I'll admit it....I've been in a fog most of my life, seems like running on auto pilot.
Then, in the late summer of 2006, that seemed to change. We began keeping Sabbath (YHWH's Creation Sabbath, that is the 7th day we call Saturday).
Since then, our eyes have opened up in the Word; watching movies, current events, sales tactics being used in commercials, at the grocery stores, even the so- called making the gas "oxygenated" in the winter to reduce ozone damage. (THAT one....a huge rip-off).
Can anyone add to this list?????
The words of Isaiah and Micah are ringing true in these days; what is evil is called good and what is good is called evil. BEWARE!!!! If something is touted as bad, it might not be so. And if something is touted good, really proceed with caution, always praying and asking for DISCERNMENT!!!!
The same can be said for certain esoteric books outside of scriptural canon:
The Nag Hammadi Codices found in Egypt in 1945
The Book of Jasher (rabbinic commentaries quote from this one ALL the time, but do not give the text the credit)
Book of Jubilees
Book of Enoch (Ethiopic version only)