, they were not there.
Didn’t God warn against idols and worshipping of the host of heaven? Yes.
Wasn’t the purpose of bringing Israel into the wilderness to RETEACH them of His ways? Yes. The most perfect example was the first thing regarding His Sabbaths.
Students of Scripture, followers of Jesus Christ, those who seek to know the things of God, must learn the lessons of repeating patterns. YHWH has given us everything we need if we are willing to open our eyes.