These offerings are from a member of this site. Halleluyah and may all who read these be blessed!!
Please feel free to add your own at any time in the posted comments.
We, the Church of America, united in and of Jesus Christ our Lord, command the assignments, agendas, and curses against this Nation and the People of this nation, and Israel, Void and canceled. The enemies agenda, assignments, and curses, from yesterday, today and tomorrow, are canceled and made void….. By, in and of the Name and Blood of Jesus Christ.
Thank You Jesus, for the Power and all its Glory, of the Cross. You, Lord, hear the cries as the blood spilt of those who laid down their lives for this nation, and what She stands for in Your Word, for Your will. We thank You, Father that their lives, and sacrifice, was not in vain.
(Gen 4:10; John 15: 13; 1 John 3:16)
We, the Church of America, declare the Protective, and Authoritative Hand and Word of God, over America, and Israel.
“The nation is like a mighty lion; When it is sleeping, no one dares wake it. Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed,
And whoever curses Israel will be cursed.” As Your Word is true, and holds true against those who oppose You, mock You, and come against Your appointed anointed. This is Your time, all Glory to You Lord as Your salvation does not delay. (Isa 46:13)
Your will be done, make Your hand be made known through all the nations, that You are the One True God of Israel and America, as You deliver our enemies to us, and bring them low and powerless. Those both, foreign and domestic.
(Gen 12:3; Num 24:9; Gen 49:9-10; Gal 6:7-9; Psalms 105:15)
Yes, Father, we will build the wall as it is Your will, and You will extend the boundaries as You bring low our enemies and make them our footstool, as we sit at Your right hand. (Neh 6:15-16; 2 Chron 14:7; Micah 7:11; Psalms 110:1; Matt 22:44)
We will restore and hold true to the Constitution, as You have given it for governing and guidance, as a foundation firmly founded in Your Word. We will carry our swords, and those who do not own one, will sell their cloak to purchase one. Thank You for Your merciful forgiveness of the sins of the nation, and the church. You are faithful, and we thank You, in forgiving our trespasses, and Father forgive us, and we repent, for our disobedience and silence for not standing firmly and boldly in Your Promised Word. AS we know You placed President Trump and Vice President Pence, for such a time. You are quick and faithful to forgive, and restore. (1 John 1:9; Psalm 32:1; 2 Chron 7:14)
For You will rise up Your Joshua Generation, Your Deborah’s, Daniels, and Davids, and pour out Your Spirit upon us, we will go, and speak boldly of Your name and Glory. (Luke 22:36; Joshua 11-12)
We send forth Your protective Hedge of Ministering and Warring Angels to encamp around President Trump, Vice President Pence, and all those who You have appointed for such a time as this. We send the Hedge of protection around them, and the Angels to go before them. With Your amazing Shamar Shalom over them, surrounding them, and all through the White House, and blessed properties. Angels, keep your hedges forever strong and powerful night and day.
We declare and place The Shamar Shalom of the Lord, from coast to coast, edge to edge, and through out all of the land.
As no weapons formed against us, President Trump, Vice President Pence, and those You have called and appointed, will prosper. No arrow will penetrate the Shamar Hedge of Protection, as Your Hedge can not be penetrated, for Jesus Christ has defeated the enemy, Hallelujah, and the Blood covers them. (Isaiah 54, Romans 8)
Our enemies scoff and surround us, some have entered the lands, remove those who have entered, and encamped among us, and those who encamp around our borders. Cast them from among us, foreign and domestic, out now, in Jesus name. Remove them, and prevent the enemies from entering in.
Bring justice for the righteous and the wicked, as the prayers of the righteous avail much. (Psalm 91:15)
We place the Shamar Shalom, the impenetrable hedge around our nations borders. Cover our military, and border agents, let not their blood be shed, let them not be handed over to the enemy, go before them, with Army Angels Shamar encamped along every inch of the borders of America and Israel and our allies. (2 Kings 6:17, 20; Gen 32:1; Psalm 104:4; Zech 6:1)
Guide, and cover our police, firemen, and ICE, as they uncover the enemies camps, and set free the captives the enemy has taken. Your supernatural revelation, and guidance for those victims of sex and human trafficking. As well as the ones speaking truth boldly against the sorceries and witchcraft of the pharma that seek to destroy Your people, and kill the children for profit and sacrificial witchcraft rituals. Shield them, and let no blood be shed, and revenge the blood of those shed. Bring the sacrifices to an end, now, in Jesus name. Including the rituals, of both the enemy and churches, for You do not delight in them. ( Hosea 6:6; Prov 15:8, 21:27; Isa 1:13, 66:3)
We also cancel and make void all (past/present/future) assaults, assignments, witchcraft, sorcery, and attacks against them, and President Trump right now, in and of the Blood and name of Jesus. return them void for Your Glory now in Jesus name.
