Hos 4:4 Yet let no man strive, nor reprove another

What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name?


Saturday, 15 August, 2020

(posted 24 October, 2020)


Blog Entry


Recently acquired a facsimile book of a work published in 1894. The copy is marginal at best, many words are difficult to decipher due to such poor quality in copy. Add to that, the topic of discussion I thought would offer some insight on certain things, but even just a few pages in I see that the author most likely is not a follower or believer in Jesus Christ and seems to dismiss the work of the Holy Bible as just another historical book written later than other works thereby rendering it not so much. As distasteful to me as that might be, there are some nuggets to be offered up that might give clarity to certain things. Such is the case on a view I formed a few years back about the difference between being “Jewish”  compared to  being of the tribe of Judah.


Most students of biblical history understand that the term “Jew” was birthed out of the Babylonian captivity. Most students also know that in the book of Esther* we are given a clue that many in the land of Babylon converted to Judaism after Haman was exposed in order to save their own lives. The poor of the land of Babylon would not have cared much about that as they had no beef with the captives from Jerusalem. It would have been Babylonian elite who had the agenda to be rid of the people and they are the most likely candidates for conversion. Having said that then many of these “Jewish converts” would have returned to Jerusalem and planted themselves squarely in to the top echelon of rulers and religious leaders. These are those that Jesus railed against in the New Testament.

 * The book of Esther is not the only place in the Bible that gives us clues like this.


A few years ago someone online commented that Saudi Arabia was of Esau. Students of etymology become attuned to the subtle nuances of name and word changes and how they are connected. It really is no stretch to see the name of Esau in the name Saudi. The letter “E” many times is dropped especially when it is the first letter.


eSAU             SAUdi


Confirmation can be found in Scripture that backs up that Esau married into the family of Ishmael even after his first two Canaanite wives.


Gen 28:8  And Esau seeing that the daughters of Canaan pleased not Isaac his father;

Gen 28:9  Then went Esau unto Ishmael, and took unto the wives which he had Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael Abraham's son, the sister of Nebajoth, to be his wife.

 We can look at Ishmael and Esau separately and find in Scripture (and even more detail in Jasher) that Isaac and Jacob were hated by their siblings respectively and both desired to kill Isaac and Jacob. To marry into both of these families would create offspring who would have a double hatred toward the children of Abraham through the progeny of Isaac and Jacob. There are other clues to this all throughout the Scriptures.

 So, getting back to this 1894 work. Since this is a late 19th century work, spellings of names given are much closer to the actual authentic spelling of ancient names than our modern works written by today’s 20th and 21st century authors. Having said that in one place the author offers this up:


The Arabians of Audah

 The tribe of Iaudah (Jews)


Hm. Here we have yet something else to consider that these two peoples might be connected. The first thought is that they might be tribal related, but if we recall that the “Jews” [returned] to Jerusalem (from Babylon, those who converted who were not of the tribe of Judah, bringing their Babylonian pagan influences and calendar system with them and not only imposing them upon the poor of the land, but establishing these practices, lunar calendar system and a host of other things that did not belong in the midst of God’s chosen people nor in His chosen land or city.)


“Audah” might also be a bastardization of Edom (drop the M) or could be some form of hyphenated of esAU and juDAH. If so, then look at the name given to the tribe “Judah” as Iaudah and SEE in that name the connection with E-SAU/Edom and then SEE also that the author shares in the parentheses “( Jews).

Could it be…we might consider…that what we know to be called Judaism is the religion of the Jews (the converts from Babylon)??? That they took the truth of Torah and then added their own heaping of Babylonian paganism on top of it and forced it on the inhabitants of the land and Jerusalem? There are no doubts that during those 70 years of captivity, that some of Judah would have intermarried with the inhabitants of Babylon, possibly in the hopes of improving their lives while there. We already know for a biblically historical fact that Herod was of Edomite Jewish heritage. He also married into the tribe of Judah so his offspring would then be Edomite Jewish.


The point of what is presented here is not to proclaim anything but to jostle the brain and to open the eyes to seeing things that are ever so slightly hidden from view. Not hidden all the way, but just enough to make the reader gloss over something that might be crucial and they go on their way without ever finding out something that could be very crucial.


In recent current events August 13th, 2020. A peace deal has been struck between the nation we know as “Israel” and the UAE (United Arab Emirates). It has been titled “The Abraham Accords”.

 Officials say that this is the first step to peace in the ME as “apparently” the UAE and Israel have always gotten along with each other.

 Given the above discovered in this work from 1894, I wonder.

Anyone who knows their bible, also knows that the land currently called Israel is no where near the size of the original allotted land given. In fact it mostly comprises of Judah’s inheritance with Simeon, Benjamin primarily. The geographical land as it is in current times being mostly Judah confirms what God declared:


Num 14:24  But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land whereinto he went; and his seed shall possess it.


When the LAND was given in 1948, it was initially going to be called Judah or Judea but was at the last moment changed to Israel. It is primarily occupied still by those who came back from Babylon who are known to the world as “Jews”, not Judah. While they are keepers of the Torah, they still hold to Babylonian pagan practices mixed in. The worst offending practice that goes unheeded is the lunar calendar. Just like Christmas in Christianity, this lunar Babylonian calendar has transcended generations as tradition and common practice and is so ingrained into people’s lives, they don’t question it.

Back before the printing press, church leaders could keep people in darkness about the Bible, saying, preaching and teaching only what would serve their purpose. The common people were mostly illiterate anyway. The invention of the printing press however, set the tone for widespread access to the Bible and any other books. This then created a need for reading and so wheels were set in motion for the common people to learn to read and write.

Today, in our lifetimes, the advent of technology in the 90s with computers could be equated in terms of how many other things it has affected in our lives.

