Hos 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge

What Wormwood means (COVID19 implications)

What Wormwood means

(COVID 19 implications)


Saturday, 1 August, 2020



Most scholars, preachers and students lean toward the star Wormwood as mentioned in Revelation to mean an actual literal celestial object such as a meteor or asteroid which will fall into the waters. And so the mindset is in place.


A lot of the scriptures can be allegorical (as defined by the definition in Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary):


2 : Having hidden spiritual meaning transcending the literal sense of a sacred text.


In this same dictionary we find some interesting meanings connected with the following words:


Wormwood, Gall, Choler, Rancor, Tannin, Enmity



Has several definitions that appear to fit the current global crisis called COVID 19.

Greek – chole, cholos, gall, wrath


  1. Bile obtained from an animal used in arts or medicine.
  2. something bitter to endure
  3. bitterness of spirit – RANCOR


  1. A skin sore caused by chronic irritation
  2. A cause or state of exasperation



  1. To fret and wear away by friction
  3. SEIZE



  1. A swelling of plant tissue usually due to fungus or other parasites sometimes forming an important source of TANNIN



Bitter deep seated ill will, see ENMITY




            Of various soluble astringent complex phenolic substances of plant origin used also in medicine. (see Greek word “Pharmakiea” [aka SORCERY, DRUGS])



Connected to CHOLERIC: easily moved to anger, hot tempered, angry, irate


Connected to bile which is connected to the word “gall”.


IRASCIBILITY – (this one has a huge definition of which would accurately describe how everyone is feeling being forced to wear masks and socially distance and/or isolate and quarantine)


Hot temper, easily provoked anger. Testy, touchy, cranky, easily angered with slight provocation. CHOLERIC may suggest impatient excitability and unreasonableness in addition to hot temper; TESTY over small annoyances; TOUCHY as in undue sensitiveness from either jealousy or bad conscience; CRANKY fretful irritability;

CROSS snappish or grumpy irritability from disappointment or discomfort.




            A European plant (Artemisia absinthium) yielding a bitter slightly aromatic dark green oil used in absinthe.



            Something bitter or grievous : BITTERNESS



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