For the enemy has been caught, his lies, slanders, and transgressions, along with all he has stolen has to be brought to light and repaid 7 fold, for it is Written and promised in Your Word. As the enemies words are made void, Your word is proven perfect and True…for we will have in return 100 fold of what we have lost in pursue of Your Word, and preserving of Your land. . (Prov. 6:31, 30:5; Psalm 12:6, 18:30-40, 105:19; 2 Sam 22:31, Luke 18:30, Mark 10:30)
Reveal the enemy, the goats and Your sheep, for who, what, they are by their fruits, You make the deeds known, and You repay, the good and the bad, for Your judgement is just.
( Isa 3:10, 17:12; 45:24; Deut 32:4)
For the time is now Lord, and we thank You, for revival, reformation, and restoration, of All Your promises, for Your promises are Yes. (2 Cor 1:20)
Place Your wisdom and knowledge in the minds, hearts and spirits, of those You have appointed and anointed to bring forth Your will. For President Trump, Vice President Pence, Secretaries, and those in determining seats, reveal to them Your mystery, and divine Will. (Eph)
Clean the Houses, Congress, and and all other offices, that are not seeking Your will, slandering and opposing President Trump. Silence the media, and those who mock and speak utterances for ignorance, as they are of the enemy. Bind up their mouths now, bring to justice their deceptions and evil ways, make their crimes and sin against You, this nation and the innocent a weight around their necks, as they knew well the damage they caused upon the lands, foreign and domestic with intent to do so for evil gain. (Psalm 37:9)
We will hold to righteous anger, and not allow it to slumber. As Your mercies, and anger do not slumber. You restore us as a Light to all the nations. (Ephesians 4:26; Isa 27:3, 42:6, 49:8, 58:11, ; Psalms 121:3)
Open the eyes, remove the veil, wake up Your church, now in Jesus name……. reveal to them Your Truth, Your mysteries, and Your Glory. Open their eyes to their error of opposing Your will and President Trump. (Eph 4:26, Psalm 7:6, 78:65; Dan 9:19)
Release Your anointing and power, today, now, increase Your healing, miracles. As there is nothing impossible in You. By Your will, and through Jesus Christ, the dead rise, dry bones come alive, hearts and bones flourish, and Your provision is abundant. On earth as it is in Heaven. As we sing praises and rejoice in You…….. Let it be….. as it is Written, Your will be done, not our own. For Your will, Word, and promises, are True and Good.
(Eph 3:20; Isa 66:14; Elk 37:1-14; Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17; Titus 3:5-6; Matt 6:10)
In Your Glorious Holy Name……. Amen.
Victory scripture declarations….
It is written, I will not fear, nor be dismayed, for the battle is not mine, but Gods.
2 Chronicles 20:15
It is written, for You have given me the shield of Your salvation, and Your hand upholds me.
Your gentleness make me great. Psalm 18:35
Thank You God, glory be to You, who gives us victory through Your Son and our Lord, Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57
Thank You Father, for always leading us in triumph in Christ, and manifest through and in us the sweet aroma of Your knowledge in every place. 2 Corinthians 2:14
Oh Praise You Jesus, that You defeated the adversary, and that You took the curse and fulfilled the law upon the cross giving us deliverance. For deliverance by man is in vain. Psalm 60:11-12
Hallelujah!! Salvation, Glory and Power belong to our God…. Thank You Jesus… Revelation 19:1-2
It is written, Behold, He will send Angels before me to guard me along the way to bring victory into the places which He has prepared, for there is not a day He has not seen. Exodus 23:20-23
it is written, My heart is upheld, I do not fear, I look up with satisfaction on my adversaries. Psalm 112:8
I do not transgress the commandments of the Lord, and I do prosper, because I have not forsaken the Lord and HE has not forsaken me, releasing the inheritance of heaven to me on earth as it is in heaven. (2 Chronicles 24:20)
I thank You Father, that You place a helmet upon my head, and cloth me with Your armor as Saul did David…… 1 Samuel 17: 38-50
it is written… Oh Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, today, right now, let it be known that You are the God of Israel, and that I am Your servant, that I do all these things at Your word and Your will, All Glory to You Lord…. 1 Kings 18:36-39
It is written, Our God has given our enemies into our hands, even the destroyers of our country, who will slain no more…. for this is the Land of God… Judges 16:24
I thank You Father, that You take what the enemy deems for my destruction and You make for my good to Glory You. That You cause all things work together for my good, for I am called according to Your purpose, for Your Glory, to represent You in the Gospel.