The printing press was the impetus behind the eradication of illiteracy, the forming of schools to teach children. Also, no longer just a firm handshake with words between a customer and business owner. Contracts could be made up, legally binding documents that established legal precedence and protected both sides of any deal. Books of other genre were being printed opening up a whole new world to people. There is however a dark side to all of this.


George Orwell wrote a book titled “1984”. In it we discover a world where the main goal was to change language and the definition of words but done subtly so that each subsequent generation has no idea what changes have been made. The dictionaries of today contain words even our own generation never saw in any dictionary from our youth or school days and the school textbooks have also changed. In them we see history either rewritten or omitted so that each new generation gets further and further away from the truth until people have no clue about anything and are doomed to repeat failing and dangerous behaviors, decisions and support movements which have the potential to create wars not only on a global scale but what we are currently seeing as a set up to civil wars within our country.


Thanks to physiological assaults such as vaccines and pharmaceuticals (which have rendered the population mindless automatons) and processed foods and drinks heavy laden with sugars, they are ripe for the political agendas of indoctrination that has taken over the public school system and even higher education. Essentially, our children are taught NOTHING of consequence these days and are entering the world ill equipped to do anything that would enable them to be productive members of society. In this techno generation children and young adults are addicted to computers, the internet, video games, social networking sites and have been raised with little to no upbringing in faith. These are those who have been harvested to incite riots and destruction in our cities. They have no independent thoughts about what they’re doing, no opinions formed by research or paying attention to current events. Raised up by daycare providers then shuffled off to soccer, baseball, football practice and games leaving virtually no time with family they have no real loyalty and bend like reeds in the wind. If there is enticement to make easy money by going into the cities to cause trouble they are easily motivated to do what they have been told without any question. Countless surveys of young people interviewed reveals their astonishing lack of knowledge about politics, religion, history, business, etc. In places of commerce it is even evident they don’t know how to make simple change to a paying customer.


While the above is a digression from the topic at hand, it is relevant. If The Powers That Be continue to change history by omission or revision these generations born from the 80s decade onward are the ones that will take over after the Baby Boomers are either too old or long gone. Gone with them will be more truth that will be demolished as a result.


We, the Baby Boomers, WE have a responsibility  to dig deep into as much as is still left of truth and accurate dictionaries and history books and even world atlases.


Added 24 October, 2020

 The various multitude of bible translations ADD to the confusion.


An example taken from Ezekiel chapter 26:2

The name of the city TYRUS in the KJV,BCN, Geneva, Vulgate ….

Is TYRE in the Targum, DRB, ASV, Bishop’s, Darby, JPS …..

Is TZOR in the HRV, Scriptures 98….

Is SOR in the Brenton



One more example of extreme importance can be found and it has EVERYTHING to do with Jesus, Son of Adam, Son of God Luke 3:22-38)

 Luk 3:38  Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.


PLEASE! Pay close attention!!!

 Throughout the Renewed Covenant (NT) Jesus referred to Himself as the “son of man” a whopping 86 times!!!!!

 In Ezekiel we find the same exact phrase “son of man” another whopping 93 times!

 If we read the Targum of Ezekiel the phrase is “Son of Adam” !!!


Personal note: In all the years I have been studying, having read Ezekiel countless times, I always felt that the phrase “son of man” was tied DIRECTLY to Jesus just as He referred to Himself.

With that in mind I read Ezekiel as if Jesus was being addressed and things began to fall into place with words of Jesus we find in the NT.


Having also read many different extra canonical works, one such writing found at Nag Hammadi Egypt titled “The Apocryphon of John” also stood out. Now clearly I am no one of any importance in the world of scholarly research and the only access I have to this work is through a certain published translation from the original Coptic language. In that short work the phrase “Child of Humanity” is found with reference to the offspring of the Father of Lights in Heaven. I felt in my spirit this was the same as Jesus but it did not really come into focus until I recently read this Targum Ezekiel.


If I plug in to every verse or sentence whereby I find either “son of man” or “child of humanity” and replace it with “Son of Adam” everything, EVERYTHING becomes clear.

When I did this it also hit me about the one precious clue we are given in Luke 3:38

Luk 3:38  Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.

 With all love I venture to gently admonish all who believe, follow and or say they are of Christ Jesus. It is the express duty of every single person in Christ to study diligently, to dig deep, to seek out the clues and I tell you a truth: This is not possible unless we read and reread the Scriptures and keep an open mind to other works guided at all times by the Holy Spirit with wisdom to discern the nuggets of truth sprinkled throughout.

It has become abundantly clear that Jesus referred to Himself as Son of Adam in all places we find “son of man”.

It is also abundantly clear that the “son of man” phrases in Ezekiel are also “Son of Adam” which means that Jesus was being addressed and instructed.

MOST of Ezekiel is directed to the House of Israel (83 times) and Jesus said :

Mat 10:6  But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

Mat 15:24  But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

Joh 10:27  My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

Joh 10:28  And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.


There are COUNTLESS other examples too numerous to list here, but any student can seek it out for themselves.

 HOW in the world with all this confusion is the normal person supposed to be able to connect the dots and make sense of things with this going on?

The answer is next to impossible unless they could devote ALL their time and resources to do so.

 CONFUSION abounds and we know that our Father in Heaven is NOT the author of confusion, the devil is!!!!

 Why else would Jesus rail against the scribes??!!?? Why else would Jeremiah declare the FALSE/VAIN pen of the scribes??!!??


 Be aware! Eyes open!! Take notes!! Last but certainly not least…..PRAY!!! Asking for discernment and for Abba Father through the power of the Holy Spirit to lead you into Truth!!!!


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