Hos 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge

The Divine Year Calendar of 364 Days

The enemy has sought to make so many changes to time and he has succeeded to the point of confusion abounding.

This teaching will seek to clarify how the DY Calendar works, how it is laid out, how it fits with Scripture and how it clears up many mysterious verses. 

YHWH Elohim is all about NUMBERS. Nothing He creates has a name. Everything is numbered and so with that understanding we can move forward.

The DY Calendar is Sabbath based. The Holy feast Days will align with 7th days and 8th days with one exception that being the Day of Atonement, known in Hebrew as Yom Kippur.

There are FOUR intercalary days which SEPARATE the SEASONS of 90 days each. Each season has THREE months consisting of 30 days each.

Each Intercalary day falls on a Sabbath without fail, precisely at the end of every 3 months. This then RESETS the 1st month to always begin on what we call SUNDAY (a first day of the week).

Each set of 90 days are exactly alike, so in the hopes of keeping things simple, we will focus on the FIRST season of Spring months.

since there is much to grasp, more will come.

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  • In the image shown, at the top depicts the weekly Sabbath cycle, as it is a partial but is perpetual since YHWH established the Creation week of 6 days and the 7th Sanctified and Holy Sabbath.

    Below that is the entire calendar broken out into 4 separate sets to show how they are the same and that the intercalary days are not only what separates these sets, but also RENEWS the month that follows it so that the 7th day will always be on a Sabbath just like it was established in the Creation Week.

    This is the system that allows for the Holy 1st and 7th months to reflect the image of the Creation Pattern so that YHWH's Appointed Times will always fall on their designated Set Apart and CHODESH Sabbaths, on the NUMBER that YHWH declared.

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