Romans 8:28
Thank You, Jesus, that because of You, we have the treasure in earthen vessels, so that the power of Your greatness surpasses ourselves, that the Glory is all Gods in His perfect will. 2 Corinthians 4:7-12
Thank You, For You… Jesus Christ defeated sin, You took dominion over it, You fulfilled the law, and placed me under Grace……. For God is Grace… Romans 6:14
I submit myself unto God, I resist the devil, and he has to flee from me, for it is written. James 4:7
For I am from God, a child of the Most High, I have overcome thee, because greater is He that lives in me, than the one who is in this world. 1 John 4:4
For it is written, those who wage war against me for Christ sake, the Lord will overcome them for my sake. For He is the Lord of lords, the King of kings, and I am with Him, and am called, chosen, and I am faithful to Him. Revelation 17:14
IT is written, and it is finished. The Son of God appeared to defeat the one who practices evil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning, and Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the devil, and with Christ in me, I too defeat the works of the devil in the authority of Jesus, by His name. 1 John 3:8…….Titus 2:11-13
Thank You Jesus, that You bound the strongman and plundered his house, so that he does not dwell in us, but that You do.
For You took up residence in me, plundering the strongmans house, binding and evicting him. And You being a stronger Man now that dwells in me, and no one can overcome You. Praise God.
Matthew 12:29 / Mark 3:27
Oh Thank You Lord….. it is written, that with You dwelling in me, there is no one stronger than You, that no one can plunder my house, no one can take away my armor, which You give me, that I rely on, Thank You Jesus……Luke 11:22
When Jesus had disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him…..So I also have triumph over them, through Him…… Colossians 2:15
Jesus was so powerful, even hell couldn’t hold Him……So God raised Him up again….putting an end to the agony of death for me also. Acts 2:24 Romans 6:9-10
For I rejoice in the day…. for it is written, the corruptible will put on incorruptible, mortal will put on immortality…..for it is written and His Word is irrevocable…… “death is swallowed up in Victory… 1 Corinthians 15:54-57
For then came the end……When You Jesus handed over the Kingdom to God the Father, You submitted to His will and died for us and declared “it was finished”….You abolished all rule and all authority and power of the enemy of this world and heaven. It is written, sealed by Your blood, I am grafted in, healed and restored by Your wounds…. this world, this flesh, is in submission to God the Father, in Your Victory on the Cross. Trough faith I am born again of God, and through faith have overcome the world in Him.
1 Corinthians 15:24-25 Isaiah 42:13 Romans 7:24-25 1 John 5:4-5
Seeing and knowing that His divine power grants me everything pertaining to life, and godliness through the True knowledge of Him, who called me, by HIs own will, Glory and excellence…. I stand victorious and blessed now in this life abundantly in all things.
2 Peter 1:3-4
I am no longer of Adam, in death. Now I am in Christ, in life, and life abundantly, For Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life; I live in Him, as it is written, I shall never die. 1 Corinthians 15:22-23; John 11:25-26
Let it be Lord, That I may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that I may have lack of nothing, so that I can be the Hand and feet of the Lord our God towards the poor, with a supply of abundance before I walk towards the need, for I can do all things through Him Who strengthens and supplies me, He who has overcome the powers and threats against me, performed acts fo kindness, setting the example for me, obtaining the promises for me, and shut the mouths of lions, He conquered kingdoms, He alone is Worthy.
1 Thessalonians 4:12; Philippians 4:13; Hebrew 11:33-34
As I align myself with Your will Lord, I surrender every part of me captive to You.
My only desire is for Your will, Your ways, and Your desires Father.
Take captive my thoughts, my agreements, my understanding, my desires, and my heart, bring me into Oneness with You.
I surrender every part my mind, body and my soul to You. Take me, consume me and do with me what You will.
My agreements, covenants, and all my legality, I give to You Lord. I am Your possession,
take possession of every cell, every thought, every emotion, and consume my being.
Break, bind and loose, all agreements, ideas, covenants, ties, bonds, contracts, thoughts, desires,
emotions, curses that are hindering You from having Your way in me, Father.
Steward me, every part of me, I am Yours Father.
Make my hands Your hands, have them touch and anoint with Your healing.
Make my feet Your feet, take them where You want them to go, stomp and crush the enemy under them.
Take my tongue, as Your tongue speak Your truth and Word to all You will.
Move my spirit as Your Spirit, for what touches Your heart, touch mine.
This is my confession and covenant unto You Lord.
Remove any contract, agreement, or covenant that is not of Your will.
I revoke, every and any agreement, desire, passion, emotion, thought, idea, understanding,
covenants, contracts, by my doing and/or generational, that is against You Father, in the name of Yeshua.
I revoke them off of me, off of my blood line, my children and my husband, by the Blood of Yeshua.
Restore the generational blessings on me, my bloodline and my children.
Open our eyes to see Your glory, Your provision and Your hand, for we honor You Father.
Father, send forth the Angels to assist in the removal of these spirits that are against You.
To God the glory, in the power of the Blood and name of Yeshua, consume me with the Holy Spirit.