Hos 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge

Follow the Word Trails!

THIS BELOW, is only ONE example of how deep we must dig to get to the truth:

Follow the Word Trails!


Monday, 27 October, 2014

7th day, 8th month


Emphasizing in all study the necessity for not just accepting the definition given up front for any Hebrew word in Scripture using the Strong's Concordance or any other resource.


An example is given in Zechariah:


Zec 5:1  Then I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a flying roll.

Zec 5:2  And he said unto me, What seest thou? And I answered, I see a flying roll; the length thereof is twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof ten cubits.


The word "roll" is H4039 in the KJV+ in e-Sword. But in Strong's Concordance, the book we find H4040. Both are supposed to be identical if referencing the same dictionary source, but clearly they are not. However, both of these word, H4039 and H4040 are related and if we reference the traditional book form of Strong's seeing it is H4040, we find in that definition, reference back to H4039. Seen below are each of the definitions as we find them in both versions:


H4040 (as found in the Strong's book)




(Chaldee); corresponding to H4039: - roll.


H4039 (as found in KJV+ e-Sword)




From H1556; a roll: - roll, volume.


But even with these two definitions if taken together, clarity to the meaning of the verse is not enhanced. We are still left with the word pointing to being an object called a "roll". Let's look at these two verses again and the next  verse:


Zec 5:1  Then I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a flying roll.

Zec 5:2  And he said unto me, What seest thou? And I answered, I see a flying roll; the length thereof is twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof ten cubits.

Zec 5:3  Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth: for every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side according to it; and every one that sweareth shall be cut off as on that side according to it.


Looking at verse 3, we can determine that there appears to be two sides to this curse and whatever this "roll" is, it can cut both ways. We know from other studies that the Word, the Torah can be defined as a sharp two-edged sword. This two, could cut two ways and if we are to take the word "roll"  and consider this might mean a Torah Scroll, we can apply meaning to it.


But there also appears to be more to this word and if we allow ourselves to go beyond what we are given and seek out the Strong's definitions that "surround" these two definitions, we also find something else that provides more clarity.

If looking at e-Sword, when we click upon a word in the KJV+ module, we get the definition in the Dictionaries window. Off to the right side, there is another pane which allows you to see all the words in a list and then you can click on any others that are there. H4038 appears to provide even more clarity to the verses in Zechariah:






From an unused root meaning to reap; a sickle: - sickle.

The only apparent difference is the Hey at the end of H4039,4040. Yet in H4038 we find the meaning of  "to reap" and  "a sickle". This provides much more clarity in that in many places in Scripture, we find the words reap and sickle used symbolically of a harvest, more specifically, a prophetic reaping of the wicked and the righteous represented as barley, wheat and tares.


If we consider Zech 5:1,2 then read again 5:3 with the word sickle, we find that this helps to clarify all three verses.


So then why not use H4038 instead? It clearly allows for better understanding of what is meant. Could it have something to do with the Hey?

Do we find in many cases where a word differs in this one letter, it has something to do with a direct connection to YHWH being in it?  Two that come to mind are Sarah and Abraham, who before YHWH made a covenant with them, were known to us as Sarai and Abram. Once covenant was made, YHWH put Himself in them.


If the above definitions of H4039,H4040 are any clue here we must consider that the using of these instead of the more clear H4038, has to do with the understanding that this prophecy which tells us of a curse going out has YHWH in it, to show us this is of Him.


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